Tycn said:
I don't really mind RTwP besides the silly people touting it as almost the same as turn based.
Most of the time it is the same. Look at BG or NWN. And it's annoying cause it loses most TB advantages without that many of its own. I mean, the charas dancing around each other in a circle while taking turns "in real time" in NWN was laughable. On the other hand, in BG everything was happening too fast to realistically micromanage in RT. Those games would gain everything and lose nothing if they were TB.
RTwP is a waste. I'd rather see them use a TB system with simultaneous turns to speed it up - like the way it was (sort of buggily) implemented in TOEE.
I strongly agree that full TB or full RT are much better than the "compromise". DA loses out much because of it. I mean, if they wanna cater to the XBOX crowd, let them use RT combat a'la Fable or Witcher (still with the pause option but not as horrible as Bioware-style RTwP); they could even include a coop mode to maintain the "team" idea. If they wanted to make a strategic complex team-based RPG (doubtfully so), then they should've used full TB, since that works best for the purpose. The way it is, it turns into a mediocre "neither this nor that".
Verd1234 said:
I like it because you could easily pause whenever and issue commands and because you could easily disengage combat and run around lol...
Well, TB is essentially the same, 'cept there's no need to hit Space every few seconds.
And it's not like disengaging combat is impossible in TB. In FO you could walk away from combat by fleeing the location, same in Arcanum; TOEE had a D&D-style "escape" option in battle. Sure cannot be exploited the was you described, but the fact that RTwP makes such exploits possible speaks against rather than for it.
mulaalia said:
How come it isn't a 9?
Also, if there's travel with random encounters, I hope Survival check is still there (really really hope). Or at least the encounter rate is minimal. FF1 was enough of a nightmare.