Doctor Who

Okay I've finally caught up on Series 7 and I think I can safely say that this is the most atrociously bad series of New Who yet. Even the music, cinematography, and acting are just completely shit. Those were the only things that made Series 6 watchable for the most part.

This is pretty disappointing because I actually liked Asylum of the Daleks. I was really hoping this would be better than the last series, but at this point I'm considering dropping the show entirely for awhile if the new companion doesn't strike a chord with me.

P.s. The wooden acting might not be entirely the actors faults, considering they have to work with some of the worst dialogue I've ever had the misfortune of hearing.
It was pretty obvious they were just trying to fit the whole series around Karen Gillan leaving. That last episode was atrociously written and full of continuity plot holes. It's as if Steven Moffat decided to rewrite all previous lore about time travel and paradoxes so as to make sure that the Ponds can never come back.
problem is with the way they left the show, there isnt a way for them to come back later and make "guest" appearances like they have done a lot of before.

and i was not impressed at all with this episode...

it almost feels like the person who wrote blink isnt there anymore to at least "consult" with about this episode.
If I recall correctly, in an interview Karen Gillan said that she didn't want to do anymore doctor who or something, so they wrote her out so she can't.
It's fine to not have her back for cameos, but the reasoning is just so clumsy. He just pulls reasons out of his ass, as he always does. There's just no consistency in the setting under Moffat, that's always been my problem.

Hating the whole season, Lexx, Courier? I thought both Asylum and Mercy were fine. Mercy had a nice Doctor-Doctor juxtaposition and the dude who played the alien doctor acted his ass off. Dinosaurs was lulzy but alright, Power of Three was all build-up and no payoff but it did introduce an interesting nemesis in the Shakri.
that is just not sound thinking on her part.

the good thing about leaving so that she can do cameos means that she could come back and do an epi or 2 of this in between her other jobs.

now she cant even do cameos and make money between other shows through this avenue.

not very smart imo.
Brother None said:
Hating the whole season, Lexx, Courier?

Mhm not really the whole season. It does have it's moments, but it just doesn't hook me up anymore that much. There was a time where I had to see every new episode RIGHT NOW, but now... meh, only if I am bored or if I forgot about it for a longer time.

Though, I do feel a little tensed for the christmas special and the 50th aniversary news.
I think I'm more looking forward to seeing the new console room than the Christmas special or the second half of Series 7.

Asylum of the Daleks was only interesting for seeing older Daleks.

Dinosaurs... I stopped watching before the halfway mark.

A Town Called Mercy... I actually enjoyed it.

Power of Three... as I write this post I've actually forgotten the entire story except that there were these silly cubes.

Angels in Manhattan... the best part for me was the cinematography. Visually it was good. Storywise... Nothing. But poor Rory. I like Rory. I just don't know what the hell he saw in Amy and I'm glad the Ponds are gone.
Hmm... no one's watched "The Snowmen" yet?

I quite enjoyed this one. Moffat's best Christmas special in my view. I didn't watch it with a critical eye, which may have lead to my enjoying it more, and it worked that way for me.
Is it just me, or do the Doctor Who episodes increasingly feel like they're based on Goosebumps stories. God I hate the shows writers (Steven Moffat)...though the new TARDIS looks good.

.Pixote. said:
Is it just me, or do the Doctor Who episodes increasingly feel like they're based on Goosebumps stories. God I hate the shows writers (Steven Moffat)...

Sort of. Except this was all a callback to an episode of the 2nd Doctor, now mostly lost.

I loved this ep. It was clever, I really love Clara, she was fun in her first ep and fun here. It looks like her story will be another overly convoluted Moffat timey-wimey thing but whatever, as long as it doesn't get too dumb/plot holey as most of his do.

The antagonist was from the classics which is always nice, even if it wasn't particularly intimidating. The only real problem was it being too dense. Doctor sulking, the Sontaran, Silurian and Siluran's wife/assistant (who was the only fun one), with those painful trying-too-hard jokes from the Sontaran (his schtick got old after the preview). It would have been much better with those three cut out and a stronger focus on Richard E Grant's character (who was totally flat and uninteresting) and Clara's backstory. More like the Christmas Carol special from series 6, in other words. I know some people hated that one coz of the weird singing scene but story-wise it was much stronger than this one, which was all over the place.

Still enjoyed the heck out of it tho. Looking forward to more Clara. Probably the best companion this Doctor's had, which is excellent, his shitty companions (especially Song) constantly slowed him down.

[spoiler:7b60ec17d9]I enjoyed ICE ZOMBIE RICHARD E GRANT tho[/spoiler:7b60ec17d9]
I thought it was pretty fun, and set up another interesting storyline for the future. Two, actually. Undoubtedly Moffat's inconsistency will fuck it up, but it still seems good now.

Also, the whole Goosebumps thing is a time-honored Doctor Who thing. It's always had that sort of thing.
I think that's the thing... Moffat is great at stand-alone stories (Christmas specials, Blink) but he's weak on sustained stories. I'm not sure if he's not getting enough time to outline or if there's too many cooks or what.
I think it comes down to Moffat isn't as clever as he thinks he is and can't sustain that cleverness over a long story arc.
I don't think people take issue with the monster design (this is Doctor Who we're talking about). More so the lazy storytelling, relying on poorly defined and ever changing rules of time. And the excessive melodrama.
34thcell said:
I don't think people take issue with the monster design (this is Doctor Who we're talking about). More so the lazy storytelling, relying on poorly defined and ever changing rules of time. And the excessive melodrama.

Melodrama was a staple of Russel T. Davies' run and indeed of New Who in general, though I admit I enjoyed RTD's characters a lot more. That said, Moffat has improved a lot this season, and mostly by ditching the awful Amy/Rory/Doctor companion dynamic that never quite worked after the first 2 episodes of season 5 and abandoning the misguided idea of focusing so much on the overarching story arcs that started with season 5, and overpowered the narrative in season 6.

Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and the special were my favorites, Mercy was fine though it felt a bit unstructured and relied almost entirely on the alien Doctor (luckily the performance made the episode work), and The Angels Take Manhatthan had unfortunate echoes of Moffat at its worst, though at least it was superior to tripe such as Let's Kill Hitler and The Wedding of River Song.