Anarchosyn said:I enjoyed the writing in Dragons Age to a large extent (with emphasis on the in-camp companion dialogs) but I guarantee that my opinion would have been much higher if the dialog was solely txt based (it would probably have been deeper as well)..
I dont think with the kind of visuals we reached now this would work novadays anymore. Already back, with either Fallout or Baldurs Gate for example you had voiced dialogues. They have been rare, uniquie I would want to say and usualy reserved to special situations. Everyone will for sure remember Gizmo, Seth (ghoul), Lynette or the Elder.
Point is with a game that needs much imagination like Baldurs Gate it is no problem afterall if a huge number of the NPCs have no voice because much is left to your imagination. A evil wizard, grabby merchant or noble paladin, all this has been part of your imagination, their faces, attitude and appearance have been not shown by the game as most if not all NPCs have been rather generic in their look beeing represented by a 2D sprite and texture. A raider in leather armor looked always the same regardless which one you are talking with same with a Brotherhood knight in Powerarmor as they shared the same models/sprites.
With games like Fallout 3, Dragonage or anything similar this would not work the same way anymore. They HAVE To achieve a form of personailty and individuality with almost any NPC beeing it the simple merchant or some randoom farmer even if its not good because but it simply has not the same feeling anymore with just text like it did 15 years ago.
compare it with a Silent Movie, would that work today with our technology like it did 80 years ago ? Without the artisticaly distincitve black-white visuals and known text images ? Would that have the same kind of feeling and reaction ? All with colour today ? Definetly not. Of course Silent Movies dont have a big market today, probably no one at all ~ not when thinking about the expensive entertaiment industry with block buster movies its more a style left to the expressionist or something. It would be like thinking to make a new citizen kane or casablanca with new HD colours pushing it to a new visual age would have the same feeling like the original

And to say the truth, I love those old games but I dont want to miss the new features some games have today. I just dont see them as that expensive. Maybe publishers like EA or Rockstar games should consider to spend just a "bit" more development then the marketing which is realy using most of the money they need for making games. At least in direct comparision. Like TV spots for CoD4. Here in Germany even. Now talking about expensive marketing ...