ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Maybe. But Thatcher provided the economic boost Britan needed, and it certainly would not have come from the Labour party of the time. Heck, she was as responsible for the rebirth of privitization as anybody.
holy shit? Now you're going to pretend privitization works in Europe?! Are you INSANE?!
Give me a number consistent cases of privitization gaining positive results in Europe. Privitization wrecked the Dutch public transportation system and did nothing good for the energy market, as prices refuse to drop and quality is slowly lowering. Privitization wrecked the English...well...everything
CC said:
And stop dissing the UK. The fuck do you know about it? Hell, I lived there.
CC, you know "I lived there" is a fucking weak argument.
CC said:
Okay, so maybe the education reforms where over the top? It was in my mind still an entirely nessicary reform. Britan's economy was close to implosion, thus Thatcher was needed.
You don't seem to get something, CC. My viewpoints that Thatcher damaged the UK in a way that can't be imagined can be proven by showing how many of the UK's current problems are Thatcher's doings. You have a viewpoint which you haven't proven, and as far as I know can't really prove, that Britain's economy was close to implosion unless someone who did exactly the extreme things Thatchet did showed up. Yes, the state of Britain was bad, but Thatcher made it worse, not better, by switching common good for a strong economy.
CC said:
Okay, so in you're mind, no reform of the welfare state was nessicary, and despite the fact that you guy's don't even have any kind of next generation of workers sufficent to keep it up, despite the fact that taxation makes investment in the Netherlands for anything is way to expensive?
Heh. So the EU states should change their wellfare state? Ok then. Let's ignore the current economic crisis which has its own quirks for a second and dig back to Europe's recent history.
Explain to me, please, because I'm dumfounded, why what can be considered to be European's strongest nations, the North-Western Germany and Scandinavian nations, have the strongest history of social democracy, while Europe's weakest Southern nations, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy, all have a history of neo-liberal policies?
CC said:
You truly know nothing of Britan if you think Britan's current state is all Thatcher's fault.
And for somone whio "has lived in Britain" your opinions sure do not coincide with the general British opinions, hmmm?
CC said:
The fall of the British Empire and Britan as a world power ended under what party......if you guessed Old Labour, you're right! Britan was deterioraiting by the 60's, it's economy had crumbuled in the 70's and bounced up again with Thatcher.
How is the collapse of the British Empire Old Labour's fault? The collapse of the British Empire, just like the collapse of the French Empire, the Dutch Empire and all other European Empires, was inevitable. It was a historic event that had nothing to do with the ruling party. The French Empire collapsed under conservative governments. The Dutch Empire collapsed under Christian-democratic governments. I find it quite a stretch of the imagination that you can blame this on Old Labour, as you so cutely labelled it.
However, Labour was responsible for the bad state of the economy, and it needed fixing. Switching bad economy for bad wellfare state is no solution, tho'
CC said:
An againg population with the only growth coming from Turkish immigration that tends to not be as educated or nationalistic or wealthy
You think somehow that the Greying is Schröder's fault? Hey, wake-up call, the Greying is because of the post-war baby-boom, and it's happening all over Europe, including France and the UK. It can't be helped, all we can do is bite onto our systems for taking care of the elders, improve them and move on.
CC said:
taxes high enough to make investment impossible
Yet these taxes haven't changed much in post-WW 2 history. Not to mention the fact that Holland, lowering its taxes, has had worse economic development than Germany. Explain that, then?
CC said:
continuing intergration problems
Yes, I know, a shame, the EU countries all need to work on that.
CC said:
the expansion of the EU with Central Europe
You mean the expanding of the EU with economically weak, but growing countries? 'k.
CC said:
Compare this to America, who's problems include a budget deficit and a national deficet; yet we have a booming economy that does'nt appear to go down even in the mixed situation.
Really, this puzzles is a monstreous budget deficit NOT a long-term problem? You're going to feel the effects of this enormous debt. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but you will.
Also, this booming economy bit puzzles me. The USA is a recovering nation right now, isn't it? I have seen no booming economy.
CC said:
No, they are'nt. The founders of Social Democracy could'nt care less about the enviorment. The Green party traditionally was quite diffirent, but it's essentially become a party of Watermelons, like you said.
So basically they didn't use to be social democrats, but now they are? Ok cool.
CC said:
Kind of depends- there's medicade for the poor, medicare for the old, but the middle class that does'nt have enough money is baisically in the shitter. It's a problem. Still, we do have the best health care in the world thanks to privitization.
What?! Where did you pull that one from, your ass?
You're confusing two completely different thing. The US has some of the best hospitals, doctors and generally good stuff in their health care. This doesn't count for shit when it's not publically accessible.
Look at it this way. If you're stinking rich, you're better of in the US (or Japan, heh), but if you take in the general state of the people, from the highest to the lowest, people in, say, the Scandinavian countries are better of.
welsh said:
As a person who is living with student health insurance, with a wife who is job hunting and is uninsured, and just a quick look at the limits of free or low cost health care, well honestly CC, you're talking shit.
Just for comparison: it's unimaginable that you're uninsured in Holland. If you go without insurance for more than two weeks, your next insurance company will seriously want to know what you were doing without insurance for "such a long time". The only uninsured people are permanently uninsured, for the rest, everyone's simply insured, from high to low, jobless or not.