Just saw the Mass Effect Andromeda trailer, man that thing is indeed laughable bad. In what way does this impress any potential buyers from buying this over any other new game at the time it comes around. If anything it might convince them to just 'wait it out' for the reviews and when the game is getting a discount during a sale or when the price is permanently lowered.
At least they got around the problem that sort of arose at the end of Mass Effect 3; with your own mythology unmade and most of the places you made up in ruins now or worse, where will you now head next?
Still the Milky-way galaxy is quite large and was not fully explored, and now to ditch it to head to the Andromeda galaxy? It feels a little cheap.
As for the new threat to humanity and the galaxy at large, I think we either come across the Andromedan reapers, or one of those machine intelligences they apparently were created for to prevent to arise. ('you broke the reapers, now all AI hell is going to break loose' kind of trope)
I did not watch much of the E3 presentations so far as I am not really interested in many of the titles present. Funny to see that Last Guardian is still alive. Next Duke Nukem Forever perhaps?
One title that does come back to me is Doom or Doom 4. I am going to be honest, when I saw that trailer I was quite bored after a while and it also really made me face palm. "You guys worked for years on a new entry into the franchise and this is what you come up with?", this was basically Doom 3 reskinned with some execution moves and it looked more like a tech demo than a game a person would put down 60 Euros for on the day of release.
I am not even sure if the Doom audience is so interested in this title which seems to be more focused on the console gamers than anything they recognize and like. Did like the snapmap map building tool, seems easy and fast.
Still if I worked for Bethesda and had arranged the financing for this I would be quite nervous right now because this is not a title I can show to my bosses that will bring in a lot of revenue that makes up for the development costs and gives profit too. It is so generic and similar to other current day shooters.
Neat find Akratus, that really looks like those old timey cartoons, complete with the quite creepy designs they sometimes had.