I like this discussion. Someguy you raise several valid points, but I think my problem is the practicality of the trip. I guess the trip across the United States was worth it in the end since they managed to scavenge another airship and a walking Death Robot, but I feel it was kind of hamfisted. More information should have been shared about the trip. I like some of the details like them stopping by The Pitt and mentioning the Midwestern BoS, but the lack of supplies, manpower, maintenance issues, fatigue, disease, all come into play. They really needed some armored vehicles, Vertibirds, or another airship for me to totally be on board with the idea. Just sending them on their way with no transport sounds silly. In essence it is really cool imagining the BoS trekking across lands we have not yet seen in the games so I rolled with it. As far as lore is concerned the BoS have made expeditions in the majority of the Fallout games so it is common.