Bethesda fans want MORE aliens - surprised or not?

There was an Alien Blaster in Fallout 1 that you could use no prob. Not like the encounter was just looking at the ship.
Also 2 had the crazy shaman in Arroyo that fucking talked through telepathy to the protag (well at least the wiki said it does) and there was a psyker kid in New Vegas
There was an Alien Blaster in Fallout 1 that you could use no prob. Not like the encounter was just looking at the ship.
Also 2 had the crazy shaman in Arroyo that fucking talked through telepathy to the protag (well at least the wiki said it does) and there was a psyker kid in New Vegas

That was still a lone joke, in which you could take somethin away to remember, though it was one of a kind. And again, psykers are alright as long as there are a few, and there powers are limited.
Yes. They were meant to be jokes, and not taken to be serious. This is Fallout not TES.
>The Master in Fallout 1, and The Forecaster in New Vegas, were meant to be taken as jokes!
Uh oh, looks like we've got a commie over here. :lol:

What's bad with that?
Was meant to be a joke about how communists are all about anti-revisionism, but then I realized that it was 'meh'.
Aliens and magic? LAAAAAAME! I want Time Travel! The post war world is already past it's due, we should be exploring other eras of history ALL AT THE SAME TIME! I also want for an option to romance a time displaced version of yourself!

Can you say PREQUEL ;)
Personally, I don't think the arguments of "its a joke" or "its stupid" are really valid after Obsidian made Old World Blues, which was literally just a giant DLC of LOLRANDUMB!

I am still personally against alien stuff for the same reason I would be against an OWB2..... in that MZ covered it all already
-Aliens abducting humans?
-Aliens abducting cows?
-Aliens cataloging various lifeforms?
-Aliens doing seemingly pointless genetic experiments to make humans like them?
-Aliens have giant death ray pointed at earth?
-Aliens retrieving lost scout ship?
-Invasion of the body snatchers reference?
-Alien probe scene?
-Aliens misunderstanding some basic aspect of earth culture and treating it overly important when it isn't?(those robot horses)
-Refrence to some crackpot conspiracy group that "KNEW ALL AlONG!"

Mothershit Zeta covered fucking every single alien cliche possible in one DLC, we don't need to do it again for the same reason we don't need another Old world Blues.... OWB already covered all the "LOL WACKY SCIENTIST!" cliches already.
Personally, I don't think the arguments of "its a joke" or "its stupid" are really valid after Obsidian made Old World Blues, which was literally just a giant DLC of LOLRANDUMB!

I am still personally against alien stuff for the same reason I would be against an OWB2..... in that MZ covered it all already
-Aliens abducting humans?
-Aliens abducting cows?
-Aliens cataloging various lifeforms?
-Aliens doing seemingly pointless genetic experiments to make humans like them?
-Aliens have giant death ray pointed at earth?
-Aliens retrieving lost scout ship?
-Invasion of the body snatchers reference?
-Alien probe scene?
-Aliens misunderstanding some basic aspect of earth culture and treating it overly important when it isn't?(those robot horses)
-Refrence to some crackpot conspiracy group that "KNEW ALL AlONG!"

Mothershit Zeta covered fucking every single alien cliche possible in one DLC, we don't need to do it again for the same reason we don't need another Old world Blues.... OWB already covered all the "LOL WACKY SCIENTIST!" cliches already.

Hey I don't take that DLC seriously. That was Obsidian's weird (if fun and unique) Mothership Zeta.
Old World Blues was the right kind of wacky fun - Obsidian took care to make it fit into the game with good writing. The difference between the wackiness of Old World Blues and Kid in the Fridge/Cabot House is with OWB the writers made the wackiness fit cohesively within the fictional universe. It simply felt fitting, whereas Cabot house and ancient aliens feels tremendously out of place.

In short, Old World Blues was an amazing addition to the game because the writing was, simply put, BETTER.
Hey I don't take that DLC seriously. That was Obsidian's weird (if fun and unique) Mothership Zeta.
I don't take OWB or MZ seriously either.

I was just pointing out it was a DLC of LOLRANDUMB!

In short, Old World Blues was an amazing addition to the game because the writing was, simply put, BETTER.
That would imply Old World Blues had writing outside of the initial, needlessly long, 30 minute conversation between you and the Think Tank at the beginning, which amounted to nothing more then
>dick jokes
>collect these things for us so we can get out.

And then the final like 2 minute long conversation between you and Mobious where he got
>I trapped them because they were crazy
and then you go to the think Tank and basically get them to do what you say, or you kill them.
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That would imply Old World Blues had writing outside of the initial, needlessly long, 30 minute conversation between you and the Think Tank at the beginning, which amounted to nothing more then
>dick jokes
>collect these things for us so we can get out.

And then the final like 2 minute long conversation between you and Mobious where he got
>I trapped them because they were crazy
and then you go to the think Tank and basically get them to do what you say, or you kill them.

They were fun dick-jokes.
I laughed!

Collect these things so we can get out is better than collect these things so you can have bigger guns to collect more things so you can have bigger guns to collect more things

We aren't demanding that games be life changing epiphanies, when we say "better writing", we just want to be able to chuckle or react to something. Dick jokes can be quite entertaining, and they were in OWB, "ARE THOSE PENISES!?", it made me laugh right now
The closest thing to who started the war joke was ZAX from SAD, Terminator style.
Hey I don't take that DLC seriously. That was Obsidian's weird (if fun and unique) Mothership Zeta.
I don't take OWB or MZ seriously either.

I was just pointing out it was a DLC of LOLRANDUMB!

In short, Old World Blues was an amazing addition to the game because the writing was, simply put, BETTER.
That would imply Old World Blues had writing outside of the initial, needlessly long, 30 minute conversation between you and the Think Tank at the beginning, which amounted to nothing more then
>dick jokes
>collect these things for us so we can get out.

And then the final like 2 minute long conversation between you and Mobious where he got
>I trapped them because they were crazy
and then you go to the think Tank and basically get them to do what you say, or you kill them.
You didn't like Old World Blues? Perhaps my ROBO-scorpions will change your tune!
Hey I don't take that DLC seriously. That was Obsidian's weird (if fun and unique) Mothership Zeta.
I don't take OWB or MZ seriously either.

I was just pointing out it was a DLC of LOLRANDUMB!

In short, Old World Blues was an amazing addition to the game because the writing was, simply put, BETTER.
That would imply Old World Blues had writing outside of the initial, needlessly long, 30 minute conversation between you and the Think Tank at the beginning, which amounted to nothing more then
>dick jokes
>collect these things for us so we can get out.

And then the final like 2 minute long conversation between you and Mobious where he got
>I trapped them because they were crazy
and then you go to the think Tank and basically get them to do what you say, or you kill them.

See, while I get what you mean, I still think mad scientists doing stupid stuff in the name of SCIENCE! (with their giant robo-scorpions, of course) still fit the setting far better than cowboys and samurais fighting aliens.

Old World Blues also tied very well into the ''learn to let go'' theme that all 4 of New Vegas's DLCs had, which gave something more to the whacky Science! shenanigans and puerile penis jokes. It also explains a lot of the nastier elements of the Mojave as experiments of the Think Thank. MZ was just an utterly bland mash of every single alien cliché under the sun that added precisely nothing to the setting except aliens for alien's sake. I was bored midway through it, and I can't say that for OWB at all.

And I certainly hope Cabot House is the last we ever hear of aliens besides the now customary Alien Blaster easter egg. Of all the poor additions Bethesda has done to the franchise, the aliens are pretty much the worst. Especially if they actually go through with the idea they helped the Great War happen.
I'm surprised, but not because it's aliens, but because it's linear. Bethesdrones love their sandboxes, and MZ was anything but.It's weird.
I still feel like everyone, even people here, would have completely different opinions about adding aliens to the lore if the writing wasn't done so badly. General consensus says Mothership Zeta was boring. Mostly the linear gunplay gameplay, but also the writing, wasn't it? Maybe if Obsidian had written them in - doing a balance of crazy and sensible right - it wouldn't be receiving the flak it is right now.

I suppose there's really no way to say this and not get a negative response, since we've already seen it done badly and it's hard to change our perceptions otherwise. I still think though that if it was done correctly, it would feel a lot less out of place, and instead of cringing the whole time we would instead be, during the quest, going "This is ridiculous, heh heh. But it's getting interesting. Let's go along with it." And it would actually stay interesting.

I don't have a theory on how this could actually work, but...
Nothing's impossible. Someday, someone might actually fit aliens into Fallout lore without ruining it. It seems a stupid possibility, but it's a possibility.
But that someone isn't going to be Bethesda.
Usually taking things into space or getting aliens involved means that the writers/designers have exhausted all other forms of possible story telling possibility or plot characters/factions.
If Bethesda's writers are really so creatively tired that they think that only aliens could bring something new to Fallout, perhaps it is time to replace the team with some fresh writers, or give the franchise a long break.

There are so many parts of the US we have not seen, many potential ideas for factions, creatures, storylines and so on that go with what Fallout has already established as 'real' without making easter eggs like the aliens canon.

People wants aliens? Let someone make that 50s idea of a space science fiction setting I keep talking about, it is clear I am not the only one that would like to see an RPG taking place in such a world.
Not surprised. There was a poll on Reddit a few days ago that was made to see what DLC people wanted the most. Alien DLC was somewhat popular but strangely a Cthulu DLC was #1.. I really can't imagine such a DLC..

Myself, I just want a Nick Valentine DLC.