E3 2015

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Mandatory E3 thread.

So Final Fantasy 7 Remake has just been announced along with a Shenmue 3 Kickstarter. What are you guys excited for?
Xbox One backwards compatibility is pretty exciting for me, now my Xbox One will have more of a purpose:smile: Also looking forward to the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided gameplay when Square Enix takes the stage tomorrow (I think?) Overall, it's been a pretty impressive E3, and I think Bethesda did a good job with announcing their titles and such (Dishonored 2 and Doom are cool) And there's also Fallout 4... Did anyone notice how they ripped the gameplay trailer song directly from CONELRAD radio?
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Xbox One backwards compatibility is pretty exciting for me, now my Xbox One will have more of a purpose:smile: Also looking forward to the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided gameplay when Square Enix takes the stage tomorrow (I think?) Overall, it's been a pretty impressive E3, and I think Bethesda did a good job with announcing their titles and such (Dishonored 2 and Doom are cool) And there's also Fallout 4... Did anyone notice how they ripped the gameplay trailer song directly from CONELRAD radio?

I had that song in my game without even using CONELRAD, but it is like them to borrow from their modding communities efforts.
Xbox One backwards compatibility

This for me. Actually considering getting xone now to catch up on the 360 games I missed. Plus, that Rare game looked pretty cool I thought, even though I'm not into MMOs. Oh and Battlefront looked insane graphically.
sony advertising the shenmue kickstarter.
seems really hypocritical to me.

like how much is shenmue asking for? 2mill?
isnt that like chub change for sony?
i mean all the other games they have announced are prob 30mill+ but they cant cough up 2 mill for a game that people have been asking for?

smells like corporate greed to me. idk i havnt even played the shenmue games. i don't even care about the game just these shady businesses practices.
Why are they announcing a Kickstarter on the E3? That fucking stupid.

So far only game I am looking forward to is Dishonored 2. I know Persona 5 is gonna get an update on release date this E3 but we just gotta wait.
Why are they announcing a Kickstarter on the E3? That fucking stupid.

So far only game I am looking forward to is Dishonored 2. I know Persona 5 is gonna get an update on release date this E3 but we just gotta wait.

Shenmue 3. Thats why.
Couldn't they just announce they are publishing the game? 2 million is like pocket change to them and they are occupying time of their E3 conference to tell people that "Oh you want this game? well we can't be assed to actually fund and develop it so you can play it soon, go fund the kickstarter, dickheads".

Also The Last Guardian is finally here.... let's hope it doesn't disappoint.
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Couldn't they just announce they are publishing the game? 2 million is like pocket change to them and they are occupying time of their E3 conference to tell people that "Oh you want this game? well we can't be assed to actually fund and develop it so you can play it soon, go fund the kickstarter, dickheads".

Also The Last Guardian is finally here.... let's hope it doesn't disappoint.

I've seen people complain about it, but the fact remains that E3/Sony has helped fund this game in less time with little to no risk. Fans have begged for this game for years. If some no-name asshole came on the stage asking for Kickstarter money it would be one thing, but this guy has tried to get this game made forever. Fans appreciated it too. Why not announce it at E3? Obviously Kickstarter isn't going away anytime soon. I'm not sure why people are bothered by it. I'm not a fan of the series, but I appreciate them even attempting to raise awareness for it.
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I don't dislike Kickstarter, I dislike that the big company basically aknowledges that people want the game but decides to not even put a penny towards it and sends them to the Kickstarter. I mean with the success that Bloodstained, Mighty Number 9, Yooka-Layle and the others had it's obvious the guy didn't really need the Sony exposure to get it overfunded.
Seems like I'm playing contrarian to you a lot tonight (it's not intentional, I pinky promise), but I'm actually all for this and I wish more companies would do it. Big studios, and especially big publishers, don't like taking risks, and cult status doesn't necessarily translate into hard money. Crowdfunding gives gamers a way to directly vote with their wallets, ensuring we get games we otherwise wouldn't and revitalizing the wasted middle ground that exists between AAA tentpoles and indie darlings.

There are of course downsides to this, but it's still a lot better than the way the industry works now. As long as you get a copy of the game for paying in, it's really no different than pre-ordering and buying at retail.
I don't dislike Kickstarter, I dislike that the big company basically acknowledges that people want the game but decides to not even put a penny towards it and sends them to the Kickstarter. I mean with the success that Bloodstained, Mighty Number 9, Yooka-Layle and the others had it's obvious the guy didn't really need the Sony exposure to get it overfunded.

I don't think anything is certain these days, but I do understand your point of view.

The Last Guardian was interesting, but after all the hype about it I didn't see anything worth going apeshit over. I didn't play ICO and SotC though.

Did Xbox show off anything good? All the fanboys keep screaming about Halo 5 and GoW but is that all they have? Pretty sad actually if so.
AGAIN I am not against Kickstarters. What I disliked was the attitude they took with this, "Hey we know you wanted it, but fuck you".

It would've been better to not even pretend they cared, the guy could've made a successfull KS campaign and get it funded on his own.

The Microsoft confernece was pretty lame. They even announced they are gonna have their own version of Early Access now.
Unless the backwards compatibility on the Xbox One supports a huge range of games, what's the point? Just get a cheap 360 and run any of the games.

I was never a FF fan, but I am excited. I'm just sad I will probably not get a Chrono Trigger remake ever. Shemmue 3 was shocking.
Wow, what a crazy morning. I wake up and see that The Last Guardian still lives. YAY! Then I see that they are remaking FF7! :crazy: Holey sheet!! Then I see the ShenMue 3 kickstarter!!! :crazy::aiee: WHAT THE HELL!? Did they put something in the water?

I don't dislike Kickstarter, I dislike that the big company basically aknowledges that people want the game but decides to not even put a penny towards it and sends them to the Kickstarter. I mean with the success that Bloodstained, Mighty Number 9, Yooka-Layle and the others had it's obvious the guy didn't really need the Sony exposure to get it overfunded.

What if it's like Bloodstained? "Show that there's interest and we'll fund 90% of the project". But yeah, a kickstarter at E3 is weird to say the least.

But who cares? ShenMue 3, wohoh!
/looks at the ShenMue1-2 boxes on the shelf

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Wasn't Persona 5 supposed to make an appearance this e3? Didn't see anything at the sony conference, what the hell happened? :(

It would've been better to not even pretend they cared

No, it is good that they did what they did, because there is a huge difference between announcing a kickstarter project on youtube and announcing a kickstarter project at a show that happens only once a year and is viewed by millions. And again, before you go ahead and say "they could have published it", No dude, it is not that easy. Take a good look at the fate of Silent Hills and the beloved P.T demo.
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They said they didn't think Persona 5 was going to be there. It's at another castle.