EU referendum: Leave Vote

@Buxbaum666: Yes, I reckon those authors are leftists actually. Certainly not a right wing populist propaganda, correct?
Sahra Wagenknecht is the parliamentary group leader of the Left party in Germany. I'd say she's pretty leftist, yeah (although her recent comments on immigration and the refugee crisis got her a pie to the face [because the anti-german wing of the left is super mature] and the obligatory Nazi-label as well).
EU criticism isn't exclusive to right-wingers, obviously. And Wagenknecht has been spouting a number of far-right talking points lately that earned her plenty of criticism from within her own party as well as approval from the likes of AfD & Co. I personally think that everything she's doing is well-calculated pandering to further her political career and, therefore, populism.
You hit the nail on the head, that's the point. If Juncker won't stop his attempts on power grab, i.e. to centralize more legislative power in Brussels and turn European Commission into regular European government, along with his attempt to force € upon all member states resisting so far, this mess might result in disintegration of EU in no time. That's what I had explained to Crni in other thread, that's the main reason why Britons gave up, and also that's how I understand the article you're referring to:

I doubt they will actually disintegrate Europe over Juncker's shenanigans. They're just going to say ''lolno'' then resume their normal activites amongst the big boys while he shuffles around trying to look important.
I suspect Juncker the drooling drunker's career is over, Angela Merkel will dispose of him soon enough. His Idiotic posturing is creating problems for the people who have actual power.
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Just as I thought ... everyone screaming at the EU, but no one wan'ts to trigger the article. Because they absolutely know the reality of it. Once you're out, there is no way back in.
Ever since the last video I subscribed to the guy's channel, here is an update on our thread's current topic.


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In which way is it better?
We are not stuck with a transnational antidemocratic organisation with no benefits to the membership, and we now will have sovereignty, control over migration, and I can feel properly patriotic about my great nation.
Also dont kick off about the EU giving us a shit deal. We can just tell them to fuck off. We can make deals with others.
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And ... how does that answer my question? Outside of "I now feel better!". Isn't it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to early to say what ever if the Brexit has actually any positive effects? First of all. UK is still a member of the EU. Article 50 hasn't been triggered yet. And unless that happens. Nothing has been done. And after that, it will take at least 2 years before the UK is fully and completely out of the EU.

Anything that might happen, be it positve or negative for the UK, as far as the future is concered is utter and pure speculation. The only thing we know, because that is what happend so far, is that the investements in the UK slowed down and that the Pound has droped by a lot. But once things are more clear and stable, those will improve. But so far, Brexit has done already some damage in the short tiem. So yeah ... the short term of Brexit, just like predicted, is a problem. What longterm effects it will have, are not even clear yet. You also have no clue how the negotations will play out. They MIGHT lead to a better or a WORSE situation for the UK. No one knows for now. So let us take a look at some of your points.

and we now will have

sovereignty, -
Not yet pall, you're still a member of the EU. And the UK will continue to do buisness with the EU at least for the next couple of years. Decades probably.

control over migration -
Again, not yet, negotations havn't even taken place. A lot of people said, that this is a complicated topic, and that it might not lead to less migration or more border controll, even famous Brexiters like Boris said that it is to early to say anything.

The future is still uncertain.

I also find it very funny that you're showing a post if Nigel ... who has nothing better to do but to abandon the UKIP ship ...
But yes ... you can feel patriotic again. At least that is true ... what ever you might get out of that.
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And ... how does that answer my question? Outside of "I now feel better!". Isn't it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to early to say what ever if the Brexit has actually any positive effects? First of all. UK is still a member of the EU. Article 50 hasn't been triggered yet. And unless that happens. Nothing has been done. And after that, it will take at least 2 years before the UK is fully and completely out of the EU.
Anything that might happen, be it positvely or negatively, as far as the future is concered is utter and pure speculation. The only thing we know, because that is what happend so far, is that the investements in the UK slowed down and that the Pound has droped by a lot. So yeah ... the short term of Brexit, just like predicted, is a problem. What longterm effects it will have, are not even clear yet. You also have no clue how the negotations will play out. They MIGHT lead to a better or a WORSE situation for the UK. No one knows for now.

I also find it very funny that you're showing a post if Nigel ... who has nothing better to do but to abandon the UKIP ship ...
But yes ... you can feel patriotic again. At least that is true ... what ever you might get out of that.
I think we will get a good deal. We have the most Hard Power by miles, and soft power does not really matter in the end.
I'm a EU and Spanish citizen and quite frankly the EU has stalled too much, done too little, too late. The only thing that keeps the world together is hard power, enforcing soft power. When you fail in the bid for a new member (Ukraine), can't deal with a refugee crisis despite being the richest bloc of states, and then allow your member nations to run amok and do as they wish contrary to the bloc, then why is there a bloc? The EU can either be just a monetary union, or it can be a federation. It cannot be anything in between.

It's not surprising to me that the Brits voted to leave, though they need to put their money where their mouth is and get it over with than leech off the union in the meantime.
....And after that, it will take at least 2 years before the UK is fully and completely out of the EU....

N.O. This is complete and utter bullshit. IF THE UK DOES NOT FORMALLY LEAVE WITHIN TWO YEARS, then EVERYTHING is automatically cut. It is a timelimit, not a growth period. They need to be gone within two years, with everything settled, or everything gets the plugged pulled pronto.
Nothing has happend so far. And nothing will happen. Unless Article 50 has been triggered. And this, can be only done by the British government. Alot of people are throwing big words around, including idiots in the EU parliament. Obviously. But none of them has either the authoritiy, nor the power to really do anything here. Like I said, It is up to the Brits, it was their referendum. And only AFTER Article 50 has been triggered, the 2 year limit will come in place.
I'm a EU and Spanish citizen and quite frankly the EU has stalled too much, done too little, too late. The only thing that keeps the world together is hard power, enforcing soft power.
What do you mean by hard power? And why should it impress the Chinese? Or the US? Canada? South American? Japan?
I think we will get a good deal. We have the most Hard Power by miles, and soft power does not really matter in the end.
So in other words, you have no clue. K. Could have simply said that from the start you know ...
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What do you mean by hard power? And why should it impress the Chinese? Or the US? Canada? South American? Japan?
They have nothing to do with this, dont change the subject.
And by hard power I mean a coercive approach to international political relations, especially one that involves the use of military power. The commision keeps being really antsy and so does Merkel. They are doing it dangerously, its almost as if they want it to get heated. And a fight would hurt on both sides. I'm pretty sure we'd come out on top though.
What do you mean by hard power? And why should it impress the Chinese? Or the US? Canada? South American? Japan?

So in other words, you have no clue. K. Could have simply said that from the start you know ...

The Brits are a nuclear and United Nations Security Council permanent member.... They have global projection. Unlike the French, who also have the same, they stay out of their ex-colonies, but Britain has a lot of hard power via that regard is what he's referring to. They're still a bulldog, no matter how cute it may be while resting, it can roar up and bite.

"I have already said that I won't be triggering Article 50 until I think that we have a UK approach and objectives for negotiations - I think it is important that we establish that before we trigger Article 50."

-Theresa May, PM

Whelp there goes that speedy resolution.
They're still a bulldog, no matter how cute it may be while resting, it can roar up and bite.
Yeah, I'm proud of that. It gained us international admiration, but its that Bulldog Spirit that got us through 2 world wars and a cold one.
Obama really had no chance of persuading us, in hindsight.