EU referendum: Leave Vote

The relevant information on why the EU is bad for Britain has been posted enough times that if you actually cared about the topic and didn't just want to play the "intellectually superior virtue signalling" game you would have educated yourself by now.

But by all means, feel free to ignore people's actual arguments and continue building this stawman to argue against instead.
I asked for logical arguments based on actuall facts, you know. What the EU has done for us, is pretty obvious and clear, where as the most important argument (I WANT MY MONEY BACK!)... has been debunked, by Niegel himself even.

The other points ... I won't even go into those detail, as they are so vague that they could be as well untrue as they are very far in the future. It is not clear yet what ever if you will actually get those benefits someone mentioned, or not as it depends on what kind of contract/agreements the government of the FUTURE will make with the EU ...

Seriously. It might very well be, that everything stays as it is for the UK ... except that now your government will have ZERO say in EU law making. There. Your precious freedom and liberty right there. While you also have a weaker ground negotiating with China, Russia and other states.

I am baffwled, I am seriously surprised right now. Do you people arguing in favour of the Brexit know so little about what the EU is, how it actually works and how trading works? Do you know that Norway is not in the EU, but they have to follow EU laws, while having almost zero say in the EU? Do you want that for the UK? Well. YOu can have it, for all I care. But that is not the reason why people voted to leave the EU. Like if that is what you consider independce ... by still beeing forced to abide to the laws and regulations you detest WITHOUT actually having a say in them now ... then I think no one can really help you.

And it is also interesting to see how quite a few Brexit suporters slowly step back from their yes vote as they realize what it ACTUALLY means and what the consquences of it will be and that nothing of this Brexit will stop any migration problems the UK might have. But, the damage is now done. Well done Brits! Well done ... at leat the 51% that voted for it ...
Mmmhmm, maybe if all it takes is about a month for you to do a complete 180 on all of your views, politics isn't your thing.

Also taken from the same interview that was conveniently left out of the article he posted.
“We have a £10 billion, £34 million a day featherbed, that is going to be free money that we can spend on the NHS, on schools, on whatever it is."
Whoopity fuckin doo we'll save 10 billion a year, we just lost 350 billion in 2 hours
I asked for logical arguments based on actuall facts, you know.
You say this and then you continue to ignore every. fucking. thing. that has been posted about it by me and others who are against the EU. I will refuse to continue trying to debate you when all you do is construct asinine strawmen and refuse to even glance at any of the opposition you face. Start taking down arguments, start listing points where we're wrong and stop making up stuff that none of us said and then say "wow how could you believe this?". If you don't respect me or have the time to bother with actually viewing my arguments I don't have the respect or the time to bother with arguing with you.

And as far as that Nigel Farage interview I just counter-acted that with my last post so I'm not going to bother here. I doubt you'd even read based on your track record.

Whoopity fuckin doo we'll save 10 billion a year, we just lost 350 billion in 2 hours
Do you even realize when you completely shift the discussion into separate topics when you're faced with facts? I was talking about the 350million promised and whether or not the NHS will get their money or not. Not the 350billion lost. Pick a topic and stick to it please it's very tiring to have these esoteric debates where you just cram in more topics as your initial argument gets more bleak.
You say this and then you continue to ignore every. fucking. thing. that has been posted about it by me and others who are against the EU.
Well, does your magic future predicting 8-ball works better than mine? I can only work with the things I HAVE. I can not say if those points are good or not, simply because there are not even any FUCKING NEGOTATIONS! Seriously ... what will you do when you actually end up in a worse position after the Brexit beacuse all the other states decide to screw you? But since you HAVE To trade ... your government says yes. What then? Will you come in 5 years back to this topic and say, hoh! Sorry I was wrong! What is the basis for your arguments? The EU has been here for at least the last 60 years you know ... that is a lot we can use to show where it actually works. And it also worked for the UK. For fucks sake, Europe has send people in space ...

Mmmhmm, maybe if all it takes is about a month for you to do a complete 180 on all of your views, politics isn't your thing.
It's also called, listening to the facts, you know. But I would assume that this isn't everyones cup of tea. I guess some people have to end up in a Bunker, underground, surounded by everyone before they realize that it's over. Changing your opinion, when you realize that you might be wrong or that the facts you believed in turn out to be bonkers, I would say that takes some courrage. More politicans should have that.
Also taken from the same interview that was conveniently left out of the article he posted.
“We have a £10 billion, £34 million a day featherbed, that is going to be free money that we can spend on the NHS, on schools, on whatever it is."
So in other words, he makes another promise because he could not keep his first one. Except, this time it's ... vague! And of course, he just made a mistake. That changes everything. Hey ... hey! I made a mistake that could damage terribly our nation! But screw it! We can still get a few peanuts out of it. You should also listen to the comment. Do you think there are other things that people will wake up with this morning and find out aren't not gona happen?

This is what you get when you listen to populism and feelings, instead of rational thinking.
Dunno. Seeing a lot of articles documenting people saying they regret voting to leave now that they realized prime minister resigned and sh*t just got real.

That's an incredible display of outmost irresponsability regreating voting something so important hours after the deed, why did you vote for it in the first place? Is British people so childishly irresponsible? What if there was no going back? This is like a little kind wanting something and the second he gets is changing his mind about it, I would dread to think the UK population is as irresponsible like that. What if the voting was about going to war with, say, Russia? Is the public so irresponsible and lacking of conviction. If the UK turns back from this is going to be the joke of the EU. If I were the EU I would be so quick to say "You know what, now it's us who don't want you." Just to see the look on their faces.

It's like all of this was a circus just to say "fuck off, we are Birtain and we are better than you" to the rest of the EU and now "oh, nevermind, we want to go back with you after so much fuss, we just needed to get that out of our system".
Whatever. I don't pretend to have the foresight to know what Britain will be like six months from now, but I'll say that the (very) short-term results of Brexit have been troubling at best, albeit predictable.

Here's hoping at the very least that Boris Johnson doesn't become Prime Minister.

Very much annoyed with Cameron, but at least he's gone now. I was getting very sick of his constant U-turns, of which the Leave vote is only the latest.

As usual, though I dream of an Independent Scotland, the whole point of voting 'no' is that we were not ready to come apart financially. I don't know what'll happen now, but I don't think it'll be good either way.

I don't agree with the results but I think demanding a second referendum and threatening to move and all manners of other things are simply childish.

Apparently, Jeremy Corbyn is getting a lot of support from the younger generations to make some sort of statement or something, which is interesting considering how uncharacteristically quiet about the whole thing he's been.

As for my final opinion, I think it was a bad move. Like it or not, we're still part of Europe and will most likely have to submit to their trade regulations anyway, except that now we have no say in them. The nationalistic argument about Brussels' "laws" over us was negligible for the most part considering that they're either stuff we agreed to, we already had or should've had anyway.
The argument for "a fair democracy" is laughable given the almost incomprehensible system that we have in this country and we've simply traded one unreachable political elite for another. Nothing's changed except that we've pissed a lot of people off.

I'm not going to pretend like I'm a political scientist or even an expert, but I do try to stay informed. That said, ad hominems of any kind (such as accusing someone of being Euroseptic simply to not have to listen to them or dismissing someone for having changed their opinion in the face of a decision that will shape our country's future) are incredibly puerile things to bring to a discussion and opinion pieces on youtube (and they are opinion pieces, seeing as they provide no sources for their claims) do not constitute proof, whatever side they may support.
opinion pieces on youtube (and they are opinion pieces, seeing as they provide no sources for their claims) do not constitute proof, whatever side they may support.
You're right (not on the sources thing of course especially in the case of the first, you're the kinda guy who always asked for the song name despite it being right there in the description aren't you?), opinion piece ARTICLES are the real proof.
It's like all of this was a circus just to say "fuck off, we are Birtain and we are better than you" to the rest of the EU and now "oh, nevermind, we want to go back with you after so much fuss, we just needed to get that out of our system".
It makes sense when you consider that many voters are stupid on both sides of the political spectrum.
Well, what you posted was your opinion, I have looked trough this whole topic again, and I havn't found really any other argument except for "Freedom!" and "more money for us!". And the last one, has been long debunked, by Nigel himself.
I would agree to a second vote only if it's subject to the rest of the EU's approval. If anything to make them think twice about voting about something so important so lightly and then regreating having voted for it because "oh, shit got serious". Like, ok, you are out of the EU now. You want back in? We'll think about it.

Seriously, the UK is now officially the EU's hysterical girlfriend.
Well, what you posted was your opinion, I have looked trough this whole topic again, and I haven't found really any other argument except for "Freedom!" and "more money for us!". And the last one, has been long debunked, by Nigel himself.
1. No, the money thing wasn't debunked if you'd actually read any of my fucking posts in full
2. Fuck it, you win. I'm finished. If you are really so fucking dense that you will just gloss over the 3 entire videos that I've posted without even taking the time to so much as glance at them and also ignore half of everything I post I can't argue with you. You're literally just going to ignore everything I post that disrupts your narrative. Nothing I post will ever get to you, people who actually care about the topic and want to understand the situation in full will look at what I've presented but you, you're a lost cause and I don't have the patience to keep repeating myself anymore. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall.
You're right (not on the sources thing of course especially in the case of the first, you're the kinda guy who always asked for the song name despite it being right there in the description aren't you?), opinion piece ARTICLES are the real proof.

I checked the description for all three of your linked videos and found nothing; I skimmed the Brexit movie (I ain't sitting through an hour of this to find specific moments for sources) and found nothing that wasn't an interview or opinion. I tried to sit through PJW for as long as I could and only found him showing clips of either the Brexit movie or photos of a book he didn't bother to name, so nothing there either.

As for the third video, it's pretty much all opinion.

If I've missed the various points where they actually do mention any sources (preferably unbiased) for their claims, then feel free to link me to them.
Already a fucking mistake, fucking shit:
France has overtaken the UK as the world’s fifth largest economy after the pound plunged to a 31-year low.
The £120 billion that was wiped off the FTSE100 in 10 minutes this morning was enough to have paid EU membership fees for 9 years.
In two hours the UK economy has lost $350 BILLION. That’s equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions.
Short term economic loss for long-term national gain. A nation's ability to control its economy and future is worth far more than 350 billion in the capitalist system.
Yup, now it looks like it is the EU who doesn't want the UK back. Serves them well.

"The EU’s top leaders have said they expect the UK to act on its momentous vote to leave the union “as soon as possible, however painful that process may be” and that there will be “no renegotiation”."

If the EU was a person, and I was the EU, I would do the exact same thing.

A little in-joke for those here from Latin America. The relationship between the UK and the EU represented in a song XD

Some great memes are already spawning


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