Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be a real money maker.
Let's make predictions!
First of all, the time of "holding back" is over! So, all the things given a nicely mysterious obscurity has to be WIDE OPENLY OBVIOUS in Elder Scrolls 6, such as MORE DRAGONS and DWEMER RETURNED and the elusive, mysterious FALMER REBORN!
Obviously, nobody wants to wait, look for, or do any kind of work when it comes to armor and weaponry, so -
the very, absolutely most epic armor and weapon attainable will be handed to you in the tutorial, where you will also have the pleasure of slaughtering 10 000 enemy soldiers, through a one-way corridor of action where you cannot veer off course even if you wanted to, because of invisible walls.
Every "checkpoint" will be marked by a long cut-scene
The interface should also be as intuitive as possible, which will be easy, because you want to equip the best sword - and use it.
That is the be-all and end-all of your UI now - to equip the best sword. Click ENTER or X on your controller - to equip the best sword, and use it.
If you stand in front of ANY character, you will have 2 options: Accept quest, or equip your best sword and use it.
And yes, there's no denying or negotiating quests, we learned that from FO4, quests will be pinned to the back of your head even if you try to flee from them. Dialogue has become obsolete, since you are going to accept - or kill.
And needless to say, ALL quests will be radiant this time, because after all, you only have one course of action: Equip the best sword, and use it.
The story will be the following:
The Dwemer, Falmer and Dragons have returned, and you must defeat them.
The map will be:
The biggest map in the history of maps, although actual gameplay area will be slim, railroading corridors between invisible walls, to prevent you from straying off course too much