maximaz said:
I say, wait for more info.
Oh, wait we will.
Of course, nobody can deny you right to have your cautious pessimism/optimism. You have right to be reasonable.

And you are shielded with their NDA and the lack of info, so you are a tough sell. However, for me, it's more like: go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES! I think I know that company well enough. And this is what I know so far:
- It's all about money (not a brainer, but still).
- contrary to journalist drones, their main selling points are not original gameplay and quality of the plot, but instead, static shiny scenery as in screensavers, "god-mode killing is only fun that we need", Construction Set, poor user's mods, and doll-like NPCs in which kids are falling in love. The Oblivion is not a game in normal sense - it's more of a reason to learn to mod and fix things. Who think this will change?
- Their communication with fans are next to non-existent (please don't mention "meet the devs" idiocity), they have proclamations in disguise of blogs, their forum is a kindergarden (if you ever went to one you'll know what I mean) ruled by infantile and rude people who mods pink houses and sexy gowns (calling that a RPGish), it's a pissing contest in which you can't discuss reasonably because billion flies knows better what is good for an IP (it's ordinary thing in forums, but this one is a special gem), etc, etc...
- they don't have an inkling of balls to be original nor do they want to be. And why would they? Flies wants shit, so they are glad to give them a lot of it...
There are at least 10 points more but I better stop, I'm becoming more and more angrier as I force myself to remember all that stuff....
So, yeah, we'll wait and see.