Faceless Stranger
Board Drifter
No way mang, Halo was the first fps AND it revolutionized the genre all others are just ripoffs 

gongos said:Whereas Fallout 3 has been received even better than Fallout 1. Not just commercially, but also CRITICALLY.
And thats where your analogy with Fallout 1 being a "Godfather" and Fallout 3 being an "Agent Salt" falls apart.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:I don't get what everyone is getting on about exploiting turn-based combat. My level 1 character can take down a mutant with a 10mm pistol in Fallout 3. In Fallout 1 I would never try that.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:With turn based mechanics, though. It's classic Fallout meets cover-based shooters.
Hroesvelgr said:Yep. I agree I would play say Gears of War the same way, but the difference is that in real time your enemy has a chance to hit you when you reveal yourself whereas in Fallout the only thing the AI could do was try to reach the doorway, which they never would.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:Thomas de Aynesworth said:With turn based mechanics, though. It's classic Fallout meets cover-based shooters.
What I meant to say was,
Gee-whiz, it's classic Fallout turn-based combat meets squad-level, tactical 3rd person isometric combat!
generalissimofurioso said:But if they hit you, they usually just stand there continuing to shoot long after you've ducked back into cover to regen.
It's not really an issue of mechanics, it's an issue of having AI capable of dealing with it.
Back in 1997, it wasn't a big deal, the fact that in 2010 we have painfully few games were the AI can grasp such things as flanking and suppression is irritating.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:I don't get what everyone is getting on about exploiting turn-based combat. My level 1 character can take down a mutant with a 10mm pistol in Fallout 3. In Fallout 1 I would never try that.
Hroesvelgr said:But, you do have to be honest about the originals. While combat was much more difficult in general, many encounters could be completely trivialized by the mechanics. For example, I would take out the entire Navarro base by myself by starting my turn on the inside of a door way, walking one step out and sniping the closest oponnent's eyes, then walking back in to cover and ending my turn.
korindabar said:Not to dispute the ease of Fallout 3, but your level one character probably isn't killing any super mutants unless you're playing on very easy. Also Hroesvelgr pretty much covered why F1/F2 weren't "hard".
Uh... Ya you could, well, lvl 2, since you level as soonas you leave the "vault" and head into nonsense town. You couldn't do that in the classics because of the combat system. FO3's retarded combat system makes it so that no-matter what, you do damage. Try that in Fallout, go run around Mariposa, when you encounter patrol... let me knowkorindabar said:Not to dispute the ease of Fallout 3, but your level one character probably isn't killing any super mutants unless you're playing on very easy.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:True, Fallout: Tactics probably had the best combat mechanics.
korindabar said:Not to dispute the ease of Fallout 3, but your level one character probably isn't killing any super mutants unless you're playing on very easy.