Was Piper's quest the one for telling your life story? I can't remember as she wanted my character's nuts after picking locks and I don't remember if you have to get the the affection "meter" to a certain point first or what. I didn't even try to romance her and she just threw herself at me.
Piper doesn't have much of a quest, she just asks you what to do about her sister, then you keep picking locks and suddenly you picked her proverbial lock.
The affections are still rather weird, btw. MacCready, for example, usually likes it if the player character behaves like an asshole. Much like Cait, but he only likes your nimble lockpicking fingers when the lock is owned, because he's an
extra asshole. Helping people? Being sappy and emotional? Fuck that shit.
Except when you talk to Miss Edna. Then he loves it when you give all love a chance, even if one is a bit metallic. Family love being super important? That makes him hot for sure. But apologising to the teacher for interrupting his class? (B) HATE APOLOGIES.
Sure, he says that he actually hates being alone, but it still feels a bit out of character for him.