Censorship? There is no censorship!

The moment he just couldn't restrain himself and called Dan Golding a pillock just made me smile. I love using unconventional* slurs, it's a delight seeing others use them as well.

For non-Oxfordian English speakers/writers.
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That's just the same issue we've talked about a million times in this thread. The study uses eleven different controls ("graduates’ occupation, economic sector, hours worked, employment status (having multiple jobs as opposed to one full-time job), months unemployed since graduation, grade point average, undergraduate major, kind of institution attended, age, geographical region, and marital status"). Mostly, it's just demonstrating that the things it controls for are why there's a gender pay gap -- and most of those differences are still a result of sexist culture. Several of those controls also mean they're not looking various forms of discrimination: in hiring, in promotion, in those driven away by a hostile work atmosphere etc.

It's also notable that they still found a 6.6% gap overall despite using eleven(!) controls.
You misread it. The only thing the article shows is that there appears to be no measurable, direct gender-based wage discrimination (that is: paying women less than men for exactly the same job) in some industries. That's all. It says nothing about discrimination in hiring, hostile work environments, discrimination in promotions, the way pregnancy and absenteeism is handled etc.
It says across all industries its 6.6% but.

Whatever the reasons for the gender disparity in programming, at least to begin with, there's no actual salary difference between female and male programmers.
According to a new study by the American Association of University Women, there is no statistical difference between female and male programmers' salaries one year out of college. The same holds true for women who go into engineering, mathematics and physical sciences.*
So I think Akratus' point was about in those fields there is no wage gap from the start.

The study applies all of those controls at the point of "one year after leaving college". The study says nothing about hiring discrimination, because it only looks at full-time employees and controls for occupation. It says nothing about discrimination in education, because it controls for that. It says nothing about a lot of those issues, because they control for that.

And by looking at people one year out of college only, it skips all of the discrimination and (gendered) barriers that occur throughout a person's working life.
What would those barriers be? Women are one of the number one groups who benefit from affirmative action regarding college admissions. It is their choice what field to pursue
Read the rest of the thread. We've gone over this half a dozen times. Or use Google. Research ain't hard.

= This thread.
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Why would he be a sockpuppet? Gay people are just as capable of being completely clueless idiots as anyone else is.
Sander, I know you're into diversity and shit and that's all cool, but we are gonna have to set our priorities straight here. And I think it's hard to disagree that there are some things that are less forgivable than others. And while one could turn a blind eye to certain... less than acceptable practices, there are some cases we cannot simply forgive and forget, lest we lose some of our identity, lose ourselves. Some deeds that simply cannot be ignored.

*deep breath*

They rated FO3 above FNV and FO1 and placed FO1 at the bottom of the list.

That, right there is true horror. Now, it's understandable that some people 'like' FO3, but saying it is better than FO1? True horror. Is this the kind of 'cultural critique' that is supposed to change gaming for the better?
By the way, how many of you here actually know muslims that REALLY live by those texts? And no, CNN/FOX as source does not count. I mean real people. In your place.

Oh how the tables have turned. You guys enjoying that double standard, Crni, Sander?
Moved here because as I keep repeating, if you want to discuss GamerGate, do it in the GamerGate thread.

Also if you can't see the difference between a religion of 1.6 billion people and a five-month old movement built on bullshit conspiracy theories that has resulted in endless harassment, you're an idiot.
I can see the difference. But I can also see the difference in the way you treat them and how unwilling you are to face that. Rather than actually refute anyone you keep coming back to "1.6 muslims aren't like that!" which while true, isn't relevant to the arguments made.
seriously? Akratos? I like you, somewhat. But you can do better than that. Much better.

GamerGate =/= Religion

What more needs to be said? Anything else would be just writing novells for no reason.