ConstipatedCraprunner said:
No, it did'nt. Most of the decline in lifestyle came from the old Labout part'y 80% TAXES t3h WIN days
Really? Then explain to me why it was under Thatcher, and not under labour, that the quality of life dropped? Explain to me why, exactly, the schooling and healthcare and public services were destroyed under Thatcher and not under old Labour?
What you don't seem to understand is that these are seperate things. There's the economy, and there's quality of life. Thatcher chose to save the economy at the cost of quality of life. A good choice? Hardly.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Alot of people get important free medical care. If a guy comes in shit, he'll get care anywhere outside of Lakeforest.
It does bother me, actually, but then again, the Canadian system is alot worse.
Yes, but Canada sucks, that's not the point. The European wellfare systems are general by far superior. The only uninsured people in the Netherlands are our drug-addicted population, even unemployed and often even homeless people have some form of insurance.
The problem is one in perspective. You see economy as something more important than quality of life. I do not. I would never sacrifice quality of lfie for a strong economy.
CC said:
No-but remember, this is a truly massive nation, and you can't really compare it to anybody in it's area because of it's size.
Why? It's just a difference in scale, y'know. Germany is a lot bigger than the Netherlands, yet they can still be compared, except for some factors (like population density)
Big T said:
Dude, Great Britain/The UK. Not just England. She skullfucked the Welsh moreso than the English.
Sorry. A Scot reminded me of this before...
Man, that guy was unstoppable once he started on "that evil witch"
CC said:
He's continued her economic policies. I don't think it gets more clear cut then that.
....Dude, that's not the same. Blair abhors her social policy as much as anyone
Her saving the country economically does not undo the enormous damage she's done.
CC said:
How so? Britan's economy was saved if anything by the end of old Labour.
What's the point of saving the economy if the quality of life decreases? Britain is only rich on paper.
CC said:
I know it does'nt equal Evil Commie, but I don't see Socialism doing any good outside of moderating some of Capitalism's bad sides. Look at Quebec, or old Labour, or any other nation outside of Scandanavia.
Like Germany or the Netherlands? Both of whom have fared a lot better, historically, under socialist governments than under neo-liberals? Look at the Netherlands now, it's going to shit under the neo-liberal Balkenende II, while it had some of it's greatest period pre-(neo liberal)Paars I.
Capitalism is also not a political mode, while social democracy is.
Look, there are no big Socialist parties left in the West, let that much be clear. All old Socialist parties that're still big are Social Democrats. Social Democracy has already proven itself to work a lot better than the American neo-Liberalism in Europe.
CC said:
American's stopped liking Socialism around the time of the Red Scare when it was Us vs. Them. Before then it was pretty much in vouge, with even a VP being a communist for a while under FDR.
Aye, FDR, the greatest president you ever had, and the great inventor of the Welfare State. Saved your economy, saved your butt, and all you can say about him is that he was the Red man in the White House.
And don't dare reply about the New Deal unless you manage to disprove welsh's earlier arguments about it.
(oh, by the way, just another reminder, JF Kennedy was a terrible war-mongering president. Just so you know)
MrMarcus said:
HA! That's funny.
I'm 30, in reasonably good health, never smoked or done any illicit substances. Health insurance would cost me $218 per month.
That's almost as much as I pay for rent.
Holy shit. Y'know your health doesn't really count for shit for how expensive your insurance is here, we'd consider that discriminatory. Yes, it counts for something, but very little.
Your insurance is determined by your income. Depending on your income, in your situation, you'd pay either 30 EUR a month for public health insurance, or about 120 EUR for private health insurance. And that's with the "enormous increases in public costs" we've had lately, a lot of Dutch consider these costs to be monstrously high.
And that's including full dental.
220 is quite a lot.
Not a lot for rent, tho', but I can only compare to Holland, and rents here are incredibly high, but that's an effect of over-population, and can't be put in the hands of any policy. What kind of living arrangements are we talking about, tho'?