Do you know when the Fallout world diverged from our own? The answer will surprise you!

1800, Cabot house?
Well, if we go by what Cabbot's say in Fallout 4... Then the divergence would have been 4000 BC.
But spoiler alert... Bethesda has a small detail in one of their games that make the divergence be even earlier in history than that :lmao:.

How a single little detail, that most people never even noticed, makes a huge change in lore on a game universe. :lmao:
I will answer that tomorrow or so. As to build more suspense and see if more people will be interested in this. >_>
After a strange try at bethesda 3, using a sort of research field trip excuse to convince myself, I know exactly what Risewild is talking about. But is it really so mind blowing?
Your fault, for falling for the click-bait. :wiggle:
After a strange try at bethesda 3, using a sort of research field trip excuse to convince myself, I know exactly what Risewild is talking about. But is it really so mind blowing?
It's as mind-blowing as any other click bait article on the internet... As in... Not at all.

Less than 3 hours until the reveal.
I will be sleeping in 3 hours, while my brain recover from my first and last play of bethesda 3.
Anyway, I already know what this is all about. Really...
WHERE IS IT? 5 hours passed and nothing?!!1!!

Also if it's in FO3 I'm almost 100% sure what you're talking about. Unless I'm misremembering it's
GOTCHA! Clickbaited!!!
I was cooking dinner and then I had to eat said dinner. So it got delayed. :lmao:

Here it is, finally. The earliest history divergence in a Bethesda's Fallout game is....

*Drum rolls*

The Cretaceous Period! :jiggy:

How can we tell?

Well, the real skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex in display on the Museum of History (based on the real skeleton in display on the real world Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC) has 3 fingers on each hand. Everyone knows that the Tyrannosaurus Rex only had 2 fingers on each hand.
Older theropods had 3 fingers (like the Allosaurus), but the T-Rex had only 2 fingers (just like the Albertosaurus).

If you're interested in knowing more stuff about dinosaurs. Fell free to ask @zegh8578 . He is the Order's dino expert. Having his own dino thread over there and everything.

So here it is. In Bethesda's Fallout universe, things were already different in the Cretaceus Period.
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Btw, best in-game dino-skeleton is in GTA V
They seem to be scans of actual skeletons, so they're pretty much spot on, even to minute details
It had occurred to me that it had something to with dinosaurs when you mentioned it was so long ago, but I couldn't recall any details about that museum. Good catch.
You suck at clickbaiting tho, since you've delivered.