Cyberpunk 2077

I have to say that it's interesting that CD Project Red is having Keanu Reaves be in their game. Then again, they did have Charles Dance in The Witcher 3 and John Wick is fun, so we shall see.
Great that we finally have a release date. Should be able to save up enough money to upgrade my computer for Cyberpunk once it comes out.
I don't think I'll need any upgrades. I already run TW3 on highest settings, and this game too is made for current gen, so I doubt it will be much different in specs than TW3. I certainly hope CDPR optimizes it well, but I don't doubt they will give their best.
With how popular Keanu is currently, I guess CDPR are pulling all the stops to sell Cyberpunk 2077. Admittedly, I actually like that Keanu is in the game and presenting the game at E3.

Nice to see a release date now. I can save up for the game and whatever hardware upgrade needed.
I wish all the best for CD Projekt Red and GOG. And they pulled one hell of advertizement out of their hat. I hope they aren't doing that to be bought by Microsoft next year...
Was that the only non-cringey celebrity appearance at E3? Excellent job by Keanu.
CDP Red just jumped into 8th place on Polish stock market with over 22 billions.
A pity they stopped making RPGs a while ago.

We're in dire need to have a good RPG studio these days. It seems that Owlcat made Pathfinder: Kingmaker and that seems to have a pretty good reputation with old cRPG fans. Some say it's even superior to Baldur's Gate 2. So I'm a tiny bit hopeful (or should I say, I want to be hopeful) that Owlcat will be the studio that will release good isometric cRPGs in the future.
And cue the bleating of "waah! waah! Muh snowflakeness" game journos about BadBadEvilBadness misogyny of Cyberpunk...
/Le sigh.
/Need for Vlad Tepes Rises.
Can't say i'm a big fan of in game characters being represented by the true physical appearance of the actor. And what's the deal with this Keanu Reeves guy, what is so special about him that people are going crazy over?