There are certainly forces influencing our every choice, as I said in my post that mentioned this whole free will thing. Whether it's peer pressure, some environmental factors, or even our personal biological factors like a mood affected by a physical sensation or condition, there are always constant forces pushing us toward the choices we make. There is simply no denying that. This is the reason why a human being cannot, for example, draw a concept that is not based on something they already saw (at least that's what they say).
Does this mean that we are not responsible for what we do though? Absolutely not. Sure, every decision we make comes from somewhere but there are factors influencing us to act in one direction and there are factors influencing us to act in the opposite direction as well. One side may outweigh the other but it is ultimately the question of which one an individual chooses to go with. This is why in every group of life-long brothers in douchebaggery, there is a decent guy. We are not mindless mechanisms of perception and reaction. At the end of the day, we govern ourselves and we can take time to consider our decisions and choose the influencing factors to go with, those that make sense to us, instead of allowing them to govern out choices automatically.
Now, I may be wrong about this but so can be the opposite view. Noone can really claim to
know just quite yet.
We are animals though, and whilst we have far more advanced minds than all other animals on this planet, a lot less actually separates us than many of us would like to believe. By the standards of the Earth, we are pretty nifty constructs. By the standards of the Galaxy though? Our Galactic cluster? Super cluster? It's beyond reasonable doubt that extra terrestrial life exists, it's even highly likely that other intelligent life forms exists in our Galaxy, possibly several hundred different intelligent species. Our Galaxy is a speck of dust relative to the universe as a whole, and the universe is a minuscule component of something much greater. I wonder if an alien intelligence would view us as special? If they had the ability to view us at all, then the answer is probably '
Interesting point here. I think that the fact that our planet is less than a grain of sand in the cosmos, does not make us less significant in any way whatsoever. It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. Considering how scientifically improbable existence of any complex life on an average planet is, it's entirely possible that we are the only beings in our entire cluster.
Now, taking into account the sheer number of stars out there, I don't believe that and NASA has already found other planets that are potentially similar to Earth but when we start factoring in aliens and similar possibilities, we start speaking in what-ifs. Intelligent life may be out there, and I believe it is, but it's still a theory. And if it is out there, who is to say that the aliens are anymore special than we are? Perhaps their whole understanding of life is to kidnap people, probe them, and put videos up on galactic youtube. Maybe they are the equivalent of the most annoying and immature teenager on xbox live who just happened to be good at building awesome spaceships. Maybe, they lack any personality or individuality at all and roam the space, trying not to interfere with anything, as natural breathing computer-like intelligence that will seem very emotionless and lifeless to us, like a tree with an AI or a walking iPhone. My laptop can do things within seconds that I cannot do in an hour, does it make it more important?
I think that every creature is equally important and has an equally important role to play in the development of life. In some religions, every insect has a soul. Believing in God does not mean believing that humans are it and everything else is crap. It does mean that they are tested in a way unique to human beings and everything else has their own way.