Elder Scrolls Six predictions

I feel you're getting this backwards mate ... which quest in Skyrim and/or Oblivion allows you actually to role play? If you can find 5, that would be already A LOT. And I am generous here, when I say role playing I mean different outcomes for your quests. We all know that really good role playing can come trough writing. But nowadays it's already role playing when you give people 2 binary choices between good and evil. If you're lucky there is a third one, that is basically the good choice but with insults/sarcasm and called a gray choice.

Point is, this one quest where you HAVE to follow the will of a god, wouldn't be a drama if it was the exception. Exceptions can be exciting! But sadly, as far as Bethesda goes, those kind of quests are the rule. The system is usually always the same, the setup always similar and what you do in those quests, is also most of the time same as well. Either killing someone or killing someone and finding something.
Time to:falloutonline: with Morrowind again.

This kind of thing makes me miss Morrowind's quests. Sure it follows the kill and loot thing most of the times but there were actual variations like quests where you act as a courier for a noblewoman and the handsome bandit she became infatuated with, delivering healing supplies as a Temple acolyte (since they provide such a service in-universe), or another quest where you conduct an investigation to flush out a spy in the Mages Guild (what's not appreciated in that quest is how easily the answer is spelled out though).

More recent Bethesda games seem to have forgotten that role-playing should be the focus of a RPG and think that flashy 'epic' quests should be the norm rather than the result of build-up via progression. I cringed when I wound up becoming head of all the guilds despite not even attempting to role-play a character capable of such a thing in Skyrim. At least Morrowind allowed you to slowly build yourself into a character capable of being head of all the guilds and one Great House. Skyrim and Oblivion does not.
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Also the Nerevarine was known as Nerevar the God Killer in his previous life so it makes sense that with a name like that that he can challenge godlike beings like the Daedric Princes. Again this is Bethesda not giving a shit and throwing everything out the window.

Firstly, Nerevar Godkiller does not refer to him taking on Daedra. In the Ashlander faith, Nerevar is supposed to return and kill the false gods of the Tribunal. While yes, they're technically gods, they've also been without a way to recharge their divinity for hundreds of years and have been channeling most of their power into the Ghostfence (until Almalexia and Sotha Sil decided "fuck this shit, we're out," leaving Vivec to maintain the Ghostfence by himself.) In fact, most of Tribunal's main story is because Almalexia is pissed off that she isn't a god anymore.

There is a reason why people, such as myself, hate it when you make omniscient and unquestioning God NPC's when you established in previous games that they can be beaten. Remember Mass Effect 3 and the Star Brat anyone?

Every time you've beaten a Daedric Prince, it's been the result of extenuating circumstances. In fact, the same game that has us beat Jyggalag also features Mehrunes Dagon, and it's pretty clear that you're not going to beat him (unless you Wabbajack him, but that's an exploit/developer oversight.) Mehrunes is only defeated after Martin Septim smashes the Amulet of Kings and turns into an avatar of Akatosh. At that point in time, the CoC potentially could have mantled Sheogorath, putting him at an even greater power level than the Last Dragonborn... And he still couldn't beat Mehrunes Dagon.
I'm honestly a lot less worried about TES than Fallout. First and foremost, the disappointment with the franchise goes all the way back to Oblivion so it's not like I have any sort of hope left. But the truth is that I just care less. Even though I absolutely adore Morrowind, the franchise itself isn't something I'm overly protective about and I don't really care much about the lore. It's Bethesda's own stuff to begin with, so I'm way more fine with them doing whatever the hell they want with it. They are also a lot more free to try out new things and add features, as I don't see the world and gameplay as restrictive as Fallout (and by that I mean, I'm way more patient with crazy ideas in TES). And for all its faults, Skyrim was still pretty enjoyable. It didn't leave nearly as bad an aftertaste as Fallout 4 did.

That said, I kinda feel like Bethesda simply care more about TES. Fallout is their "anything goes" playground. They seem to respect the lore and setting of TES more.
That said, I kinda feel like Bethesda simply care more about TES. Fallout is their "anything goes" playground. They seem to respect the lore and setting of TES more.
Fallout 4 is merely an extension of the same design principles governing Skyrim. Skyrim simply wasn't dumbed down quite enough for most people to recognize that it was, in fact, very dumbed down.

TES 6 is going to be a crafting game lol.
That said, I kinda feel like Bethesda simply care more about TES. Fallout is their "anything goes" playground. They seem to respect the lore and setting of TES more.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, from what I've heard, before Oblivion they went out of their way to describe Cyrodiil to such a degree of details. And then when Oblivion was released, it was too different from what was described, a.k.a too generic or something like that. From what others said here, they even retconned Morrowind, or at least render our choices somewhat obsolete.
In ES6 Hammerfell will have snowy mountains in the north, vast fields in the center and forests on the edges, and no desert. Why? Talos did it.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I mean, from what I've heard, before Oblivion they went out of their way to describe Cyrodiil to such a degree of details. And then when Oblivion was released, it was too different from what was described, a.k.a too generic or something like that. From what others said here, they even retconned Morrowind, or at least render our choices somewhat obsolete.
oblivion was supposed to be the last barrier before elder scroll turned into fantasy full of pop culture counterpart in the real life. could you imagine cyrodiil as MayanTec (meso-american civ) sort of city in the middle of jungle? or the very unique political aspect of imperial?
oblivion was supposed to be the last barrier before elder scroll turned into fantasy full of pop culture counterpart in the real life. could you imagine cyrodiil as MayanTec (meso-american civ) sort of city in the middle of jungle? or the very unique political aspect of imperial?
Well, the way it was described as mentioned by MrBtongue here:

It sounds like Cyrodiil was supposed to be this "crazy mashup between the Roman Empire and the Ming Dynasty". I haven't played Morrowind and Oblivion, but if I did played Morrowind back before Oblivion was released, I'm sure as hell would really be looking forward to it. Not to mention BGS strongest aspect was their art direction.
Well, the way it was described as mentioned by MrBtongue here:

It sounds like Cyrodiil was supposed to be this "crazy mashup between the Roman Empire and the Ming Dynasty". I haven't played Morrowind and Oblivion, but if I did played Morrowind back before Oblivion was released, I'm sure as hell would really be looking forward to it. Not to mention BGS strongest aspect was their art direction.

What's going to be hilarious for me to watch is when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and gets the Fallout 4 treatment by Bethesda. There are people who are basically Ph.D's in Elder Scrolls lore and it's going to suck for them to find out that Bethesda doesn't give one single crap about making coherent game worlds anymore. You'll get all sorts of new and stupid lore that has nothing to do with Elder Scrolls, probably Kid in the Fridge 2, Ancient Aliens, and the merging of Fallout 4's universe with the Elder Scrolls universe. As a Fallout fan who witnessed the identity crisis known as Fallout 4, I can sympathize.
What's going to be hilarious for me to watch is when Elder Scrolls 6 comes out and gets the Fallout 4 treatment by Bethesda. There are people who are basically Ph.D's in Elder Scrolls lore and it's going to suck for them to find out that Bethesda doesn't give one single crap about making coherent game worlds anymore. You'll get all sorts of new and stupid lore that has nothing to do with Elder Scrolls, probably Kid in the Fridge 2, Ancient Aliens, and the merging of Fallout 4's universe with the Elder Scrolls universe. As a Fallout fan who witnessed the identity crisis known as Fallout 4, I can sympathize.
And on top of that, MrBtongue promised to make a 9-hour video of unbroken nitpicking if Bethesda fuck up. Seeing how Fallout 4 fares since its release, I'm looking forward to that 9-hour video :V:roffle:
And on top of that, MrBtongue promised to make a 9-hour video of unbroken nitpicking if Bethesda fuck up. Seeing how Fallout 4 fares since its release, I'm looking forward to that 9-hour video :V:roffle:
Either that or Fallout 4 was so bad that he won't ever speak of it. I mean the game is basically the exact opposite of his "Shandification of Fallout" video aside from the fact that they put some food in the game.

I mean I knew Skyrim was dumbed down but I certainly did not think Fallout 4 was going to be turned into a crafting game and garbage collecting simulator with Borderlands-like elements.
Either that or Fallout 4 was so bad that he won't ever speak of it. I mean the game is basically the exact opposite of his "Shandification of Fallout" video aside from the fact that they put some food in the game.
He probably bought it with an expectation that New Vegas somewhat influence it, and also based on the 'quality' of Skyrim (since he ranked it above Oblivion, but below Morrowind). He also most probably had heard of how the background is now defined (male soldier, female lawyer), with dialogue wheel and voiced protagonist, and since he's kind of like Mass Effect (he had videos on how disappointed he was with Mass Effect 3, especially the ending), he tried going into FO4 with lowered adjusted expectation, and most importantly with all of the videos he made on Fallout in his mind. First 10 minute into the game, he most probably whispered, "What the fuck, Bethesda?"
First 10 minute into the game, he most probably whispered, "What the fuck, Bethesda?"
Yea I spent like 4 hours trying to find someone to have a standard RPG conversation with to no avail. I really couldn't believe that there is literally not a single character with whom you can have an actual role-playing dialogue.
Add? I think you meant 'remove'? ;)
I have a theory that criticism is not allowed at Bethesda, so every single crap idea for Fallout 4 was supported rather than discarded. This is why so much RPG stuff was removed and so much random garbage was thrown into the game in the messiest fashion possible.
What I am trying to say is that I would like to have have some options. I am not saying for you to go all God of War on Hermaeus Mora but the option to defy him and tell him to go fuck off and have the option to do things your way(even though it would and should be much harder) would have been a godsend to the Dragonborn DLC. However the Dragonborn DLC just proves that Bethesda doesn't care about giving players choices and options and want their games to be more linear with players playing the game the way Bethesda wants them too. That is not a hallmark of a good RPG.
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