Moe Canibo said:
It is harmful to the individual
So is literally any social movement ever. True freedom is anarchy and anything opposite to that is detrimental to the individual
Except that there is a big difference between harmfulness brought to individual by say a Denmarkesque democracy and harmfulness brought by indoctrination, discrimination, gender violence, dogma worshipping, etc.
promotes wars, terrorism,
In some people. In some people the desire to see the world unpolluted leads them to kill innocent people, what's your point?
Only difference being that wars led in the name of invisible man in the sky throughout history brought more horror and death then if right now some Save Whales group wiped the planet squeaky clean with rad mushrooms.
When I went on the Haj when I was 17 I saw more races living, believing, and loving together than anywhere else (and I live in New York, Melting pot of the earth)
Why do you think i have something against islam per se. I'm talking about every organized religion in general.
Christianity turned blind eye or silently promoted slavery and slaver capitalists as long as it existed in USA, English, Brazil, other south American countries, etc.
The monstrousity that was Apartheid was the machination of some of the Calvinist and other christian churches.
Most of the Mormons deny black people to hold the priesthood, and continue to deny activity in the church due to race.
I wont list any further or any other religions.
impedes the progress of science,
Hindus created surgery. Muslims modernized Math. Christians made Navigation easy
Are you for real? This is one of the most self evident things that really needs no explanation and stretches to this very day. Are you really trying to argue this of all things?
Because what you think is automatically right. Forgot that you knew the entire make up of the universe and all existence.
No i don't, but teaching someone that a mythical fairy tale is true as opposed to a logical fact backed by a million of other logical proven facts is simply fuckin retarded.
indoctrinates into sheeplike state of mind, seeks submission to braindead mythical dogmas,
Um what?
encourages subjugation of women
I'm so subjugated guys. That's why the Koran says that Allah views all people as equals. Didn't you know it was written on opposite day?
You really belive this? You, a muslim of all things are trying to argue if women are oppresed as opposed to males?

And please don't give me some verbal acrobatics about this, everyone knows what was the position of women in religions like christianity and islam since the dawn of time all the way til now in some places.
promotes homophobia and child abuse.
Not really. Most religious people I know (including myself) are pretty okay with gay people. And how do religious people hurt kids? that's a universal trait of humanity I'm afraid.
Mainstream organized religion is pro choosing sexual orientation? Wow, this is a new one. What's next, black Pope?
EDIT: forgot to explain the child abuse part. Sorry.
It is a tool whereby the masses can shortly relieve their suffering via the act of experiencing religious emotions. It is in the interest of the ruling classes to instill in the masses the religious conviction that their current suffering will lead to eventual happiness. Therefore as long as the people support religion, they will not attempt to make any genuine effort to understand and overcome the real source of their suffering.
There is no one source of suffering...
No, there are many, many of wich are trying to get camouflaged and muffled via the process mentioned above.
The various modes of religion which are all considered by the people as equally true, by the philosopher as equally false, and by the politician as equally useful.
Religions die. Every single religion that existed since the dawn of mankind has died. For hundreds of years people are slowly taking off the shackles of religion and turning to reason and logic. Every single day the children of men kill a piece of dogma and mysticism. Every single day the people are getting more and more liberated from the lies, corruption and the hipocrisy of organized religion. Good job peole of Earth. Viva the goddamn fuckin brain.