Doctor Who

Just watched Lets Kill Hitler. Pretty bad.

Don't see why Hitler has to be the comic bafoon type character all the time. Pfft.
TheWesDude said:
my 3rd is the one about that group trying to find the doctor and it ends with that guy keeping the ground tile thing.

Love & Monsters, also known as one of the most reviled, generally hated episodes of the Dr Who reboot.

But it kicked off the tradition of Doctor-light episodes, which led to Blink and the lovely Sally Sparrow. So it's all ok.
i like blink and that love and monsters because they show the effects the doctor has on those he "helps" which is a pretty interesting angle.

and i didnt see an epi past the hitler one, was there a "new" one on bbca after that one?
Yeah, "Night Terrors" aired this last weekend

And Love and Monsters does show the effect on "those who stay behind" well, this is something the reboot generally did better than the older series ever did. I don't mind the episode, but it draws a lot of ire.
Love & Monsters, also known as one of the most reviled, generally hated episodes of the Dr Who reboot.

Really? Why is it hated so much? Was it because of the ending?

I mean, I didn't like what happened in the end but aside from that I actually kinda liked the episode....
Verd1234 said:
Really? Why is it hated so much? Was it because of the ending?

I mean, I didn't like what happened in the end but aside from that I actually kinda liked the episode....

To be fair, I liked it too until the absorby guy showed up.
Brother None said:
Yeah, "Night Terrors" aired this last weekend

fuck my dvr... it didnt record it.

Brother None said:
And Love and Monsters does show the effect on "those who stay behind" well, this is something the reboot generally did better than the older series ever did. I don't mind the episode, but it draws a lot of ire.

i like it, not sure why it generates ire other than it doesnt prominently feature the dr.
I think it was the juvenile tone (main character dancing around by his lonesome, that weird chase scene with the monster in that starting scene, the arbosalor or whatever he's called) that makes it so reviled. Again, I've never minded it so much but it was not well-reviewed.
I'll watch Love and Monsters any day over crap like Fear Her.

And I'd just like to congratulate Moffat for doing something RTD could never do: Make me not care if I missed an episode. Didn't watch Night Terrors and don't really care if I do. I liked Moffat's work when he was penning one story per series. As the show runner... don't care for him at all. Sick of River. Sick of Amy. Sick of the Doctor being a secondary character in his own show.
Hah. But it's tradition! The entire 5th Doctor's run was basically about his companions and not him. And he had some godawful companions too, though also some good ones (Vislor Turlough particularly).

It's odd for me to see a lot of consensus here on Moffat. Any time I've looked elsewhere (though I don't look much, never been to a Dr Who fansite) like reviews or "internet reviewers" they seem to love Moffat, River and hate Rose for whatever reason.
Well here's the thing, I can see the flaws that have been coming around and I don't blind myself to them. The thing is that despite the flaws, the plotholes, the bad characterization I still find myself enjoying the show regardless.
Brother None said:
It's odd for me to see a lot of consensus here on Moffat. Any time I've looked elsewhere (though I don't look much, never been to a Dr Who fansite) like reviews or "internet reviewers" they seem to love Moffat, River and hate Donna for whatever reason.

Fixed, arf arf.

I'm just hoping for more Gaiman, my favourite episode of the Moffat series so far was his.
Threepwood said:
Latest episode was the worst this half of the series.
I felt like it was easily the best of those three episodes. I even liked it more than most episodes in the Moffat era.

The episode had an intriguing premise, it had a great atmosphere, was well-acted and the story was logical with a touching resolution.

The only thing that wasn't really explained was "why didn't she just walk out of there"?
I liked the story but felt the setting was forced. A world wide quarantine is fine and all but it felt kinda silly how they enforced it is.
The robots managed to scan for foreign bacteria but missed that Amy has only one heart, also the Doctor has a space suit which he could of just worn, breaks the drama I guess. :V

Sander said:
The only thing that wasn't really explained was "why didn't she just walk out of there"?

Guessing that due to the nature of the facility, a way out wasn't really needed.