UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I strongly disagree, but hey I could care less if you hate Fallout 3, I just wish everyone would stop saying Fallout is dead, because from what I have seen here it is far from dead.
Not Fallout per se is "dead". But its feature is. With Bethesda anyway.
What ever if Fallout 3 is a fun game or not is debatable. But that it lacks many of Fallout typical qualities is not. really its rather pretty easy to see what made the games great. And parts of it have been the PnP mechanics. Some mean its not, but well I think the original devs know it best, and its what they said.
On the other hand, Bethesda has with their game created a different audience which many can be described as "Fallout tourists". They believe the setting is all what makes Fallout ignoring its mechanics. But its not going to work that way. You cant just take a whole bole of icing and call it a cake cause you dont like the flan case. But thats what Bethesda does offer with their game. Just the icing and telling the "PnP" are not modern anymore.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Like I said, I could care less if you like Fallout 3 or not, I'm more irritated that you are calling it mediocre when it obviously isn't, Too Human is mediocre, Fracture is mediocre, Fallout 3 is far from it. the dialogue is as good as the dialogue in Fallout, it has such a similar feel I looked up to see if the writers of Fallout had any input in the project.
but anyways if you want to continue arguing, PM me, I don't want to get banned for hijacking a thread.
You will not be banned for anything here if you dont insult someone. This is not the Bethesda forum afterall. Youcan even say that you dont like the NMA community and will not get any warning. Though it would be of course a bit pointless posting then

but I am just saying you know I think you get the point.
But I really loost you here, what makes you think the "dialogues" in F3 are on par with Fallout 1 and 2 ? That not every written dialogue in F1 and 2 are on the level of Shakespeare is obvious but Bethesdas writters clearly have no experience when it comes to well written dialogues in F1 and F2 you have short writting where it fitts a conversation with a local farmer will not have the same quality as one with a scientist in Vault City same with Rhombus or Harrold and Seth and here you always have a possiblity for different answers. F3 for that matter just has far to many plott holes and way to many dialogues that are not representative for your role or stats. You can have 10 points in intelligence and still your character will most of the timge give answers a 12 year old could throw out, Fighting the "good" fight huh? Or your conversation alone with President Eden, the Ant scientist, etc. etc. and most of the "difference" in your choices comes with just a different answer but has the same result. It has most of the time no different outcome if I either give a answer with Charisma, Intelligence or Perception (serously now ... whats great about the answer "I hear my genes crying!"), part of it is even game breaking, like the stupid "I dont want to remove your destiny" babling from your followers in the purifier, is that any kind of good dialogues? I dont think so.
Fallout 3 isnt even a good RPG to speak so, leaving alone a good Fallout game. Bethesda should seriously try to learn making "proper" RPGs before they even try to atempt to work on Fallout 3. I think most people would bitch a lot less if at least the content in the game would have as RPG any value, but even most choices you have are only superficial, in many important situations you are forced to do exactly one thing. YOu have to follow a certain path and are at least in the main quest railroaded so heavily that its not funny anymore, how can really one talk here about "non linear" gameplay? You always have to work with the Brotherhood in the end, if you like it or not, if you killed half of their base or the wasteland doesnt matter. They will offer you help regardless what happend.
If you have played Fallout 1 and 2 which you say you have you eventualy noticed that Fallout usualy offered you here much more freedom. At no point have you been dependent on the help of either the Brotherhood or many other "factions". You could shape the story to your own liking completely ignoring the Brotherhood, hell if you would have knew about the plot you could have straight moved to the Church and Mariposa and solving the whole game before it even started (I am NOT talking about a speed run!) if you had tagged the right skills!.