I think the bigger problem right now, is him questioning that rule, while beeing fully aware of the functionality of the edit button. Kinda like this guy who never quoted the people he wanted to adress with his post ... quite confusing that was.
"And you guys are saying that not flushing the toilet after taking a big dumb is annoying but what exactly about it do you find annoying? What specifically?"
I hope this analogy helps you ... hope is the only thing left in this conversation anyway at this point ... because this, this is what you're basically asking, and ... I find it hard to actually find an adequate answer. You could be also asking, why you don't fart in to peoples direction, why you don't light up a smoke next to someone who's eating, or blurping into someones face, scratching your crotch before shaking hands. It's simply etiquette.
Such things can happen, even to the best of us, and it's ok. Once. But if it happens regularly, you're either a toddler, or elderly and senile.
Which of those categories do you fall in to? Because it is literaly the only excuse that I would accept for a decent human beeing.
My page settings are set differently than yours, but you definitely posted 5 times in a row in that thread. Look closely if you care.
Yes it is annoying that we have to have this debate instead of you saying - like every other person that was once a newb here - Alright assholes I'll watch what I post.
Instead of "BUT you guys don't follow the rules...Why is this annoying you? Why are the rules that way? Why does it matter? WHY?"
I think the bigger problem right now, is him questioning that rule, while beeing fully aware of the functionality of the edit button. Kinda like this guy who never quoted the people he wanted to adress with his post ... quite confusing that was.
Simple. They earned enough of my respect to overlook it. They are a part of the community, you not. So far, you're an unstable isotope. We have yet to see if you will turn up in to a stable element or just go puff and just release a lot of short lived radiation while fading away.Then what do you have to say about all the other people breaking the rules while calling me out for it. Like backbench modding, or like Walpknut very clearly trying to bait me into something?
Isn't there a little irony there?
Simple. They earned enough of my respect to overlook it. They are a part of the community, you not. So far, you're an unstable isotope. We have yet to see if you will turn up in to a stable element or just go puff and just release a lot of short lived radiation while fading away.Then what do you have to say about all the other people breaking the rules while calling me out for it. Like backbench modding, or like Walpknut very clearly trying to bait me into something?
Isn't there a little irony there?
Is that hypocritical? Shit, yesss it is! *gasp*! But I am not going to judge someone whos posts I like, the same way as I judge newbs.
Yeah, sorry about about that.Well, that escalated quickly...![]()
See Living on the edge, the only thing we are telling you is to stop posting multiple times in a row, not to not post entirely. One would think such a simple instruction would be easy to get and follow, but you seem dead set on just not doing it. Stubbornly arguing about something that shouldn't be that hard to grasp.
Simple. They earned enough of my respect to overlook it. They are a part of the community, you not. So far, you're an unstable isotope. We have yet to see if you will turn up in to a stable element or just go puff and just release a lot of short lived radiation while fading away.Then what do you have to say about all the other people breaking the rules while calling me out for it. Like backbench modding, or like Walpknut very clearly trying to bait me into something?
Isn't there a little irony there?
Is that hypocritical? Shit, yesss it is! *gasp*! But I am not going to judge someone whos posts I like, the same way as I judge newbs.
So you're taking it into your own hands as to decide who's worthy to post here or not? As other other people have said, so welcoming.
And that's kinda going back to that respect issue I was talking about earlier in the thread.
If you're preemptively acting like a user is a problem or going to be a problem just because they're new, and if a few people are doing it and openly doing it, then that new user probably isn't going to disappoint in that regard. Because that kind of thinking and action is just going to cause friction which that new user is going to pick up on and probably reciprocate. And it just serves no purpose.
See Living on the edge, the only thing we are telling you is to stop posting multiple times in a row, not to not post entirely. One would think such a simple instruction would be easy to get and follow, but you seem dead set on just not doing it. Stubbornly arguing about something that shouldn't be that hard to grasp.
That's not all you were doing.
Also, what do you have to say about your own failure to follow the rules even after it was pointed out to you?
Where? Where has anyone ever here told you that you're NOT allowed to post?
Nobody has told you not to post, stop being a drama queen.
Also, what rules? I just asked you to stop double posting and you derailed the shit out of this with your tantrum.
Well TorontRayne's quote about "the hype train flying off track so far that it would end up lodged in Todd's ass" makes sense here in the sense that this thread has been derailed so badly that the train went off the track, off a cliff, and into an ocean. Of course now it seems as I'm contributing to it.
If that track wreck is part of an intriguing quest then yes, if it's just a train wreck I'll get bored due to a lack of creativity on the developer's part. I haven't touched Fallout 4 for around a little over a month, I have better games I've been playing.![]()
I wouldn't say it's slightly above "being so bad it's good", I think it's a bad and boring game with decent combat. It uses no RPG mechanics when it comes to your stats and skills which makes trying to invest in a character with flaws pointless. If there were traits and perks like Underrail's "Recklessness" perk which lets you have a 7% chance to get a critical hit with any weapons but enemies get a 3% chance added to their critical to hit you, then it could add more to a character then "do 20%/40%/60%/80%/double the damage with [INSERT WEAPON]". Around 80% of those perks are just number increases.Well, Fallout 4's short of being a good game, but still notches above "being so bad it's good", which is why it stays on the boring sector.![]()