Professor Danger! said:
Crni Vuk said:
I really dont like this examples which include "empires" of the past when at least back then there was never a real danger or potential to destroy the whole world in the process.
Like when invaders completely destroyed entire civilizations and/or cultures through enslavement and dispersing them throughout the "empire" processes?
Only if the Roman Empire or Alexander the Great had access to nuclear weapons and other interesting weapons of mass destruction.
Seriously the complete annihilation of civilisations was usualy not a "complete" one. Usualy even in slavery many civlisations have been able to keep their traditions (see the jews which managed to do that for a long time) or most of the time they have been simply assimilated by their conquerers then simply killed in a mass genocide. This was one of the great moves by the Romans to not just conquer a teritory but also make use of the people and eventualy embed them in their society and most important military.
The US is not trying to really destroy other cultures well not in a way as it happend either in acient or medieval times. But what I am worried about is the agressive politics as a third world war might be the last one. Thus why I am more worried about the actions some nations perform today and do not like very much the "it happend in the past as well" analogies since the requirements are a completely different one and certain situations might prove to be extremly devastating (remember why most nations agreed to mostly remove Medium-range ballistic missile and not rely on them that much in Europe anymore? Slow reaction time, geting a nuclear bomb from Berlin to Moscow in less then 10 min and vice verca was sure nothing that helped to cool down the situation in general)
I am not saying there would be no similarities with the past. Its always about power, wealth, religion the typical needs and roots of all conflicts this things didnt changed over the last 10 000 years. How did a teacher told me once the other cave men had the more handsome females and they had the biger rocks and thats how everything started.
Its the outcome and effects which have increased tremendously. It's simply not anymore about the Romans destroying a celtic culture or British comonwelth troops striking down a indian revolt which would leave the other parts of the world more or less untouched. To many things today happen on a global level and I just think that no nation really can today stand anymore the kind of agressions we have seen in the past. Not when thinking about a potential global war that would definetly have some effect on EVERYONE.
I dont know how its with the rest of the world but I have no ambitions to face some nuclear hollocaust or anything else similar to that only cause a few politicans have eventualy the desire to follow the steps of many already dissapeared empires since they have a urge and feeling to satisfy their craving for power or follow other ideas like "forcing democracy and ideals on people" or what every they want to call it.
DarkCorp said:
@crni vuk
The only way we will really achieve the kind of peace that hippies envision, is the day that EVERY nation/person feels that they can completely and totally trust EVERY other nation/person.
Due to something as fundemental as human nature (this is why I use the past as a comparison), do you really think something like this will happen?
Even without hedgemonies interference, cultures have repeatedly warred and killed eachother for years over the smallest things.
What are you talking about hippies? Next youre calling me a liberal or something?
Seriously whats up with you people do you crave war or something feeling some need to get in a trench with a spade and hack your way trough the front line or something ...
I am calling no one here a warmonger in general but ... did you never even read some stories about the cold war or at least watched movies like Thirteen Days or any other movie which had that as thematic.
It has really less to do with thrust or not thrust. Its about balance. politicaly and economicaly
You know reality was a few times very close to a nuclear war only cause the other side had fear to loose their face and while the danger NOW is not high it doesnt mean it still cant happen in the future if we dont at least TRY to do something against it.
I see more or less only 2 ways with different nations and always advancing military. Either we stop it and try to solve our problems more on a diplomatic and political level (granted this will not work always and conflicts will still happen ... ) or we one day face another world war. All we need is to give people the right reasons to get paranoid or what ever. And overly agressive military research and foreign policy in relation with global issues around energy and resources this are for many a more then welcome reason to be paranoid.
is it cause this is a Fallout community or why are people craving for some nuclear war or something ...