Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Asylum of the Daleks disappointed me. But then, for my tastes, Moffat hasn't written a decent story since he took over from RTD.
I kept asking myself why the Daleks had an asylum. They exterminate their own kind for impurities and weakness so why an asylum? And the ridiculous "Doctor Who? Doctor Who?" bit at the end really wasn't needed. It wasn't cute or funny. It was unnecessary. One Dalek saying it, with the Doctor repeating it to himself, would have made the point without being annoying. Less is more.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship... I've tried three times and keep falling asleep.
Funny that once upon a time I couldn't wait for RTD to leave and Moffat to take over and now Moffat's DW just doesn't work for me and I look back fondly on RTD's era.
I kept asking myself why the Daleks had an asylum. They exterminate their own kind for impurities and weakness so why an asylum? And the ridiculous "Doctor Who? Doctor Who?" bit at the end really wasn't needed. It wasn't cute or funny. It was unnecessary. One Dalek saying it, with the Doctor repeating it to himself, would have made the point without being annoying. Less is more.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship... I've tried three times and keep falling asleep.
Funny that once upon a time I couldn't wait for RTD to leave and Moffat to take over and now Moffat's DW just doesn't work for me and I look back fondly on RTD's era.