Doctor Who

I still haven't bothered to watch it yet. I'd honestly forgotten about the special until a few friends posted about it on FB. *shrugs* I get the feeling I'm not missing much. Sooner or later I'll watch. I've found the key with Moffat's DW to have really low expectations. Then I'm more likely find it somewhat enjoyable.
That sounds like every other comment I've heard. Well, intelligent comments. There are always the "Squee Kids" on GB that rate every single bloody episode 10/10...
The ending was definitely weak-ass-sauce, but hey, it's Christmas.

[spoiler:ac2282d686]I'm reminded of the 9th Doctor going "This time, everybody lives!" That seems to happen more often under Moffatt, especially in Christmas eps[/spoiler:ac2282d686]

But it's definitely worth a watch. The concept is ok even if the story isn't that great. Worth it for Bill Bailey as a confused space marine alone.
it was cute and slightly immature in some spots.

really something i take as within the realm of DW but not part of the storyline.
Yea, I really hope they bring those space marine/construction workers back as the Bailey et company really could use more screen time.

Also your spoiler is one of the things I really liked about the early Moffat episodes as it made them very different from the R.T.D stuff in that regard.
I just noticed when the mother was up in the mobile crawler thing with Bill Bailey, that everything was orange and yellow. Everytime the Doctor goes to human settlements or workplaces in the future things always seem to be painted yellow and orange. I'm probably griping to much, but it just seems odd to me.

All you need.
Alphadrop said:
Pretty sure there is more than 3 major foes though.

Who, then? There's a lot of also-rans but nothing close to Daleks/Cybermen/The Master. There's the Black Guardian, the Rani, the Sontarans, the Silurians. You could argue the Time Lords (or specific Time Lords, such as the Master, the Rani, the Valeyard) serve as antagonists pretty often. But are any of those "major"?
yea, i agree with BN, most of the enemies are MOTW variety.

not enough to list individually
Time Lords?

Well if you put it like that but I would think the Sontarans and the Nestine Conscous...thingy at least deserve some props for hanging around longer than the standard MOTW.
It would have been nice to have each of the episodes titles, but still that is an very insightful layout.
I figured this would be appropriate....

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
And we're back!!

That was one of the better Moffat episodes. Sufficiently tense, sensible "plot twists", interesting story.

Amy and Rory are just dysfunctional, though.
if you arent a fan, then you should know this is their last season as official companions.

i thought it was disjointed, and that "twist" at the end was really predictable.
Yea but it was played out well.

The spooky asylum and assorted nasties inside and out made the Daleks scary again which is a good thing, missed the special weapons dalek though, he was meant to be around somewhere.

Edit: Ah it was in the room with Rory when he was trying to find eggs.
Aww, now I have to go back. I was looking for the special weapons Dalek but I missed it. Thankfully with the magic of Tivo I can go back and watch the recording!
Just watched Asylum, this series looks like it might be better than the last.

Wasn't that girl supposed to be the new companion though? I don't really get it. I guess the Doctor will eventually go back in time and save her or some shit.

Threepwood said:
and the process of becoming a cyberman is now just putting on armour, not the horrible saw blade process we saw in the previous cybermen episodes..

This is a pretty old post, but I just saw it and I'm going to respond anyways.

The Cybermen in that episode weren't Cybermen from the parallel dimension or "Pete's World", they were supposed to be classic Mondasian Cybermen that somehow survived; which explains the whole "putting on armour" thing.