Climate Change is not real!

How many times does a movement have to tell you that they want a revolution and that they're fine with violence and death?
They explicitly say that. Right now. They're an independent group that demands things from governments and threaten that they might go full violent revolution if they don't get what they want.
That's. What. They. Say. Right. Fucking. Now.
Now they're mostly nonviolent. That's because they still have a lot of followers who didn't actually properly listen to their dear leaders, and these people are being pillocks to normal people, but that's it. Once these followers get beaten up for stopping working class people from getting to work, they'll leave, and then it's two things: The movement will lose steam and dissipate, or they'll radicalize.
Let's hope it's the first. But a radical core might survive and go full RAF. And XR is a death cult. Apocalyptic and messianic. Perfect for a good old terrorist group. Eco-terrorists used to be a big trope in TV some time back, didn't it?
For now? Wait and see, and be cautious about them. Don't give them the exposure they want, don't condone their actions even now, and openly challenge them on their radicality. Don't let them run wild and don't legitimize their actions.
Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems
Ah, the true cause of global cooling warming. Do they mean the old timey colonialism or the modern one with China in Africa or is that racist? Is that the Racism?
So there is basically almost nothing we can do about it unless they actually go and brake some laws.

Anyway. This got a little bit of the tracks.

Cute cartoon, but it kinda misrepresents climate science and how it got to certain conclusions. It'd be more like "There are train tracks in this area, and if we simulate that we are tied up on these train tracks, it shows that we will get hit by a train, so we need to cut off our feet Saw-style, now!"
However, it is surprisingly accurate when it comes to radical movements turning revolutionary and the revolution eating its own and people not giving a shit until it's Goofy GULAG time.
The thing is yes there are many unanswered questions. Yes no one knows, climate scientists included, what the future will REALLY(!) be like. Maybe all this hype and doomsayers are wrong. It's a possibility.

However it doesn't take a genius to figure out that our current path is bound to end up in a disaster and that our current lifestyle on a global scale is not sustainable. We don't need climate science for that. Already 200 years ago some people figured out that perpetual growth on a limited planet is bonkers - economists by the way but that was before the neoliberal thinkers took over. This kind of economic model that we follow since the industrialisation has serious flaws. And what we experience right now is simply the limit and that we're getting closer and closer to a point where it will collapse eventually. Does it really matter if it happens in 20, 50 or 80 years from now? That would be like if you decided to leave the asbestos inside your home because cancer will hit you after all eventually in a couple of decades. Maybe. You don't know it for sure. Doctors and Medics can not give you an exact date. So why bother now? Removing it before you get cancer is to radical.

I liked a story from a physicist who compared the issue around climate change with a frozen lake. Imagine your self in a situation where you have a frozen lake in front of you and you want to cross it with your car and your family inside. Now you meet two people. One of them tells you that it's save to simply drive over the frozen lake and there is no reason to worry. The other one tells you to follow the road as a couple of miles down the road is a bridge.

Or another scientist compared it to driving a bus full of passengers. The bus is heading towards a cliff. But instead of going to the bus driver and telling him to stop so they can change the course and decide where they want to actually go, the passengers start a debate when they will reach the cliff some discuss if the cliff is even real and criticise the person warning them from the fall because he actually doesn't know what will happen and he can't be 100% certain.
Cute cartoon, but it kinda misrepresents climate science and how it got to certain conclusions.
The best part is you can have the comic be about anything. Immigration, chemically castrating children, spoons, it doesn't matter. It just the I AM SILLY webcomic but instead of giant angry head it is the smuggly delusional person.
Oh fuck. I just watched a video made by a german aluminium producer about their fancy new project, a "virtual battery" to make the aluminium elctrolysis process more flexible.
You see, aluminium production is a very sensitive process that requires precise energy input. Since by 2030 our energy will be over 50% renewable, we can't really rely on power being there when you need it, so the smart engineers went to work and got some fancy public funding and came up with an in-fucking-genious solution to make the process more flexible when it comes to power input.
Oh boy.
Basically, they add heatsinks to the side of the melt pool and pump more energy in it when they can and just dissipate the extra energy, and when there's less energy they can stop doing that. In order for that to work they needed a massively overengineered process control involving massive magnetic fields, making the entire process a fuckton less efficient, requiring much more energy than before, but now it's slightly less sensitive to power fluctuations.
That's their "virtual battery". Their solution to our political decision that we don't need baseline power generation.
Fucking genious.

Well, of course the real solution is that they simply won't produce aluminium in Germany anymore and instead go somewhere sane, but with this they at least got some funding for a few guys with virtual diplomas to get financed for a few years.

And some green politician actually, factually, HONEST TO FUCKING GOD equated this to a real energy storage. "They can store energy equal to a medium pump storage power plant", which is Trimet's marketing blurb, but she said it on public TV. She has a PhD in engineering management, btw.
This is the blackest pill I ever swallowed. Somehow I thought there was still hope for this country. That we could somehow get through this by listening to smart people.
There is no hope. Bring on the violent revolution and the mass executions. Bring on the clouds.
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At the very least, our leaders, as in real people, in real positions of power, realise that change takes compromise and most importantly, not everyone gets what they want.

On the side, we have useless puppets like Greta, fear mongers I have brought up, and attention whores who would use climate as an excuse to not go to school while offering ZERO solutions to actually fix things. Instead they demand they get everything they want or scream REVOLUTION.

The one good thing about the US elections is that the whores have increased ten fold on the left and have already begun to eat each other. Bernie is no longer the sole flavor of crazy in the room.


TBH, sometimes I feel those whacky greens you talk about will only be happy when there is a large culling of humanity world wide. This would be the only way for their 'nature friendly power solutions', to work. When humanity has been devastated and power usage had dropped to such low levels that natural power generation is all we need is achievable.
This will all be solved once we switch over to a pony based economy.