But by all means, let's throw in fairies, spells and other crap
Thanks to Cabot quest, magic goo from an elder scrolls helmet that lets you live forever and have telekinetic powers is now officially Fallout lore according to Bethesda.
Yeah, it pretty much is beyond salvation. At least we can have fun mocking the hell out of it
And those who refer to Hakunin or Sulik's grampy bone, or whatever...
I myself have put *hints* of supernatural elements into my writings, despite having an otherwise staunchly atheistic approach. I do this for shits and giggles, when there's room for it - which is very rare, but not as rare as never.
This is what FO1 and FO2 did - they took the oportunity to throw a lil fun in here and there, like how you can talk back to Hakunin, or how the Master attacks your very mind in the final battle in Fallout 1 - the knowledge that he was damaging my brain from afar, it made for a very cool ending, realism be damned
But when
new authors take over, this very finely tuned balance is at serious risk. Bethesda really ran with a lot of the story elements, showing repeated signs of misunderstanding the importance and impact of the various elements.
One little alien blaster, one little crashed Star Trek ship, and Beth RUNS with it

I'm surprised they didn't run along with the "holy handgrenade" while at it, make a serious faction out of the "king arthur's knights", or the giant talking head in the sand
How about a crashed-whale DLC canonizing Douglas Adam's universe
Oh shit, I'm giving Beth ideas now, ain't I? D: