It Wandered In From the Wastes

agiel7 said:I mean improve the AI in time for Fallout 4 so that enemies do "FPSey" things like take cover and flank. Even with an animation system that was barely better than anything using the Gamebryo engine, the combat AI for the STALKER game is still head and shoulders above that of modern FPSes with colossal budgets.
My biggest complaints with the AI are - stupid mofos that get in your way - in oblivion it was so hard not to hit your companion that it wasn't even worth bringing one.
I put in hundreds of hours in Oblivion without a companion mostly because of that.
The second reason is - just like the summons in Oblivion- companions did jack shit in terms of damage and were killed quite easily (specially when i hit them, which like i mentioned was unavoidable)
So did they fix those 2 issues in Skyrim?
Oh and i almost forgot about the path finding issues , though that wasn't such a big problem because they "teleport" to your location once you enter a cell or wait.