If you really have to brake it down all they are saying is that our current behaviour is very risky because we're changing the environment and temperature in a relatively short time period - in geological terms. It doesn't take a genius to understand that this kind of destruction, with Co2 pollution, environment damage from fossil fuel, deforestation, overfishing, overconsumption, habitat los, disappearing species and turning the planet in to a landfill isn't going to end well. Will it happen in 20 years? or 50? Doesn't actually matter. Because we have to do something now to prevent a potential collapse. If the global temperature is growing the civilisation
as we know it, will be over. It's that simple and not some kind of "doomsay". Civilisations disappeared already in the past as well because of their own actions. If the global food production for example is endangered millions if not billions of people will suffer. And we're doing nothing to prevent it.
It's like cancer, you try to prevent it before it happens and not when it happens. Once you have cancer it's to late and you can only deal with the consequences. Right now this is where we're heading. In a situation where we can only deal with the consequences.
You can bribe a scientist to put out all sorts of gloom and doom shit.
Which means that the opposite is also true. A whole industry, like the fossil fuel industry, depending on the fact that people don't believe in climate change bribing some scientists to spread misinformation.
But of course. Only the
other side is doing it for the money or what ever.