Doctor Who

Asylum of the Daleks disappointed me. But then, for my tastes, Moffat hasn't written a decent story since he took over from RTD.

I kept asking myself why the Daleks had an asylum. They exterminate their own kind for impurities and weakness so why an asylum? And the ridiculous "Doctor Who? Doctor Who?" bit at the end really wasn't needed. It wasn't cute or funny. It was unnecessary. One Dalek saying it, with the Doctor repeating it to himself, would have made the point without being annoying. Less is more.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship... I've tried three times and keep falling asleep.

Funny that once upon a time I couldn't wait for RTD to leave and Moffat to take over and now Moffat's DW just doesn't work for me and I look back fondly on RTD's era.
So after using the title drop for the twist at the finale episode, last season, he uses it again for the opening episode? I see he's pretty merciless towards the fans.

Moffat seems to thing people saying "Doctor Who?!" is super-clever or something. No idea why he's making it a plot point, doubt it goes anywhere, really. More interested in seeing if he wraps up Amy/Rory's arc properly. RTD was awful at giving companions proper send-offs, like how he hooked up Rose with creepy-Doctor-clone.

Yeah, Moffat is not as good as we'd hoped during the RTD era. Still, the last two episodes were pretty good or ok-ish, so he might be improving. Fun characters in this last one, though I imagine the whole "gang" thing will get on people's nerves.

[spoiler:be07fb6a98]And I'm not entirely sure about this whole "murdering a dude in cold blood" thing. It's not like it was necessary, like he couldn't capture him, it was murder. What?[/spoiler:be07fb6a98]
Josan said:
Moffat hasn't written a decent story since he took over from RTD.

Hmm? Are you saying The Eleventh Hour, Pandorica Opens/Big Bang, and A Christmas Carol weren't good episodes?

I kept asking myself why the Daleks had an asylum. They exterminate their own kind for impurities and weakness so why an asylum?

The Daleks in the asylum aren't impure or weak though, they've just become so consumed by hate that they can't even be controlled by the other Daleks. At least that's how I understood it.

I look back fondly on RTD's era.

The RTD era was awful, admit it. There were a few gems but overall it was just horrible.

Moffat's era might have its flaws, but its nowhere near as shitty as RTD's.

[spoiler:b5497cc086]Yeah the whole "Doctor Who?" thing was pretty stupid though. I guess its maybe just foreshadowing the main story arc of Series 7, kind of like all those cracks in the walls in Series 5.

Still cringeworthy.[/spoiler:b5497cc086]
Courier said:
Josan said:
Moffat hasn't written a decent story since he took over from RTD.

Hmm? Are you saying The Eleventh Hour, Pandorica Opens/Big Bang, and A Christmas Carol weren't good episodes?

Since I said it, that's indeed what I'm saying. And of the three you mentioned, only The Eleventh Hour was reasonably good. The others were absolute shit.

I kept asking myself why the Daleks had an asylum. They exterminate their own kind for impurities and weakness so why an asylum?

The Daleks in the asylum aren't impure or weak though, they've just become so consumed by hate that they can't even be controlled by the other Daleks. At least that's how I understood it.

I haven't heard anyone look at it that way. After all, it was an asylum, not an anger management therapy session. They were insane, some apparently from an old episode, "The Dalek's Master Plan", where they survived the events on the planet Kembel and insanity would indeed be a weakness in the eyestalk of a Dalek.

I look back fondly on RTD's era.

The RTD era was awful, admit it. There were a few gems but overall it was just horrible.

Moffat's era might have its flaws, but its nowhere near as shitty as RTD's.

[spoiler:bb43569d22]Yeah the whole "Doctor Who?" thing was pretty stupid though. I guess its maybe just foreshadowing the main story arc of Series 7, kind of like all those cracks in the walls in Series 5.

Still cringeworthy.[/spoiler:bb43569d22]

It's a matter of taste, isn't it. I could re-watch most of RTDs era. I can't say the same for Moffat's. As I said, when RTD had the show, I looked forward to Moffat taking over. Now, I look forward to Moffat either taking his head out of his ass or leaving.
Courier said:
[spoiler:f53fdb0422]Yeah the whole "Doctor Who?" thing was pretty stupid though. I guess its maybe just foreshadowing the main story arc of Series 7, kind of like all those cracks in the walls in Series 5.

Still cringeworthy.[/spoiler:f53fdb0422]

[spoiler:f53fdb0422]Did they ever explain why or what made the Tardis explode? I can't remember anything, but it has been a while since I've seen the other series.[/spoiler:f53fdb0422]

I've enjoyed Moffat's era, but not as much as RTD's.
Wastewander said:
[spoiler:e59c8d4d53]Did they ever explain why or what made the Tardis explode? I can't remember anything, but it has been a while since I've seen the other series.[/spoiler:e59c8d4d53]

[spoiler:e59c8d4d53]Nope, it's supposed to be explained in this series.[/spoiler:e59c8d4d53]
i thought the explosion was due to him being removed from the time stream.

same with all the stars. because without his influence/presence, the universe would cease.
Amy Pond really isn't developing as a character, is she? Useless and pouty seems to pretty much sum her up. It's not much better when they try to make her into Rose in her role when, well, she's no Rose.

That said, this episode was fun, but man the dialog was badly written/paced. Also a town of 80 people would probably not have a sherrif, an undertaker and a whorehouse, would it?

Dude playing doctor Jex was a pretty fine actor.
Eh, I'd say that only Series 1 was the FO3 of Who.

Eccleston did a phenomenal job with the material he was given, but other than that the series was pretty shit.

Series 2-7 are more like the New Vegas or even Tactics.
Oh yeah, 6th Doctor was easily the FO3 of Doctor Who. Nothing against the actor who played him, Colin Baker, it's just that everybody else involved with the show at the time was literally retarded.

Post-Mel 7th Doctor is easily my second favorite Doctor though.
Post-Mel 7th Doctor was awesome, his first serial is another example of retardedness though. This shit? You seriously need to put on some nostalgia goggles to think the reboot is anywhere close to that stupidity, lack of quality or horrible characters.

But Ace is one of my favorite companions, and they had some great serials. But tone-wise it was a pretty wild left turn.
Brother None said:
Post-Mel 7th Doctor was awesome, his first serial is another example of retardedness though.

Yeah the Mel-era 7th Doctor was probably the second worst Doctor after the 6th.

By the time whoever was in charge of the show realized they needed to get their shit together it was already too late because everyone had stopped watching. Even the fucking amazing Ace-era 7th Doctor couldn't resurrect the show at that point. The 6th and early 7th Doctors had already done their damage.

Edit: Mel is also easily my least favorite companion.
Well... that was absolutely god-awful. Quite possibly the worst episode of the reboot. Moffat's dropped some clunkers, but his Dr Who may now have officially jumped the shark.

[spoiler:c2b9f40773]I actually joked with Sander a month ago about the Statue of Liberty being a weeping angel, and we both agreed it would be retarded but Moffat might just be stupid enough to do it. Yup.[/spoiler:c2b9f40773]

Full of plotholes, bad acting, too many eye-rolling moments. Moffat "just make up shit to justify the plot" approach the setting rules reached its apex, he just outright pulled shit out of his ass during the episode, even contradicting himself.

[spoiler:c2b9f40773]Amy had to travel back with the Angel? Why not just take the TARDIS? Her name was added to the tombstone after she zaps back, but apparently that's not a paradox. Just keep making shit up, Moffat.[/spoiler:c2b9f40773]

The sooner this show is saved from Moffat, the better. This is reminiscent of the 6th/early 7th Doctor era. Quickly running towards cancellation. Though ratings seem to be doing alright.

Maybe Dalek-girl will save the show. I hope so. Still gotta get rid of River.
Brother None said:
The sooner this show is saved from Moffat, the better. This is reminiscent of the 6th/early 7th Doctor era. Quickly running towards cancellation.

I haven't seen this episode yet (or the previous one for that matter) but even if it's as shit as you say it is I don't think Doctor Who is anywhere near cancellation. The show is more popular now than ever.
I think Moffat is 'Timey Wimey' in the brain.

Some of the premise was interesting but it soon turned into the emotional yo-yo ing Moffat does whenever he got the Doctor and his Mary Sue together.
At least we are rid of Amy and Rory, now River Song and the Doctor's obsession with her and there might be a possibility to start over again.

What happened to the guy who wrote The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (still a bit ridiculous), Blink, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.
Did some parasite crawl into his head and take over control?
for me, the most epic intro to any dr who epi is the intro to the demons run

it rocks my socks off.