EU referendum: Leave Vote

Isn't that fucking wonderful. Thousands lose their jobs, billions are lost, the government destabilises, science is damaged, all so we can say "Independence day!".
As I said I deliberately stay out of politics, but it seems to me that some of the people who voted for this thing don't actually know what it means economically and just voted for it in order to "stick it to those arrogant intellectual experts with their book learnin' thinking they know what's best." In other words, it looks like some politicians decided to ride a wave of anti-intellectualism all the way to the bank on this one.

It would also explain that article where Google says its searches for "What is the EU?" from Britain tripled after the actual vote was over.
As I said I deliberately stay out of politics, but it seems to me that some of the people who voted for this thing don't actually know what it means economically and just voted for it in order to "stick it to those arrogant intellectual experts with their book learnin' thinking they know what's best." In other words, it looks like some politicians decided to ride a wave of anti-intellectualism all the way to the bank on this one.

It would also explain that article where Google says its searches for "What is the EU" from Britain tripled after the actual vote was over.
It was the chavs (white trash) that pushed it over the edge.
Trust me, its not just the Americans that get uneducated white trash:

I am curious though, what are the logical arguments to leave the EU, outside of I want my country/money back (and in this bag!)?
Real changes regarding the Brexit won't take place TWO YEARS from now, all the current turmoil is the result of pure speculation, not of actual changes. All this shows is how vulnerable economy is to speculative interests, rumors and whatnot.
I am curious though, what are the logical arguments to leave the EU, outside of I want my country/money back (and in this bag!)?
You want a logical argument to leave the EU.

Don't ask silly questions
You want a logical argument to leave the EU.
Here, I'll quote someone you might consider listening to... YOURSELF!
Just little over a month ago.

This is an exhortation to any British people on here. Vote Leave on the 23rd June. Restore our country!

1. Freedom to make stronger trade deals with other nations.
2. Freedom to spend UK resources presently through EU membership in the UK to the advantage of our citizens.
3. Freedom to control our national borders.
4. Freedom to restore Britain’s special legal system.
5. Freedom to deregulate the EU’s costly mass of laws.
6. Freedom to make major savings for British consumers.
7. Freedom to improve the British economy and generate more jobs.
8. Freedom to regenerate Britain’s fisheries.
9. Freedom to save the NHS from EU threats to undermine it by harmonising healthcare across the EU, and to reduce welfare payments to non-UK EU citizens.
10. Freedom to restore British customs and traditions.
You want a logical argument to leave the EU.
This is an exhortation to any British people on here. Vote Leave on the 23rd June. Restore our country!

1. Freedom to make stronger trade deals with other nations.
2. Freedom to spend UK resources presently through EU membership in the UK to the advantage of our citizens.
3. Freedom to control our national borders.
4. Freedom to restore Britain’s special legal system.
5. Freedom to deregulate the EU’s costly mass of laws.
6. Freedom to make major savings for British consumers.
7. Freedom to improve the British economy and generate more jobs.
8. Freedom to regenerate Britain’s fisheries.
9. Freedom to save the NHS from EU threats to undermine it by harmonising healthcare across the EU, and to reduce welfare payments to non-UK EU citizens.
10. Freedom to restore British customs and traditions.
Don't worry about me, I was talking shit.
Real changes regarding the Brexit won't take place TWO YEARS from now, all the current turmoil is the result of pure speculation, not of actual changes. All this shows is how vulnerable economy is to speculative interests, rumors and whatnot.
Yeah ... but there must be SOME logical argument to make here? Like, some economical advantages, or influence or what ever, what does the UK gain in 2-3 years or in 10 or 20 or what ever? I am simply curious ... because outside of "We want our nation back!" and "Muslims are bad! They are coming!" I have havn't really heard much. And I am just surprised that you can get 51% of the people voting on something that isn't even clear ...
I mean I can understand a certain sceticism and all that. But ... as said I am simply baffled.
I think that the UK can grow from it... If Scotland and Ireland don't make a single move for the few years it will take. Thing is, it seems unlikely. Scotland clearly doesn't want to leave the EU, and this is a problem that needs to be adressed, fast. The real threat for the future of the kingdom lies there, in my mind.
A petition for a second referendum just passed the 300k mark and that means parliament will have to debate it, a second referendum will be called, and we'll stay!
A petition for a second referendum just passed the 300k mark and that means parliament will have to debate it, a second referendum will be called, and we'll stay!

That would be asinine. Are you really that desperate for state-funded research?