Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

Pretty ashamed I didn't think of anything to do with Denver International. Are you writing up a post on it and that's why you didn't elaborate, or is it just a standard dungeon?

Pretty standard dungeon. The Hangdogs are plumfuck terrified of it because it's scary as hell.'s just a normal airport.
A bit of a waste, but obviously funny

The potential I see there is either Enclave or supernatural. The former I don't want to overtread and see as lazy for DIA, and the second I want to use extremely sparsely. I'd put some supernatural spooky hints as flavour in the dungeon but yes the comedy would come from it being built up as something it isn't.
The potential I see there is either Enclave or supernatural. The former I don't want to overtread and see as lazy for DIA, and the second I want to use extremely sparsely. I'd put some supernatural spooky hints as flavour in the dungeon but yes the comedy would come from it being built up as something it isn't.
Thinking about it, if I ever pick up that Fallout Colorado setting again, DIA would be the natural location for Robot City

Also, maybe you could double it up and put some kind of MacGuffin for the Eagle Rock tribe in there?
Thinking about it, if I ever pick up that Fallout Colorado setting again, DIA would be the natural location for Robot City

Also, maybe you could double it up and put some kind of MacGuffin for the Eagle Rock tribe in there?

Potentially but you've got to be careful on fetch quests. In a game where you can resolve that in an hour or less, it's fine, but in TT an entire session of fetching minor items doesn't come up satisfying IMO they've got to be very rewarding either narratively or loot wise
Potentially but you've got to be careful on fetch quests. In a game where you can resolve that in an hour or less, it's fine, but in TT an entire session of fetching minor items doesn't come up satisfying IMO they've got to be very rewarding either narratively or loot wise
Fair enough. Just make sure you put in references to Eagle Rock Airlines to build the world - maybe even have that be where you get the component, an Eagle Rock plane. Only other airlines established in Fallout I believe are Horizon and Skylines
Fair enough. Just make sure you put in references to Eagle Rock Airlines to build the world - maybe even have that be where you get the component, an Eagle Rock plane. Only other airlines established in Fallout I believe are Horizon and Skylines

The Eagle Rock one is a nice touch. I will definitely do that.
I think it's a coincidence, an assumed name taken by an Enclave trooper on the run from NCR. What was your faction?

His I believe was a cargo cult based around radio waves. Although I'm sure he'd explain it better.

My idea was about this UFO cult that is camped at the old Johnson Space Center whose founder believes that the ancients were in contact with aliens through satellite communication and radio telescopes, and that these aliens were secretly assisting humanity through guidance and providing knowledge.
The war interrupted the communication between humanity and the aliens, hence the current chaos and anarchy.
But the Signal Listeners believe that if they can restore contact through their "great work", that they can make the aliens come to Earth, and that these will either rebuild Earth or take the survivors to a new planet to start over.

The Signal Listeners would have a lot of knowledge about communications technology, computers, and electronics in general, as these are used for their project which details repairing pre war radio telescopes and transmitters, and building new ones in order to increase the power of their signal.
The Signal Listeners also restored contact with a couple of remaining communication satellites.

In order to make money and bring in new believers, the Signal Listeners sell their knowledge and goods to other factions and groups. Building radio towers or laying ground cables, or giving access to the satellites they now control.
They also offer computer related goods and services.

I guess it was indeed a coincidence.
My idea was about this UFO cult that is camped at the old Johnson Space Center whose founder believes that the ancients were in contact with aliens through satellite communication and radio telescopes, and that these aliens were secretly assisting humanity through guidance and providing knowledge.
The war interrupted the communication between humanity and the aliens, hence the current chaos and anarchy.
But the Signal Listeners believe that if they can restore contact through their "great work", that they can make the aliens come to Earth, and that these will either rebuild Earth or take the survivors to a new planet to start over.

The Signal Listeners would have a lot of knowledge about communications technology, computers, and electronics in general, as these are used for their project which details repairing pre war radio telescopes and transmitters, and building new ones in order to increase the power of their signal.
The Signal Listeners also restored contact with a couple of remaining communication satellites.

In order to make money and bring in new believers, the Signal Listeners sell their knowledge and goods to other factions and groups. Building radio towers or laying ground cables, or giving access to the satellites they now control.
They also offer computer related goods and services.

I guess it was indeed a coincidence.

Yes I remember there was a communication with both of us a while back when I was running my original campaign where I had a similar alien worship group called the Terrestrial Children in Utah - if you comb this thread you'll find a group called The Watchers who are very similar in principle but they're more secondary to the Brotherhood.
Here's a selection of July 4th related icons

Uncle Sam.png

Uncle Sam (couldn't think of a good quote for this icon)

Colossus Seal.png


Department of Civil Defense.png

Department of Civil Defense Seal

USSA Seal.png

United States Space Adinistration Seal
A problem that's occured to me now that the campaign is more story-arc than sandbox : player character death.

With the Prison Boys, this seems like a very precarious situation. I'm not entirely sure how to handle it.

Two immediate solutions come to mind:

1) The amount of actual Prisoner 13s is indeterminate and the amount of Prison Boys required to reset COLOSSUS is arbitrary therefore the new players can be other Prisoner 13s that turn up tracking the survivors Prison-Boys or starting fresh if it's TPK

2) the story continues naturally and if it's TPK then the Prisoner 13 arc is just over and eventually ARGOS lets loose on the Wasteland. If it's not a TPK then the surviving Prisoners have to convince the new PCs somehow to join them on their manhunt.
If it's TPK then wouldn't Argos be able to retrieve the Prison-Boys of the former PCs no problem? I guess then the problem is the Prison-Boys of the non-PC prisoners, but I'd think ARGOS would attack their locations, bringing the problem of Van Buren into view for the other factions of the Wasteland, so new PCs can become aware of it.

In any case new PCs is probably better than new prisoner 13s
If it's TPK then wouldn't Argos be able to retrieve the Prison-Boys of the former PCs no problem? I guess then the problem is the Prison-Boys of the non-PC prisoners, but I'd think ARGOS would attack their locations, bringing the problem of Van Buren into view for the other factions of the Wasteland, so new PCs can become aware of it.

In any case new PCs is probably better than new prisoner 13s

I guess you'd do a timeskip to ARGOS's completion and the havoc it's wreaking. Either that or I'd work out an entirely new player driven storyline with the players.

Either way, it sucks to have the storyline be on a precarious rope like that but such is the nature of TT. More Prisoner 13s would be a solution I'd entertain maybe once if they lost half the party, but not in a TPK.
Mini Lore post

Heartbreak Hotel


Located in what was once Delta, Utah, Heartbreak Hotel is a slaver town centered around an Old World Hotel with the same namesake. It's been run by Heartbreaker, (a name he took when he established himself) formerly a leader of a band of wandering raider-tribals, for about 15 years. The town is surrounded by junk fortifications, and originally acted as a chemlab, but that "industry" has taken a second rung to their new bustling business of slavery. Most of Heartbreaker's men live in the old hotel, but a handful live in the suburban ruins that surround the slave pens in the town square. The Hotel itself and the ruins of Delta were flush with Old World rations and supplies of which they still take from. Next to the Slave Pens is the Brahmin Pens, where the Heartbreak Slavers organize and pack their caravans to head to Los Alamos or the Grand Canyon.

Heartbreak Hotel's primary customers are the Bone Dancers, Rebirth and Caesar's Legion.

Heartbreaker Slavers dress in armored Bellhop Uniforms and take pride in their "professionalism" in their business. Carrying decent armed power, with most carrying firearms. They keep stringent records of their transactions and talk in very buisness like manner about "quarterly revenue" and quotas.

Heartbreaker himself lives in the "Honeymoon Suite" of the Hotel where he hosts a vast harem of slave girls which he calls his "Sweeties". Heartbreaker in his time since taking over has grown rather fat, his belly protruding from the Old World Hotel manager uniform he adopts.

Heartbreaker is protected by a loyal bodyguard, his closest friend from the old tribal running days, Koro. Unlike Heartbreaker he's maintained his physique and is a stonewall of an unarmed fighter.

Heartbreaker loves Old World music and basically has it constantly playing throughout the hotel and on speakers in the town square, considering himself something of a disc jockey, his holotape record collection in his suite something he takes great pride in. There's some sentiment in the camp that this old world pageantry is stupid and they had more dignity back in their tribal days, but Heartbreaker reassures them that since they took this get up, buisness has never been better. Without it, they wouldn't have got the Rebirth contract.

Heartbreaker periodically hosts parties with his men where they drink, get high and participate in rape-orgies with their slaves in order to raise morale and remind them why they're in this business.

Heartbreak Hotel is currently at war with the 80s war party located further southwest down Highway 50 as Heartbreak Slavers took two 80s warriors captive and currently hold them in their pens. Heartbreaker considers these bargaining chips, but he is sorely, sorely mistaken. Riding high on his victory against the 215 Vultures and their warlord, Thunderbird, he fatally underestimates the 80s.

The party can have relatively easy entry to Heartbreak Hotel if they appear as civilized customers. Either buying or selling slaves. Selling Chems is also a bonus.
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Not the most depthful of spots but I figure it doesn't have to be, it's a slave-lord camp with some additional flavour. If the players don't help the 80s wipe out Heartbreak Hotel, the 80s will do that job themselves as time passes anyway. Although the Stars Without Number rulebook system has a fantastic faction war "clock" system where dice rolls can help slowly decide the outcome of faction wars, stacked with biases depending on faction advantages/disadvantages so I could put that to use.
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