Bethesda responds to NMA's preview

i just had the weirdest dream...

i dreamt of FO3 and i was on the stranded aircraft carrier. at the entrance, there was this rather dark colored parrot, named Beakers* that screamed "No Mutants Allowed! No Mutants Allowed!" as you boarded and then as you walked through the ship it kept following you stealthily, but each time you did spot him following you he'd start cursing like a madman.

i can only imagine this being due to the attention given to the stealth preview, the recent mention of the drunk Rosh easter egg in tictacs and the unwashed villagers. what a weird dream. i think i should lay off the booze...

*a pun not everyone will get.
The things that are happening with Betsheda's F3 give us a much bigger chance to find an investor who could see more than profit in what we've done so far with Afterfall, the techdemo, and where we're going with that project, but at the moment, we need a little bit of money to produce the techdemo :P
intoxicate said:
The things that are happening with Betsheda's F3 give us a much bigger chance to find an investor who could see more than profit in what we've done so far with Afterfall, the techdemo, and where we're going with that project, but at the moment, we need a little bit of money to produce the techdemo :P
Wasn't it supposed to be ready by the end of the year?

Anyway, I hope you guys don't find some intrusive investor. It would be a shame to see Afterfall turned into some actionPseudoRPG...
Wasn't it supposed to be ready by the end of the year?
Believe me, no studio, no money = realy big problem, but we're working hard.

Anyway, I hope you guys don't find some intrusive investor. It would be a shame to see Afterfall turned into some actionPseudoRPG...
No way Man.
SuAside said:
i dreamt of FO3 and i was on the stranded aircraft carrier. at the entrance, there was this rather dark colored parrot, named Beakers*

I'm sorry Jebus has had such an effect on your life... but hmm... I think you're right, Brone should get the Parrot award this year.

i can only imagine this being due to the attention given to the stealth preview, the recent mention of the drunk Rosh easter egg in tictacs and the unwashed villagers. what a weird dream. i think i should lay off the booze...

At this rate, you and Kharn will get a Fallout 3 easter egg. I'm calling it!
Pipboy2000 said:
At this rate, you and Kharn will get a Fallout 3 easter egg. I'm calling it!
Kharn/BN will get a sneaky ninja parrot named Beakers, yeah, but i doubt i'll get anything... :cry:
Pipboy2000 said:
TheWesDude said:
almost makes me wish that rosh had done the preview for the hell of it :)

Oh gawd, no!



I think Rosh would have been killed for trolling.

Actually, I think Rosh would have decked Hines in the face, mid-way through the presentation.. :lol:

Bless him.. wherever he is. He's the one that made me carefully consider signing up. :D

Edit: Also, Kharn and Suaside deserve an egg in FO3. Seriously hardcore ninja on their part. :twisted:
is there anyone who deep down did not think rosh was right and thought FO3 was not going to come out as a first person shooter with maybe RT+P which is exactly what we got?

but yea, FO have always had eastereggs... i think you guys deserve one :)

the ultimate in hilarity of course would be for them to script a couple of guys who at some point walk up to the vault dweller in like BOS suits asking you questions, and then later on you find a magazine with your face on the cover from like the mutant side talking about an interview with the killer of greenies or summat.
sickfuck_diablo said:
SuAside said:
ok, if we have fans, do we have fangirls? that's all i'm interested in...
(gotta cash in on my shortlived forum fame with the FO3 preview & Q&A!)
Right here, baby! Great job.
great, great! now just pray i get the random encounter to go to Cafe of Broken Dreams?
Metal Gear Solid V: Tannhauser's Revenge

We've got to send a scout ahead... Do we have any spy or something?

The Maryland NMA spyzorz!! w007!
Just FYI, I'd like to point out this blogpost covering our coverage, accusing us of illicitly taking screencaps and breaking some rules or whatever, despite the fact that no such thing happened and everything NMA did was by the book, if deceitful.

Just an FYI before someone else posts it/tries to use this badly researched piece against us. Not an invitation to cross-trolling, tho', that's against our rules
He should apologise, or better yet rewrite his clearly defamatory article. Probably just jumping to conclusions, maybe embarrassed that you and SuAside did such an outstanding job. To be honest, I wouldn't have minded even more detail in the preview, which I know is possible, although not really necessary. I have other first hand experiences of talented volunteers showing up "the professionals", but it isn't that surprising.

Morbus said:
We've got to send a scout ahead... Do we have any spy or something?

The Maryland NMA spyzorz!! w007!

Yes, I believe the honourable Tannhauser doesn't live too far away.