Climate Change is not real!

Less emotion and more, and most importantly, SPECIFICS, on how to fix the climate. How many people need to stop eating meat to decrease how much change in climate over how many years for example.

I mean they are fucking climate SCIENTISTS for fucks sake. Answering the above questions shouldn't be that much of a problem if they are demanding personal habit changes and tax dollars from Joe Plebe.
They may be scientists but the state gives them access to only a few offices and toys to play with so they have to compare notes with people who don't get along with each other.

So instead of using useleaa screechera like Greta, scientists themselves can make a direct plea while prepping a good presentation. Sure they could use more funds, everyone can. However, they know enough that using fear mongering tactics is unacceptable. The journals out there prove they only need to use the info they have and present it in a way joe public understands.
Stephen Hawking equating a Paris Accord leaving US would turn the planet into Venus.

Jem Bendells assertion that climate changebwill result in a complete/near term collapse of society.

Hans Schellnhuber asserts that if we do not make massive changes. the world will be fatally wounded by 2020.

The Dire Report, written by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop predicts and end to human civilisation within decades.

These folks do not help.
Stephen Hawking equating a Paris Accord leaving US would turn the planet into Venus.

If we continue like this it is estimated that global average temperature could grow by 6° at the end of this century. There is a very real risk that it could cause what is known as "feedback loop". For example, Co2 and Methane and other green house gases causing even more of it to be released starting a cycle where the atmosphere is ending up like Venus at some point. We're probably talking about thousands of years here, maybe millions, before it ends up like Venus with a surface temperature of over 300°. But even if the temperature would just rise by 8° or 10° in the next 100 years large parts of the planet would become inhospitable for humans. And historically speaking 100 years is not very long. That's just 2 generations. You can still find people today, for example if they have been born in the 1940s, they had grandfathers which could remember what slavery was like. Imagine that.

Jem Bendells assertion that climate changebwill result in a complete/near term collapse of society.

This might very well happen when we look at how our modern societies today depend on global trade lines when it comes to agriculture and food production. Take Jakarta in Java which are facing already existential issues now where several million people are threatened by rising sea levels and the exploiting of natural resources , mainly ground water causing the city to sink by 5 to 10 centimeters each year. Venice in Italy is facing a similar situation and many more cities near or around the coasts. Those cities are already trying today to find ways in how to deal with the changes that come at them in the next 10, 20 and 50 years. Not all of them will be capable of dealing with the issues. Which means we need to think about relocation. The worse those issues become the more likely is to see disruptive effects on our economies and supplies with resources. Food and drinking water already today for most parts of the world a problem.

Hans Schellnhuber asserts that if we do not make massive changes. the world will be fatally wounded by 2020.

Look at the growing number of storms and forest fires over the last 40 years. The world is already wounded today. We also so permafrost and parts of the alps defrosting. Landscapes which have been frozen for the last 100.000 years. And the last 2-3 summers have been pretty extreme even here in Germany.

The Dire Report, written by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop predicts and end to human civilisation within decades.

But this could very well be the reality. Not directly trough climate change. But even the Pentagon is saying that changes in climate will lead to more political instability on a global level. Can you be sure that we're not going to sea a new global war in 25 or 30 or 50 years? Maybe one fought with nuclear weapons even. The thing is that everything is connected here. If let us say in the next 30 years 200 Million or even more people are trying to enter Europe because the conditions in their areas are so hostile that that they have to move then it will cause massive political changes and instability. Those kind of things don't happen in a vacuum. The Pentagon released a report recently where they talked about possible risks and dangers. It's not alarmism when you talk about what's possible if we do not make changes here. It's not more alarmism then saying, if you don't repair the brakes on your car you will eventually end up in an accident that might be very severe.
But it isn't Venus is it? And that 100 year prediction is not CERTAIN. So why say otherwise?


He said complete collapse of society AKA Mad Max. Come on Crni.


Fatally wounded again seriously? Like what they said in The Road. Th planet is dead? No vegetation, no animal life. Come on.

The Dire Report

But the report clearly blames it on climate change. And again Mad Max/Fallout realy?

Even you disagree, at least on some level. Change? Absolutely we nees to change but the apocalypse, I call bullshit.
And that 100 year prediction is not CERTAIN. So why say otherwise?

It is certain given our current path. It's like when you go to your doctor and he says you have to loose weight because the overweight will harm your health in the future.

The fact that we don't know exactly what it will look like is why it's dangerous. We had changes in the ecosystem and temperature in the past. But never in such a short time. Let us say in 50 years Biodiversity has dropped by 80% and there is more plastic than fish in our oceans. Do you really believe this will have no effect on humanity?

If we're not planning for the future and a more sustainable way of life things will become very ugly once nations have to compete over drinking water and fertile land.
I'm not too fond of those predictions, but getting away from fossile fuels, overproduction, plastic waste and so on is definitely an important thing to do.
My problem is that the fearmongering is used to push stupid and ineffective policies that will just hurt the common people instead of having any real effect. But I've talked about it before and I don't care anymore. Dismantle our society. You'll see for yourself. Even if you don't have much to lose, you'll notice when it's gone.
It's up to the politicians and the voters. We are still living in democracies last I remember.
Yeah. But all the major parties here push the same shit.
At least we have some fresh smaller parties that are still idealistic and not overrun by the usual professionally retarded politicians.
Die Humanisten seem quite interesting.
I'm against their whole "Federal States of Europe" thing, at least for the foreseeable future, but the rest seems very reasonable.
Maybe the Russians got tired of criminalizing homosexuals.
Debbie Downer
Etymology: From the Saturday Night Live character Debbie Downer, played by Rachel Dratch

Function: Noun

1. a: a person who says something terribly depressing (a downer), typically only tangentially related to the present circumstance or topic of conversation, and thereby destroys the positive atmosphere. b: a statement that is charactaristic of Debbie Downer

Usage note: In the skit, following each downer Debbie voices, a trombone plays a "wah waaah" (sad trombone) sound effect and the camera zooms in on Debbie Downer's face, which is twisted in comic despair.
Debbie Downer: Hey, does anyone have a banana?

Friend #1: What?

Debbie Downer: Well, if I don't get enough potassium every day, I awaken in the middle of the night by crippling leg cramps.

(higher-pitched wah wahhhhhhh; zoom in)

(everyone looks pissed off)

Debbie Downer: By the way, it's official -- they've located my birth mother. Deceased.

(deeper wah wahhhhhhhh; zoom in on a particularly painful facial expression)
It should be against the law to go around like this:




Which is what it looks like the Russians are pushing back against. This notion that you can whip your tranny balls out in a classroom full of kids, and nobody can say anything bad about it, is fucking bullshit. Russia knows that. Apparently the rest of the West lost the memo.