Just on as side note * and I really don't want to start shitfight this time* HHO is not a good solution to climate change.
Remnants of burning of HHO (water vapour) is actually one of the few heat generating gases. It is extreamly dangerous as most of it get's blocked by CO2 preventig it from going to higher portions of atmosphere where it would cooled off and return as rain, instead it functions as bazillions of tiny focusing lenses which concentrate sun rays and in consequence increase temperature. HHO could function as it should (water vapour, post burning, returning 100% as rain) only in situation where humanity reduces *significantly* CO2 % in the atmosphere, until then it can cause more damage than help.
As for planting more trees to prevent climate change, I think it is dumb, first of all i live in an urbanized area where we have around 20% green areas (trees grass etc,) of surface within city, and it doesn't help to lower the temp. On the contrary it get's hotter than in other areas of the country (with less green area% within city). Trees and grass besides photosynthesis breathe too, and while breathing they release shitload of water vapour, which in turn do what i described above. I personally think to solve CO2 problem Humans would need to turn their eyes onto sea algies, because:
1. sea surface is over 3 times the land surface.
2. green area on the land is I assume not more than 50% of it since there are rocky mountains, deserts, concrete etc. stuff that prevents from planting plants of any sort in the ground.
3. sun penetrates the water preety deep so the space for sea algies is quite big.
4. more sea algies = more plancton = more food for sea animals.
5. algies keep up by themselves, no need to do anything whatsoever for them to grow.
The only thing Humans would need to let go of, or watch out for, is polluting water with mined Oil from 1.Oil Rigs as after depleting a shaft, most of the time hole doesn't get covered and releases oil to the sea.
2. Junk-classs tankers that spill oil all over the Oceans and ocasionally their retarded drunken capitan decides to go head on with some rock or an iceberg and sinks that fucking tanker causing oil to spill into the oceans even more.
3. any other man made ecological disaster on the sea that will cause algies to massively die out.
4. reduce oil usage
5. reduce Human population, and heard stock population, to reduce CO2 emmision, methane emision, and oil usage (by simply not incentivizing to have a big family, this way we could reduce population within a generation and do it in humanitarian way the excess just dies out of old age)
6.... and anything else i missed out on
As for ppl who don't see what I mean or TL
I do agree there is a climate problem, however I think not all of the standard/classic solutions to solve it my solve the issue.
Remnants of burning of HHO (water vapour) is actually one of the few heat generating gases. It is extreamly dangerous as most of it get's blocked by CO2 preventig it from going to higher portions of atmosphere where it would cooled off and return as rain, instead it functions as bazillions of tiny focusing lenses which concentrate sun rays and in consequence increase temperature. HHO could function as it should (water vapour, post burning, returning 100% as rain) only in situation where humanity reduces *significantly* CO2 % in the atmosphere, until then it can cause more damage than help.
As for planting more trees to prevent climate change, I think it is dumb, first of all i live in an urbanized area where we have around 20% green areas (trees grass etc,) of surface within city, and it doesn't help to lower the temp. On the contrary it get's hotter than in other areas of the country (with less green area% within city). Trees and grass besides photosynthesis breathe too, and while breathing they release shitload of water vapour, which in turn do what i described above. I personally think to solve CO2 problem Humans would need to turn their eyes onto sea algies, because:
1. sea surface is over 3 times the land surface.
2. green area on the land is I assume not more than 50% of it since there are rocky mountains, deserts, concrete etc. stuff that prevents from planting plants of any sort in the ground.
3. sun penetrates the water preety deep so the space for sea algies is quite big.
4. more sea algies = more plancton = more food for sea animals.
5. algies keep up by themselves, no need to do anything whatsoever for them to grow.
The only thing Humans would need to let go of, or watch out for, is polluting water with mined Oil from 1.Oil Rigs as after depleting a shaft, most of the time hole doesn't get covered and releases oil to the sea.
2. Junk-classs tankers that spill oil all over the Oceans and ocasionally their retarded drunken capitan decides to go head on with some rock or an iceberg and sinks that fucking tanker causing oil to spill into the oceans even more.
3. any other man made ecological disaster on the sea that will cause algies to massively die out.
4. reduce oil usage
5. reduce Human population, and heard stock population, to reduce CO2 emmision, methane emision, and oil usage (by simply not incentivizing to have a big family, this way we could reduce population within a generation and do it in humanitarian way the excess just dies out of old age)
6.... and anything else i missed out on
As for ppl who don't see what I mean or TL

I do agree there is a climate problem, however I think not all of the standard/classic solutions to solve it my solve the issue.