District 9 - Viral marketing that actually worked for me!

I saw it, and I think it's a really really well done film. Considering the budget they had(30 million) I'm entirely glad that the halo movie didn't get made. This is one of those films that actually pushes the genre forward.

It's at least a step in the right direction.

This and Children of Men have to be my favorite modern sci fi films.
Children of men was awesome. THough the part I really liked about the movie most was the protagonist never used a weapon (if I remember correctly) and that the action scemes feelt believable.

How is it with district 9 and its characters and scenes. Is it more something completely "over the top" (you know terminator 3 ...) or actualy at least somewhat believable.
To me, District 9's characters are pretty much believable and realistic.

Surely the film got some "huh?" moment but I still feel its kinda believable.
Finally watched it. I even enjoyed most of it.

Only thing that escaped me was the er escape sequence (and the attack sequence). How quickly the managed to enter/escape . . . in a apparently high-tech, well secured building, covering 4 stories (underground) just to reach their objective. Along with the "I'll never leave you!" dialouge during a critical fight scene . . .

Oh, and after an hour, the shakey-blurry camera hurts eyes.

Well done, well acted, purdy CGI. Best movie since Wall-E.

The most negative reaction to the film has come from New York Press critic Armond White, who lambasts it for its outlandish premise and perceived racial insensitivity toward its apartheid allegories. He asserts that "Blomkamp and Jackson want it every which way: The actuality-video threat of The Blair Witch Project, unstoppable violence like ID4 plus Spielberg's otherworldly benevolence: factitiousness, killing and cosmic agape. This is how cinema gets turned into trash."

I think this sums it up.
I would never take anything that quotes Armond White too seriously. He's an Internet meme, praising/trashing movies based on the opposites of what others do to get more hype.

To give you reference... this summer he's rated:

Land of the Lost
Dance Flick
GI Joe
Transformers 2

Harry Potter
Star Trek
The Hang Over
Inglorious Basterds
Armand White is( i was going to say total dipshit before i sort of re-thought everything.)he's smug for the sake of being smug, and unless he shows that's he's doing an Andy Kaufman like stunt, he's either notoriously clever or just utterly stupid.

Ebert himself said that this guy is a troll, and a smart one at that.
I had low expectations for this, even read the plot summary on wikipedia because I was convinced I wouldn't see it at the cinema or on DVD.

But then in one of my sudden changes of heart on Thursday I decided it might worth a look and wow. At last a summer blockbuster this year that wasn't pond scum on film.
i got 5 minutes into it and stopped watching. maybe if i was 12 i'd not be shaking my head so hard. either that or if i knew this was a Christopher Guest film.
You're kidding right? this is the best thing to come out of Hollywood in a long time.

Edit: 5 minutes? you're opinion is no longer valid, the movie doesn't really get moving until at least 10-15 minutes in, skip ahead if you can't stand character development.
it was so fucking cheesy i couldn't take it. end of story. and yeah, nice one Crini...but unlike the majority of NMA members i don't usually do kiddie films and cornball blockbusters.
Twinkie-Doodle, what do you mean with the "majority of NMA members" liking kiddi-flicks?. Your talking about the "hard core member" which almost is dissing any kind of movie that shows up here or do you aim at one of the countless tourists. Going for more generalisation ? :mrgreen: :P
i mean 9 times out of 10 the only thread topics for film are either what is an over-hyped Oscar-bound movie or some stupid fucking juvenile, made-for-fanboys, blockbuster film.

THAT'S what i mean.
Watched it, was quite entertaining.

Have to agree on the escape/break in issue, it was too easy, tho i did like the fact that the movie didnt dwell too long in those scenes/places as some movies might have.

As far as blockbusters go i recommend at least watching it on dvd, might not be for all but at least give it a go.

And yeah, i didnt get any kind of revelation from this movie either, its just more believable than usual scifi action movie.
the opening was cheesy for a reason, it sets up the main character Wikus as a push over. I guess people don't appreciate character development anymore, they want splosions! :ugly:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
the opening was cheesy for a reason, it sets up the main character Wikus as a push over. I guess people don't appreciate character development anymore, they want splosions! :ugly:

you're right. i hate character development. that's why i stopped watching. that must also be why Bergman, Godard and Bunuel are my favorite directors. it must have nothing to do with how this movie which appeared to be taking itself seriously looked like a Christopher Guest film and i kept saying to myself "if this really is the Spinal Tap version of alien movies this is hilarious but if this is "for real" then this is the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen."
I never once felt that this movie took it self seriously (Wikus used a gravity gun to launch a pig at a bad guy, very serious), but everyone has different tastes and views on movies.

but I still can't take you're opinion seriously.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
but I still can't take you're opinion seriously.

kinda like how i could never take somebody who doesn't know the correct usage of you're vs your correctly, eh? but really, i'm glad you can't take my opinion seriously. i'm sure you have grounds for this.