Doctor Who

Mendacious BN said:
So this is happening.

Anyone who has seen the last movie knows what a bad idea this is. As if Moffat isn't doing enough damage already. This series is dead in the water now.

Why the shit fuck does that make any sense to them?

They want to take one of the most popular and well established characters in all of fiction, a character that can be placed into literally any story or any situation and have it still make sense, then do a reboot?

This is the same kind of thinking that ruined the last movie. You don't take a well established formula and try to "fix" it if the formula is still working.

Seriously BBC; Cast Matt Smith, film Moffat's "The Doctor's Name" wet dream, and release that as the movie. Then give us another season that follows up on the events of the movie.

Is it really that hard?
It really doesn't. I don't understand with this obsession people have of making movies out of shows. Gotta agree with Courier, if it ain't broke don't fix it, or at least if it isn't TOO broken.
Chromevod said:
It really doesn't. I don't understand with this obsession people have of making movies out of shows. Gotta agree with Courier, if it ain't broke don't fix it, or at least if it isn't TOO broken.

Despite how shitty last season was, Doctor Who definitely isn't broken yet.

A shitty movie might just put a couple more cracks into it though.
Dr Who right now is definitely still good in spurts and bits, it's not far-off from a high-quality show. A movie treatment with a different Doctor is not what it needs.

Courier said:
This is the same kind of thinking that ruined the last movie.

Well sort of. But to be fair to that one, there wasn't a successful Dr Who franchise at that point. The series died in the late 80s and they wanted to revive it while grabbing an American audience. The attempt to please a mainstream Hollywood audience is indeed what killed it tho, even the Doctor himself wasn't bad. But the film sure was, as was turning the Master into a faux-Terminator.
This Tweet from Moffat actually makes me forgive him a bit for the last season:

Moffat said:
Announcing my personal moonshot, starting from scratch. No money, no plan, no help from NASA. But I know where the moon is - I've seen it.
Mendacious BN said:
Even the Doctor himself wasn't bad.

My brothers favourite doctor, then again he does have the same hair and dress sense. :P
He's still going strong in the novels and audio books, heck he even had a cyberman companion at one point.

Hopefully someone sees sense and cans this movie before the production team turn up on the news stabbed to death with sonic screwdrivers.
Alphadrop said:
My brothers favourite doctor, then again he does have the same hair and dress sense. :P
He's still going strong in the novels and audio books, heck he even had a cyberman companion at one point.

Hopefully someone sees sense and cans this movie before the production team turn up on the news stabbed to death with sonic screwdrivers.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing another movie about the Eighth Doctor, assuming it wasn't as bad as the last one at least.

Also more bad news for Doctor Who: series 7 has been delayed until late 2012,
A movie or spin-off series telling the stories of the Time Wars by way of the Eight and Ninth Doctor would be pretty awesome. But not happening, obviously, any major spinoffs will likely be incompetent ones.

Also "oh no". Is Sherlock to blame?

Sherlock's a good show.
Mendacious BN said:
A movie or spin-off series telling the stories of the Time Wars by way of the Eight and Ninth Doctor would be pretty awesome.

Exactly what I was thinking. So far the Time War has only been shown in Doctor Who comics (of which I don't read, so I know very little about it).

Also "oh no". Is Sherlock to blame?

Sherlock's a good show.

No idea, although I'm pretty disappointed. I was hoping Moffat would pull something brilliant out of his ass this series that would make the last series seem pure genius in its subtle foreshadowing.

Probably won't happen, but I can still dream. It does seem like he's been building up to this point since Series 4 though.
Maybe I'm not getting it but why would a Hollywood blockbuster Doctor Who be a bad thing? And why would putting it into a new continuity be bad as long as the old one is still intact and the tv series continues?

I mean, Star Trek did that with the 2009 movie and it was alright....

I don't know, from the Facebook profile people seem to think that a Hollywood Doctor Who would be the horrible as a fact but why?

Just curious...maybe I'm missing something...
The thing that I've noticed about shows that become movies is they tend to be bad. Star Trek is the exception, not the rule. Note that Star Trek has had PLENTY of bad movies (Nemesis for example).

COULD a Doctor Who movie be good? Definitely.
COULD a Doctor Who movie surpass expectations and be a wonderfully crafted tale full of intrigue and suspense? Oh Yes.

WOULD it be these things? Maybe?

It could also be a complete disaster and sour people to the name.
Chromevod said:
The thing that I've noticed about shows that become movies tend to be bad. Star Trek is the exception, not the rule. Note that Star Trek has had PLENTY of bad movies (Nemesis for example).

COULD a Doctor Who movie be good? Definitely.
COULD a Doctor Who movie surpass expectations and be a wonderfully crafted tale full of intrigue and suspense? Oh Yes.

WOULD it be these things? Maybe?

It could also be a complete disaster and sour people to the name.

Ah ok, that makes more sense....I think I understand now...
Newsflash: the last six years how Doctor Who have been unadulterated crap from start to finish. It's amusing to see folks complaining that it's only getting lamer now. Enjoy being surprised as it gets worse and worse and worse. You've earned it!


So have you guys seen the Christmas special yet?

It's not quite as good as last years but I liked it. The main thing that bothered me was that the Doctor didn't seem to realize that it was a really stupid idea to put an unguarded portal to another planet in some family's living room as a "present".

Edit: I think the episode would've been better if it had stuck closer to the whole 'Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' thing. Apart from the snowy forest and the "what do they teach you in schools these days?" line the episode didn't really bear any resemblance to it's namesake.
Had a good premise but man it felt rushed. The timing was well of.

Also what happened to the rest of the bomber crew?
I found the episode okay if a little contrived and the reference to the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was obvious.

I do wish they had not added that damn section with Amelia and Rory at the end as I honestly had hoped that Moffat would finally move on.
Eh, it was alright. There were some bits that made me chuckle, such as sacrificing the beds. I thought last years was better but this one was enjoyable. Better than the finale at least.
It was good. Not as good as last year's, though equally delightfully sappy. I love a good helping of sap during Christmas.

I hope we see no trend of referring to the Doctor by anything but Doctor. That'd grate soon.