Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

If you mean pre-war Jet I have no answer for that. It seems to be a clear retcon.How could it spread into the past tho?
If you mean pre-war Jet I have no answer for that. It seems to be a clear retcon.How could it spread into the past tho?
I've found a few. There's actually a park somewhere where there are multiple Yao Guai roaming around.Also, has anyone actually found any Yao Guai in Fallout 4? They were on the trailer but I haven't found a single one at all. I found Yao Guai Meat on a some raiders but I haven't actually fought any Yao Guais....
I have found literary ZERO Yao Guais. I have even found Glowing Deathclaws but no Yao Guais.
Farms are fine, its needed as long as its only for display.
I mean just because we have farms doesn't mean we are going to incorporate a damnable farmville minigame ya know.
Same with toilets, its a damned graphic, who cares.
How could it spread into the past tho?
I don't like how the Mole Rats keep getting smaller. They were huge, almost the size of a Bear in the first 2 games. Then Fallout 3 made the Pig rats the new Mole rats (they took this idea from FOBOS, funnily enough), they were at least the size of a Pitbull, now they are super small and scrawny....
Also, has anyone actually found any Yao Guai in Fallout 4? They were on the trailer but I haven't found a single one at all. I found Yao Guai Meat on a some raiders but I haven't actually fought any Yao Guais....
I heard some people praise the game because "They remembered that the war happened before halloween" and wondered why other games didn't do anything with that.... to which I ask if they have ever left a pumpkin outside or holiday decorations out for a week.... now take into account a nuclear war happening and a 200 year gap..... the reason Halloween isn't a constant element is because it makes no sense...
I have, though not for very long. They seem to only show up for a levels and just disappear. Props for making hem look more like real mutated bears and less like comic monster bears though.Also, has anyone actually found any Yao Guai in Fallout 4? They were on the trailer but I haven't found a single one at all. I found Yao Guai Meat on a some raiders but I haven't actually fought any Yao Guais....
I heard some people praise the game because "They remembered that the war happened before halloween" and wondered why other games didn't do anything with that.... to which I ask if they have ever left a pumpkin outside or holiday decorations out for a week.... now take into account a nuclear war happening and a 200 year gap..... the reason Halloween isn't a constant element is because it makes no sense...
I don't know the exact time frame of all the Fallout games but I can easily believe that if Myron developed a highly addictive drug, particularly a stimulant drug, it would easily spread across the whole Wasteland United States. Drugs know no boundaries and will spread FAST, faster than weapons and other supplies. So the fact that there is jet in D.C. and Boston doesn't seem that bad.