A bit offtopic but I felt like sharing, so on the Bethesda forums I'm quite a negative little prick (gabriel77dan) and I've had a bunch of people who have politely asked me to pretty much just leave because I'm being so negative. Then when Leydenne, a former moderator and currently whateverthefuck(s)heis asked me pretty much the same thing. I decide to explain the reason why I still hung around the forums, explained why I'm being so negative and explained that if I'm within the forum rules then what does it matter if I'm being negative? I also gave people a guide on how to ignore --through a feature on that site-- my posts if they felt like my posts are bringing their mood down. I told them that so long as I was within the forum rules then I will continue to be negative because I loathe what Fallout has become and I will remain until I'm ready to finally move on from Fallout. And finally, I said that I agreed that sometimes I go on a rant that is unnecessary and said I'd tone down the amount of times I go off on a rant to criticize the shit out of Bethesda.
I didn't flame, I didn't flamebait, I didn't attack anyone, I didn't spam, I didn't do anything what so ever that was against the forum rules. The most I did was to go offtopic to give my little explanation and considering Leydenne's post was just as offtopic I don't see what harm there was in mine. That got me suspended from the forums until August 31. No strike or infracture(?) or anything, just a temporary suspension.
I might very well be wrong about this next part but seems to me like if someone on the Bethesda forums goes against the hype and is negative then people pretty much 'want' you to just piss off and leave them alone in their little hype echo chamber. This time I went against a former moderator and went into great length explaining myself and even offering people a way to hide my posts through their Ignore function if they didn't want to see them. And I got a suspension.
I dunno. It's just this attitude I've seen from people on there for a long time ever since Fallout 4 was announced. They (and when I say 'they' I mean the users, not the moderators. This was the first time a (former?) moderator gave me this kind of attitude) pretty much want anyone who's a negative nancy gone. I guess I finally gave the moderators enough of a reason to suspend me when they could've just removed the post and explained to me what I did wrong. (They never did PM me what I did wrong)
It's just this annoying little idea that is poking around in the back of my head. That because they are on the hype-train and want to choo-choo forward they don't really want us Dinosaurs (or others) around really. "Stop brining our buzz down, man!" basically.