District 9 - Viral marketing that actually worked for me!

you do realize that this is THE INTERNET, I'm a god damn spelling champion compared to those other idiots out there, and I don't give a fuck if I use "You're" or "Your "wrongly, if you do then you have some problems, anal bastard.
I always ask my self whats worse. Beeing a gramar-nazi or fighting them.

By the Way Tard ... dont forget NMA is a bit more strict then the Order around rules and such when it comes to insults. :wink:

It took me some time to learn the use of their and they're or Those, These, them etc. And still have a lots of errors with it. But its really worth trying it.
Kilus said:
I had low expectations for this, even read the plot summary on wikipedia because I was convinced I wouldn't see it at the cinema or on DVD.

But then in one of my sudden changes of heart on Thursday I decided it might worth a look and wow. At last a summer blockbuster this year that wasn't pond scum on film.
I was unconvinced by the trailers and had read Ebert's blog post about it which didn't help but a buddy of mine had heard good things about it so I went to watch it. I enjoyed it pretty well, I don't much care for the fake documentary style so I was unconvinced by the first part of the movie but was pleasantly surprised by the action half. That said, the second half went in a completely different direction than the first half (and a direction I wasn't expecting) and the excessive exploding bodies (and a couple other things) were B movie hilarious. Still, the two parts of the film don't mesh together as well as they should and I didn't like van der Merwe at all so the only connection I felt in the film was to the two aliens.

TwinkieStabllis said:
i got 5 minutes into it and stopped watching. maybe if i was 12 i'd not be shaking my head so hard. either that or if i knew this was a Christopher Guest film.
The beginning is very slow and, as I said before, I don't like that style but giving up on a film after 5 minutes is really too little to really give impressions on the whole thing.

I had a problem with the logic of the film, a lot of things just plain weren't properly explained.
[spoiler:2ccf9fc555]The breakdown of the Mothership and then their ability to fly it home at the end without doing any repairs on it. The transport having no problem flying when Christopher had been saving up drops of the fluid for twenty years and then lost a bunch of it. The explanation for why the aliens allowed themselves to be fucked over so bad, "They are like drones without a leader and can't think for themselves," :ugly: . I'm sure some other things that I'm forgetting because I saw it last Friday.[/spoiler:2ccf9fc555]

All in all, it was enjoyable, between 2 and 3 stars is probably a fair rating as it was an average to good film. Still, it has enough problems that I can totally understand people not caring too much for it.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I'm not saying its a perfect movie, I'm saying you can't judge a feature length film when you have only seen a few minutes of it.

sure you can. i judged that it was too fucking juvenile to waste my time on. end of story.
I have no idea what's wrong with this film for you guys. For me it was a great flick that will create a new direction for sci-fi genre.

i don't usually do kiddie films and cornball blockbusters

This is an R rated movie.

Have to agree on the escape/break in issue, it was too easy


[spoiler:94f5443648]Most of MNU's military is busy at the moment in D-9 (as we know from the beginning of the movie), and First Batallion is trying to hunt down Wikus. They didn't expect anything, especially not him and an alien both armed with all-powerfull alien weapons.[/spoiler:94f5443648]
the opening was cheesy for a reason, it sets up the main character Wikus as a push over. I guess people don't appreciate character development anymore, they want splosions!

I don't much care for the fake documentary style so I was unconvinced by the first part

Of course it was fake, it's a movie. It started as a documentry to explain what happened in the last 30 year ago (in movie's timeline), when an alien mothership came to South Africa.
IMO it's a cool idea.
[spoiler:94f5443648]The movie ends with some sort of a documentry ending too.[/spoiler:94f5443648]
I didn't like van der Merwe at all so the only connection I felt in the film was to the two aliens.

The point of the movie was to show a different human nature (true one IMO), than other movies with aliens.
Sometimes Wikus could be a good person, but then he turns out to be a totall jackass you want to slap in the face. Doesn't that sometimes happen to all of us?
It was suppose to be realistic.

The transport having no problem flying when Christopher had been saving up drops of the fluid for twenty years and then lost a bunch of it.

We don't know how much he collected the fluid for the last 20 years. Does that matter? It would be boring to show in the movie, "Where he got this, where he got that, how much he got it?".

The explanation for why the aliens allowed themselves to be fucked over so bad, "They are like drones without a leader and can't think for themselves,"
It's an alien race. They evolved in different way and so their psyche might be much different than ours? Kind of like ants- workers can't think for themselves, they need a leadership.
This is how they are, you can't blame them :ugly:

I really like this film so I decided to write a bit about it here.

The budget was 30mln (Transformers 2 had 200mln), and it had 100mln at the box office before they started showing it in UK, so the movie already makes great profits and it will probably bring more during the DVD release.
A great debut for Neill Blomkamp.
I agree, if you just compare the budged of District 9 and Transforerms 2 alone they achieved a lot in District 9.
The web commercial for District 9 reminds me of No Mutants Allowed:

(Bah - can't find an add at the moment - will edit in the pic when I see it next time)

EDIT: Here we go:

I have not seen it yet (will during this week I hope), but as expected everyone seems to be blown away. Norwegian movie critics are all giving it 5 or 6 out of 6 and science fiction enthusiasts are very excited.


Website: http://www.d-9.com/ (which opens with a different and much more action oriented trailer)

Am looking forward to this :) (Despite som of the comments in this thread)
i quite liked it, but you also saw a lot of potential was wasted.

and the anti-hero got on my nerve every goddamn move he made.
I enjoyed first half of it and I thought it had a good premise to go somewhere these type of movies don't usually go, however, eventually it went to standard boring action area and I stopped caring. It's a shame, I really think it had potential for something better. All in all, far from worst I've seen, but also forgettable.
What annoyed me at this film is that[spoiler:ef05e5a44f] even though the second part wasn't filmed by a news crew, the camera still moved like it was...

Also, people are to lazy to build decent costumes nowadays... they make it CGI...


And it wasn't that GRAND anyway. When you see the mothership, you're thinking, maaan! And they live like slaves...