Vault Senior Citizen

Fallout and Fallout 2 on the gamebryo engine? No thanks.
Maybe on the Crysis engine... but then it would be too much of a shooter.Fallout and Fallout 2 on the gamebryo engine? No thanks.
Maybe on the Crysis engine... but then it would be too much of a shooter.
It just works.Emile probably thought that fridges where magical objects which can freeze people alive for hundreds of years, it's okay though the series has talking zombies and mutants so they can include all the autistic stuff they want.
You jest, but they actually do exist.Do they have a "Fallout 4 - A guide to romancing companions" guide yet?
Decided to fix that for you.Only character who's "like/dislike" that was hard to increase was Stronk. I just console commanded him to like me so I could get his perk. The rest are piss-easy. Just travel with them for a while and they'll love you so much they'd probably let you eat them out if you could ask them.
Ugh am I the only one that dislikes this inane companion like/hate crap?N-no... I meant they get so infatuated by you that if you asked them to be your meal then they'd probably want to end their life just to give you sustenance. Piper! Get on this spit and let me roast you!
And I dunno man, Strong was difficult to figure out what he wanted out of dialogue with other NPC's so that meant I had to avoid questing. He also disliked lockpicking and hacking so that meant I had to avoid going into dungeons as well. Only thing I know for certain that he likes is when you cannibalize and there is a timer on when you can get more approval points from him when it comes to that.
Ugh am I the only one that dislikes this inane companion like/hate crap?
I meant from Fallout 4, I liked how New Vegas did things.I liked it in New Vegas, when it was more subtle and complex, not obvious BioWare-like hints that dumb down companion complexity to their basic loves and hates.
I meant from Fallout 4, I liked how New Vegas did things.
Hey, Frosting can be my favourite part of the cake.Then the answer to your question is, "no, a lot of other people hate it too".
I'm annoyed especially by how it just makes every companion a simple stereotype. The "good" guy, the "greedy" guy, the "kind" girl, the "soldier" guy, etc. At least with BioWare games, it's done to serve the character's writing. In Fallout 4, it's done to fill in the space and to hide the fact that they barely wrote anything for each companion.
All of Fallout 4 is Bethesda attempting to use as much frosting as they can despite the fact that there's barely a cake to put the frosting on.
Hey, Frosting can be my favourite part of the cake.
Let's compare it to shitty cheap two-bit frosting on a half baked cake.
Yeah, now that is a far better analogy.No, to be much more accurate, they scraped the frosting off other, better cakes and piled it back on what is barely a cake, and then calls it a gourmet dessert.
Then you realise that rather than eating a really shitty cake with stolen frosting, you could be eating the other cakes where the frosting actually comes from.
In Fallout 4 you constantly avoid finding your kidnapped son because you want to collect junk and fuck your companions. So uh, yeah, you're kind of evil in Fallout 4 all the time.