Doctor Who

Alphadrop said:
Sander said:
The only thing that wasn't really explained was "why didn't she just walk out of there"?

Guessing that due to the nature of the facility, a way out wasn't really needed.

I thought it was more along the lines that you get to live your life happy in there, but you can never leave because you're contagious.
Now that was a good episode, a relief after the shit we've got shoveled on us so far.

It's kind of weird to see a Moffatt-era episode talk about rules when he's ignored those consistently. "You can't travel along your own timeline" is suddenly a rule again? Ok. You didn't seem to care about that here.

Anyway, we're back to playing around with time in an interesting setting, and deepening out our main characters. Pretty damn solid, especially the characterization of the Doctor and his decisions.

There's some weird unexplained shit (like, indeed, why Amy doesn't walk out). Oh, the denouement dragged on forever. They could've done much better fleshing out the main story and not stretching out the closing scenes like that.

Oh, oh, and what's with the obsession with turning Amy into an action hero? Seeing her swing a sword around against pirates or robots isn't cool, it's ridiculous.
Yip. It's what happens when you try to go action scene with people with no action experience. They look like people do when swinging a katana around without any experience: friggin' stupid
Oh, and lest I forget to reply to this post completely.

Threepwood said:
@BrotherNone, I stand corrected on the declining figures, but 8Million is massive in the UK.

Eight million is a good number anywhere. Doctor Who's ratings are and have been pretty consistently amazing.
Well it took long enough. Amy and Rory have finally been dropped off to live their lives. And in what I think may be the first time since the revival the companions don't meet with some kind of horrible fate. Well, it may be horrible for Amy but that's her own damn fault. Rory seems to be pretty cool with it all. Good for him, he honestly deserves his goddamn happy ending at this point with all the shit he's put up with between the two of them. I'll miss him being a foil for 11, but I think it's for the best.

On a related note, does the next episode mean that Craig's gonna be the new full time companion?
Most companions don't meet a horrible fate. Heck the only one I can think of is Donna and that isn't too bad, to her at least.
Rose went off with another Doctor and Martha Jones married Mickey.

Doubt Craig will be a new companion, they tend to do a few episodes a season with other people rather than the main companions so no doubt we'll probably see more of Rory and Amy.

Nice to see the cybermats back next week, missed those little guys.
Yeah, the revival companions have mostly been fine. Donna is kind of cruel but she's not worse off, Rose got that creepy thing going on, and Martha and Mickey is an odd couple.

In fact, in the television series the 5th Doctor is the only one with companions that die, Adric and Kamelion. Romana gets left in another dimension but that's by her choice. Most of the others end up fine.

Anyway, this episode was weird, and it feels like a fake-out. The arc of Amy and Rory is far from over, and it's kind of idiotic how this show just forgot about the bloody Melody Pond story to the point where her parents now just go "oh you don't want us along looking for her? Cheerio then". No way that's for real.
Figure he just needs some alone time after the nurse in the last the episode got killed. He always goes a bit funny when someone he promises to take with him dies and feels it's his fault.
At least we got to see a cybermat. Cybermats are cool.

Otherwise, the episode was...kinda pointless? They didn't get the whole "Doctor needs his companion" angle across (done that before anyway), nor highlighting why the Doctor likes humanity so much, or anything. It was just pointless.

This whole River Song is the astronaut thing surprises, I assume, absolutely no one, but it keeps getting stupider.

Alphadrop said:
Figure he just needs some alone time after the nurse in the last the episode got killed. He always goes a bit funny when someone he promises to take with him dies and feels it's his fault.

Always? Doesn't happen that often. It's more of a staple of the specials from the reboot, for some reason.
Also, the power of love opens steel welded helmets, and the process of becoming a cyberman is now just putting on armour, not the horrible saw blade process we saw in the previous cybermen episodes..
Threepwood said:
Also, the power of love opens steel welded helmets, and the process of becoming a cyberman is now just putting on armour, not the horrible saw blade process we saw in the previous cybermen episodes..
That process and the details of the Cybermen have changed a dozen times or so over the lifespan of the show. It's kind of ridiculous.

Also, another boring episode which adds very little. Though why the Doctor suddenly is all "I have to die tomorrow" I don't know. That really came out of nowhere.
Not literally nowhere, I mean he saw the date of his death inside that machine with the nanohumans in Let's Kill Hitler.

That said, that just gives him and a time and a place. Where all this "limited time" in his personal timeline is coming from I don't know. But he has his Stetson now. Stetsons are cool (and wow was him getting it a lazy copout). River will shoot it off his head like the stupid smug cunt she is and then do something implausibly stupid to save him. Hurray.