
I hate emos.....

Well just the male emos. Some of these female emos are actually pretty hot!


Just shut up and talk about how depressing your life is around me. And uh, take your shirt off.


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Is Emo still a thing? I haven't seen one since like 2009 and people have moved on to use "Hipster" as the go to insult.
I was "emo" before it had a name, well, to the extent that my hair was long-ish, and I often wanted it out of my face...
Oh and "you don't have to stay strictly on topic" didn't mean "go as far off topic as you possibly can!", WitchDoctor

And eh, yes, NMA allows you to edit posts. You just didn't try hard enough? :I

Valcik, coffee ruins my stomach, but I am completely addicted to my daily ice-coffee :0
I started drinking. That is, I've decided that Coronas with lime are, indeed, neat.

Summer holidays are here. Gotta evade the abyss somehow.
I started drinking. That is, I've decided that Coronas with lime are, indeed, neat.

Summer holidays are here. Gotta evade the abyss somehow.

Coronas? What? No man, no. You're doing it wrong. Try this:



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Uh, yeah, but you could always re-hydrate with water. Same at parties really, it's always smart to stay hydrated. It's a part of being responsible with your liq.

That being said, I live in Miami- the drug culture is literally all-encompassing here. It's mostly, at least in my group of friends, about experimentation- addiction isn't really a problem here. Dependence, definitely. But not addiction. Addiction is a consequence of trauma or emotional vulnerability. My grandfather lived under high-stress (of his own making, mostly) and was a paranoid schizophrenic, his alcoholism was a consequence. But the culture here approaches drug and alcohol use casually, as something to maintain a harmless relationship with. Most of the time people manage that- but it's not without failures.

Zegh, my condolences for your brother. I mean, everyone has their reasons for their habits, as a fatalist it's my opinion that no one deserves moral blame for their actions. I'm sure he's genuinely sorry for what he does. Still, it would take something big happening to him for him to change. Unless he's actually shown the consequences of his actions, he'll never will.
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Wow some of you have a lot to say.

Akratus don't be so hard on yourself. If you socialize with people online the words exchanged aren't any different from those you'd say to someone sitting next to you and that makes them no less real.

As for me...

I've never used drugs legal or illegal due to them being expensive, unhealthy, and interfere with self-control. All three things I've mostly not been able to afford.

Also alcoholism runs in my family. Either people I know don't drink or they're addicted heavily.

Amazingly I think drugs should be legal regardless of what I think of them due to the American history of Prohibition.

I will say I've tried to give up soda many times and the longest I've lasted is three months. I think it's the want for something to drink other than water (and soda having so many varieties) not really caffeine dependency.

The Vault Dweller
I will say I've tried to give up soda many times and the longest I've lasted is three months. I think it's the want for something to drink other than water (and soda having so many varieties) not really caffeine dependency.

I recognize this!
I thought it was the caffeine at first, but no, it's the bomb of sugar, I'm sure of it. I'm cutting down lately, but man... water... cus there really is little else. Orange juice, apple juice, idunno, it's sortof... boring. And milk, ugh, I can have a glass every rare now and then, but I'm not gonna turn into some milk-guzzler
I have replaced Soda with either Iced Tea, Hit Juice or Aloe Water. Aloe Water is for special times, because it's kind of expensive (But so, so good).
Watch out guys! Soda is full of High Fructose Corn Syrup (tm) and that's really bad for your liver. This shit makes people fat pretty fast.
Fuck icea tea, soda, etc. I'm fuckin' drunk on green tea all day erry day 24/7 bitches.
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