Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

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Surf Solar said:
It would have been cool if these guys'd show up in the video.


Someone should totally make a PA game and invite SunnO))) to do the soundtrack.
I can't get over how the guy doing the voiceover sounds like he is eating mussels or something: "Oblivion openedtht... Spill their own bloodtht"
sea said:
100LBSofDogmeat said:
Mmm, I have been gaming for over 20 years and there are some things I haven't seen twice. Mainly indie games. You know, those guys who seem to outshine the "professionals" but with less money.
Indie developers don't have project management, chains of command, shareholders to answer to, compromise between conflicting visions, hundreds of staff to coordinate, strict deadlines to meet, etc. Most indie titles are hobby-type games which are forced to shine within extreme budget constraints, which means that basically in exchange for the large scope, graphical pizazz and feature breadth of retail titles, you get one really cool hook instead. I don't think it's really a case of professionals being untalented hacks (though there are a few of those in the industry, to be fair), so much as just the realities of developing are very different for those guys. Also, differing definitions of quality make it hard to really say whether indie games are "better". For every World of Goo and Aquaria, there are hundreds of games that rot in obscurity, almost always because, frankly, they suck. It's just not fair to compare a small-scale puzzle game to the latest blockbuster action title; the goals, target markets, etc. are all totally different. Let me know when someone's made an open-world sandbox RPG better than Bethesda on a shoestring budget, and then we'll talk.

uh, i completely understand how that process works, thanks. i have friends who do this for a living professional, and friends who do indie games, including myself. and if you've done linux gaming, a lot of those free indie games are crap. but what the hell, right?

my issues with professional gaming has stemmed more from the bland, repetitive shit they've poured out for so long (call of duty?). and it's not rare for some devs to strike out on their own to make their visions happen (doublebear), though that can fail (troika). at least we got Arcanum.

and i feel the biggest issue for the professional now is cow-towing to the general public and letting marketing play too much into development. despite if MCA thinks it was a good idea in New Vegas, those people are fucking vampires. better open-world sandbox RPG better than Bethsoft. any table-top RPG ever made. on computer? mmm, fairly hard-pressed, but an open-world sandbox 3D environment does not a good RPG make.
though I have to say I really love the lidle soundtrack of the trailer. Please dont stone me to death now mkay > _ > ?
Crni Vuk said:
though I have to say I really love the lidle soundtrack of the trailer. Please dont stone me to death now mkay > _ > ?
The music is great. Music has never been a problem in their games. Even the F3 music was not bad. Only if compared to the old Fallouts ^^
in case people are still talking about it, a dev has recently stated TES V will be using a "new graphics/gameplay engine built internally". So either its actually a proprietary engine or they are giving us a half truth and talking about EGT's new version of Gamebyro.
Iseeyourehandywithablade said:
in case people are still talking about it, a dev has recently stated TES V will be using a "new graphics/gameplay engine built internally". So either its actually a proprietary engine or they are giving us a half truth and talking about EGT's new version of Gamebyro.

This is what I have been wondering about... all signs have been pointing to Gamebryo up until this point, so I would be really surprised if this is "brand new" as in not an updated Gamebryo or Lightspeed.
korindabar said:

I highly doubt they've been able to put together a new engine that runs and looks better than Gamebyro in four months. PC Gamer sources the community manager so it doesn't really change anything either. Howard is the only person who can clear this up.
Have I already shamelessly promoted Skyrim Wiki here?

As for the engine, it will probably be clarified in the upcoming Game Informer cover story.
Nah, I'm just parodying the Wikipedia personal appeals for lulz. Feel free to donate, though. :)
Why do a lot of NMA members look so much alike?

Is there some factory out there that manufactures clones of the same template with slight differences but the general same facial build up?
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