Moe Canibo said:
Not every Nazi was responsible for the holocaust. Was Nazism bad?
but was every nazi bad ? That is the important question.
On the other side. Every discussion which gets "nazis" inside - by a simple senseless comparison like you did, gets pretty much killed. Simply because it holds no ground and is not very good. We should leave the nazis out of this. It serve no purpose then opening a whole new can of worms
You have to ask your self one thing first.
Are all religions the same ? Yes ? No ? Definitely No. Then why doing the same mistake here like many of those so called
intellectual anti-religion fighters which think its all simply the pure evil.
People have always been killed, manipulated and tortured for either spiritual or material reasons. Whole stories have been written about it. Why did Alexander conquered half of the known world ? Why did the Nazis started their wars ? What was the reason for the crusades ? It are all very complex topics. And religion is not a simple white or black situation. It never was.
People tend to see the Islam and think its "one side" of the spectrum. That fanatism is a daily routine. But they forget its a religion which had more then 1000 years to evolve. What we see today or what we know by the public media is just a glimpse of it. And I doubt someone posting in here is either a professional for the Islam or Religion in general - no you don't have to follow it to study it I am talking about real education from a college and yes it makes a difference. Actually when it comes to religion fanatism is if people believe it or not rather "rare". Only a handful of people are usually that fanatic. Why ? Because living in extremes is very unhealthy. Even for the fanatics. Most of the time people actually try to co-exist with each other if possible. Under the surface even in totalitarian states the ordinary people are never "true followers". They just fear to get killed/tortured. Hence why pretty much any oppression be it by religion or idealogy gets overturned at some point.
Just pointing with the finger on some case and telling "religion is bad mkay!" will not help in any way. It is way to simple. I follow for example very closely Buddhism. Why do people think religion is a bad thing ? As long people don't hurt others I don't see why not everyone should believe what he wants. And I think many cultures are very interesting because they have eventually a completely different view and religion. I give for example the way how Inuits see the world just as much value like with the teachings of Buddha or the praying from Jesus.
Moe Canibo said:
Yamu said:
If we're talking about religion as a whole, that's at least as valid as anything you've had to say in this thread so far.
It certainly is. But this is 21. century. time for good ol' plain reason and logic.
No need for flaming bushes and invisible lightning throwing men any more.
Why does it bother you if someone beliefs in it as long he is neither a fanatic nor hurting/convincing anyone ?
Believing in a burning talking bush is just as viable like believing in black holes. Sure the first is much less likely then the second case. But still people many times follow a believing because many people simply say "it has to be that way!" or because it has become popular - there was a time when people thought radiation was harmless you know.
But has it really all to be that way ? I mean do you posses the intellect to really calculate black holes or understand the math behind it ? I sure don't but I do believe in the logic behind how scienctists explained it so I think there are black holes out there but I don't take it as undisputable fact. After all time and knowledge change and each day we can learn more.
I am not saying the one is right and the other wrong. I am just saying that when it comes to the world around us there is only very very very little we really know or that we can check by our selfs. So one should have a bit more respect from other opinions even if they don't fit their own imagination and idea about the world. Because talking over others from a high horse sure helps not to make the argument stronger. I am just saying.
Imagine someone in thousand years is using a ship traveling between the stars and reveals that what we have as core in our milky way is not a huge black hole but a burning bush.