Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

Hamenaglar said:
witcher indeed was a great game and I absolutely love it, so I hope witcher 2 will be just as good. At least there will be no level scaling.
Of course thats what I mean with inteligent design. It should not be always a preasure. Like a romantic scene for example or a usual conversation in a pup should not work that way. But in certain situations for dramatic effect and a sense of realism. Why not.
The game sounds really good so far but I had a look at some images and the graphics don't look so great, hopefully they aren't the final.
I hate Dragon Age with a passion. Won't buy it, will flame every fanboy of it.

I reckon Mass Effect 3 will be the last BW game i will buy.
It looks terrible! That silly looking armor. Jumping around twirling in the air and doing saltos. I'm so not going to play it.

I felt DA:O could have been a great game. But this feels like a step in the wrong direction for me.
I am really no graphic whore, but this looks horrible. The gameplay looks like some Offline MMO. And god, are they really going with that ugly UI?
DA "fanboy" inc.

On one hand, I appreciate that the combat is not hack and slash (as initially feared) and plays pretty much like origins. Also, Warrior and Mage animation look vastly improved, especially the mage one what with the swirling energy and the various staff poses; much better than the static animation of Origins, while Warriors seem to have a punch to their attacks that was missing.

But the rogues... ugh. All that backfliping-dodging-twirling-teleporting-around-looking-cool stuff looks too over-the-top to be believable, especially in a "dark fantasy" setting. And throwing a vial by kicking it? The Rain of Arrows looks kinda weird, but i guess if a weapon could do that its Varric's super-crossbow. And I noticed no combat feedback (damage numbers, effects, ect), wich displeases me.

Also, the UI lokks like a glorified Windows 7 taskbar. What was wrong with Origin's? Putting the hp/mana in the lower corner is just impractical. Looks like they just haven't adapted the console UI to me.

I am still glad overall that they at least pretend to keep the combat what it was, and I am less fearful than I was when they announced it. But Hawke will always remain an absolutely shitty name, on the level of "Project Lazarus". :scratch:
Ilosar said:
DA "fanboy" inc.

On one hand, I appreciate that the combat is not hack and slash (as initially feared) and plays pretty much like origins.
That remains to be seen. THe combat we have seen in the video ... I dont know whats so damn tactical in it.
@ Crni Vuk: It's obvious that the guy was playing on an easier difficulty setting (no Friendly Fire, only happens at Nightmare). On an harder difficulty he would have been slaughtered (notice Ninja Hawke only has a sliver of HP left by the end).

Plus, Origins was perfectly playable as an Hack-n-slash for me at easy and normal. Its only Hard and up that forced you to pause and plan. I just hope Nightmare is exactly like in Origins; hard enough to make you think, yet easy enough that you don't have to resort to cheesy shit every single fight of above average difficulty (cough BG2 cough). I felt that approach was very rewarding.

@ Sea: I hear you. I am fine with the console game being hack-n-Slash (apparently it was nothing but a chore to play Origins on console, which sucks for people without good PCs) but PC version should have been focused on tactics. If you really wanted to play like an action game, just tone down difficulty and do not pause.

Still, even if the game ends up being a bit less hard than Origins, if it's able to make up for it by offering a different plot than standard Bioware fare (which is not bad so much as overused) and a new, more original art style (Origin's blandness was my biggest pet peeve with it), it will be worth a peek in my wallet. I could hardly care less about the graphics in a RPG, too, so long as it has good animations and art direction, which I find much more important than moar shaders (but it doesn't sell as much hardware I guess).
Watched the combat video.


I thought the first trailer looked like shit. Now combat looks like shit too. If DA:O was dumbed down, this will simply be a parody on the genre, if they have the conscience to call it a RPG.


I think my hate levels for Dragon Age have just spiked, ridiculously.

Still, even if the game ends up being a bit less hard than Origins, if it's able to make up for it by offering a different plot than standard Bioware fare (which is not bad so much as overused) and a new, more original art style (Origin's blandness was my biggest pet peeve with it), it will be worth a peek in my wallet.

From what we've seen thus far, I think you're better off keeping your wallet closed for this one.
The most improtant ting is that the damn BW geeks get their "romances" wichc translates as having lesbian sex with the hottest elf (or whatever) in the party or some male equivalent for all those Alistair-fangirlies.

GOD i hate this franchise so so much.
if you played melee, maybe DA:O was hard on nightmare.

play a mage, and you can practicly solo the game on nightmare.

cone of frost/cone of electric/cone of flame/cone of massive dildo kills anything.

mind you i quit playing before the first patch came out and never beat it. so IDK.

I just feel like you dont get the whole game if you skip the DLC, and i really really hate DLC, especially a day one release of DLC. Go fuck yourself you greedy game suits. Get a real job.
Ilosar said:
@ Crni Vuk: It's obvious that the guy was playing on an easier difficulty setting (no Friendly Fire, only happens at Nightmare). On an harder difficulty he would have been slaughtered (notice Ninja Hawke only has a sliver of HP left by the end).
So ? What will change on "harder" difficuility then except that the enmies will have more base HP and a stronger attack ? Or will I suddenly get a more "tactical" RPG. See. The mechanics behind it are the same. Hybrid systems always suffer this ... well often enough. As they are neither super tactical, nor super action. OR they are tweaked in favour for the later. Because:

... "Pausing the game to choose a spell" isn't what I would call tactical, that's just giving yourself a breather. You could have easily managed the same in real-time if you really wanted to. That's why these hybrid battle systems just don't work... you end up having to reconcile two totally different styles of play while using the exact same set of skills, underlying rules, etc., and neither approach ends up being as polished as it should be as a result.

See Mass Effect 1. How people can call that "tactical" is something I dont understand. Cover. Shoot. Cover.Shoot. Rgenerate HP. shoot. Cover. Same thing with your "magic spells" (Biotics in game). Just that it takes a bit more time before the enemy drops. I am very very glad they have changed that for Mass Effect 2 and the game became finally a clear shooter. It was really better for the game. If they cant do a straight tactical RPG then they should simply make a good action shooter/hack n slay instead of a half arsed tactical hack n slay hybrid ...
@ Crni Vuk: Well, as I said, FF means you have to be lots more careful (possibly the Rain o' Arrows would have damaged the guys in melee and changed the fight).

And anyway, choosing the right spell and using them the right way + positioning my guys correctly = tactics, imo. In anything that isn't an RTS or a cooperative multiplayer effort (WoW, for instance), you can hardly get more elaborate tactics from players in a game (feel free to prove me wrong; I would love to play a game that goes deeper in tactics, and yes I did play Jagged Alliance).

Of course, you can counter this by having enemies that do more than run up to you mindlessly or cast random spells (and sadly the enemies in the video did just that). The more elaborate encounters are always the most fun (I found the dragon encounters and such in Origins very nice because they broke the mold, so to speak). Problem is those encounters are frequently spoilerish, so they cannot show them in promotional videos if they have them, even if there's little doubt there's going to be a dragon fight somewhere.

Also, who used cover in ME1? On my Vanguard all I did was to use Immunity while my enemies did too, making fights about 30 seconds of endlessly shooting at somebody, rinse and repeat. When I got tired, I just Lift the whole room and lulz ensued. Charging around in ME2 was so much more hectic and fun. You very much have a point; hybrid systems can suck very easily.

And finally, I would not put much trust in any marketing campaign made by EA for Bioware. Origin's was all about action and blood and jumpy shit trailers and *shudders* Marilyn Manson. I found the final product much more tasteful overall; maybe it's the same thing here. I am still happy they actually did the video in the first place; it cleared some things up and calmed the endless shit-storms in the official forums a bit.
from what I seen of DA2, I have to say, Im not keen, so combat is faster, but I preferred DA:O over what I see in that vid, and yes the UI doesn't look good idea,

looks like its another game to wipe off my wishlist, more and more games are getting dumbed down and ruined, DA2 certainly seems the case to me, I can't stand EA anymore, they also cancelled, a game code named project redmine, a syndicate remake that was in the works, as EA has the licensing, we won't be seeing another game like that at all now, damn EA :x :roll:

at this rare, the only main game types to be done are third person and first person, as many games are just getting dumbed down or killed off
looks like its another game to wipe off my wishlist, more and more games are getting dumbed down and ruined, DA2 certainly seems the case to me

It's difficult to dumb down what was already dumbed down in the first place. But I guess they managed to do just that.
well yes, but they seemed to have removed anything tactics wise, just seems to be a bland something, not a decent RPG / hack and slash, based on the D&D rules set at all, I have Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, I really wished DA was a direct sequel, I was sad when it wasn't, but now they have ruined what's left, and just made the latest one a poor game indeed, I hope its a flop, then if it is, all hopes of any decent RPG like that will be long forgotten, and more third person / first person games will be made instead, I hope both EA and bioware burn for what they are doing

they deserve little else
Dragon Age is a good game, Dragon Age II will be a good game and will have smashingly good sells, securing the franchise for years to come and becoming a commercial and critical success.

True, DA does not compare to older titles such as Baldurs Gate (which I am currently in my yearly playthrough of) but it is in fact the best fantasy based RPG to come out in the past few years. I am sure someone in here will come out and talk up the polack trash that is The Witcher but to each his own.

You have to accept it for what it is. Not everyone enjoys the complexity of D&D rule set games. Although granted the 4th edition rules are like D&D for retards and it is pretty much an MMO in pen and paper so I digress, the older ways were still daunting for some who just wanted entertainment.