Vault Senior Citizen

God, what a tough choice. Fallout and Fallout 2 have the best gameplay of course. Fallout has the better story and best atmosphere, but my god is Fallout 2 fun. So much to do, so many interesting quests and people. But then there's also Fallout New Vegas, my modern gaming love. It has Bethesda's garbage engine and gameplay, but it not only balances the more whacky elements of Fallout 2 perfectly with the atmospheric tone of Fallout, but also tells the second best story and introduces the best characters introduced to the series.
Really can't decide at the moment. Really tempted by Fallout 2, just for the glorious gaming experience, but my artistic integrity demands Fallout or Fallout New Vegas. Should probably get round to playing Tactics as well, so maybe it isn't fair for me to vote yet.
Really can't decide at the moment. Really tempted by Fallout 2, just for the glorious gaming experience, but my artistic integrity demands Fallout or Fallout New Vegas. Should probably get round to playing Tactics as well, so maybe it isn't fair for me to vote yet.