So you know what bugs me the most? In the opening ep, we saw the Doctor start regenerate. How can a robot suit do that? Explained? Nope. Plot holes in a Moffat story arc? NO WAY!
Alphapdrop said:
Even worse than the big red deus ex machina button on the U.N.I.T cloudbase?
I dunno about worse. Doctor Who reboot has had some horrible deus ex machinas and stupid writing (the Gollum-Doctor and the magical resurrecting cellphones is probably worst), but even at worst they at least felt satisfying and epic in scale, not like a cop-out "fooled ya haha oh btw the most important question in the universe is "Dr Who?" haha isn't that clever?"*
jorj82 said:
OK, I'm the minority here.
You seem to be the majority on the internet though. Whenever I google to read some responses people heap praise on Moffat's arcs and companions and writing, even though it's pretty much all wank.
I guess I get some of it. Tastes differ. But how any can possibly like River Song is beyond me.
Viewer numbers are still sinking though, that must be the lowest-rated finale in the reboot. I just hope Moffat doesn't kill off this show for a second time with his shitty story-arcs and heavy-handed huge amount of "dark" stories.
jorj82 said:
But seriously, did anyone else choke up when he heard the Brigadier had died?
Not really. The actor died and that sucks, so a tribute was in order. I suppose this was the best they could do but "ring ring hey yeah he dead now" doesn't seem a particularly brilliant tribute to one of the most important characters in Dr Who history.
* It isn't. It's fucking pissing me off. Doctor Who is just a clever title, Moffat is putting way too much meaning into it, leading to this kind of bullshit:<blockquote>I had no idea in advance, although in hindsight it was completely obvious. Yet here is another innovation. The title of the programme was originally a weird continuity quirk that has never actually made much sense. Now we learn that the show is now named after the Big Bad itself, which surely has to future-proof it for generations to come.</blockquote>PS: also Moffat, if you don't like Daleks, fine, don't give them throwaway cameos, that's just insulting.