Any chance for Van Buren? Ever?

FarGo Traders

First time out of the vault
Hi all.

Long story short, I've been a longtime Fallout fan. Pretty picky when it comes to Fallout canon. I was planning to get Fallout 3, despite some nagging suspicions. But after reading through the various reviews on these boards, I'm frightened of the thing.

Been there done the Morrowind thing and Oblivion thing to death. I was hoping to see the full realization of Van Buren.

After seeing this, I could just cry. Strider of the Wastes tears, of course. :wink:

Is there a chance this will ever be picked up again? Any news, hints, remote possibilities of someone getting the rights to this and finishing it?
There is a russian game series very similar to the original Fallouts (isometric, TB), but it has crappy graphics and is quite buggy. I forget what the name is though.
This is a really huge stretch, but I always kinda hoped that someone would just turn the VB engine open source, and there would be a fan made Van Buren with the leaked script. Fan Buren... a guy can dream.
That is really a dream. Bethesda has the engine, and there's no way in hell they're going to have anyone compete with their current baby.
Ausdoerrt said:
There is a russian game series very similar to the original Fallouts (isometric, TB), but it has crappy graphics and is quite buggy. I forget what the name is though.

I think you're talking about The Fall. I thought it was German though.
Look, son, your dad is gone. And he's never coming back. But I'm hoping someday you'll accept Walter as your new dad.
The only chance for Van Buren is that J.E. Sawyer after finishing The Black Hound make VB in NWN2 toolset. I think we should start a petition for it.

Unless someone makes Wasteland 2 and it turns out as a spiritual successor to Fallout -- which would be irony of fate.
marko2te said:
The only chance for Van Buren is that J.E. Sawyer after finishing The Black Hound make VB in NWN2 toolset. I think we should start a petition for it.

We could also start a petition for Barack Obama to recreate Van Buren using toothpicks and glue. About the same estimated completion date.
I know I have mentioned it often but I honestly would like Brian Fargo to get his act together and start work on Wasteland Remake or Wasteland 2.

And make it a decent CRPG, not something for the console kids, they have more than enough games dammit!
I actually wouldn't rule out Van Buren coming out officially in some shape or form (not as a computer game, though). Stay tuned.
Ausir said:
I actually wouldn't rule out Van Buren coming out officially in some shape or form (not as a computer game, though). Stay tuned.

To bad as I would have enjoyed it the most as a CRPG.
Ausir said:
I actually wouldn't rule out Van Buren coming out officially in some shape or form (not as a computer game, though). Stay tuned.

:shock: Say what? As in 'all the stuff that Black Isle put together before it got canned'?

That would be the best news ever. :D
Barbalute said:
Ausdoerrt said:
There is a russian game series very similar to the original Fallouts (isometric, TB), but it has crappy graphics and is quite buggy. I forget what the name is though.

I think you're talking about The Fall. I thought it was German though.

I was talking about Dungeon Cleaners (Sanitary Podzemelij) 1&2, a Russian game. I am not positive if it ever got released in English though.

Fan Buren is possible if there is a dedicated enough fan modding group. It would take a few years though. However, it is not impossible. Look to Circle of Eight ( for example of how it is done - check out how much they improved Troika's original TOEE. They are also working on a project of their own (Keep on the Borderlands) on the same engine, but with revamped rules and mechanics, and have a demo released. All of that without the source-code, or even any kind of official modding tools.

Is it likely that this could happen to Van Buren? No. Possible? Well, more like a miracle if it does happen.

Per said:
We could also start a petition for Barack Obama to recreate Van Buren using toothpicks and glue. About the same estimated completion date.

...And about the same chance of happening as any or all other Obama's election promises :roll:
Ausir said:
I actually wouldn't rule out Van Buren coming out officially in some shape or form (not as a computer game, though). Stay tuned.
Didn't it officially come out in the shape of a demo?
Ausdoerrt said:
...And about the same chance of happening as any or all other Obama's election promises :roll:
Whoa, hold the phone! Obama actually promised to recreate Van Buren using toothpicks and glue? Must have missed that press conference.
Its gone forever, sorry my friend.

Also, Fallout 3 is not a terrible game.

To sum it up.

"Yeah, Its alright."

Its truly, an alright and playable game, not completely fallout canon, but not entirely not fallout canon. Its a love-hate thing.
Ausir said:
I actually wouldn't rule out Van Buren coming out officially in some shape or form (not as a computer game, though). Stay tuned.

Unfortunately, now I do rule out Van Buren coming out in any shape or form. Sorry for needlessly giving you hope.

Didn't it officially come out in the shape of a demo?

The tech demo was leaked out, it wasn't released officially. And it doesn't even contain any of Van Buren's plot.
FarGo Traders said:
Hi all.

Long story short, I've been a longtime Fallout fan. Pretty picky when it comes to Fallout canon. I was planning to get Fallout 3, despite some nagging suspicions. But after reading through the various reviews on these boards, I'm frightened of the thing.

Been there done the Morrowind thing and Oblivion thing to death. I was hoping to see the full realization of Van Buren.

After seeing this, I could just cry. Strider of the Wastes tears, of course. :wink:

Is there a chance this will ever be picked up again? Any news, hints, remote possibilities of someone getting the rights to this and finishing it?

Personally I think Fallout 3 is worth checking out, but you might get quite negative answers here, NMA forums is apparently quite anti Fallout 3 so to say